HouLC1033600baa056041fe009a7e597d.startfplayback -i on -r off -f 1 -e on -h on -t on -a on -k on -s 1 tcur 0.66666666666666663 fps 24 tset 0 10 frange 1 240 unitlength 1 unitmass 1 prompt '`strcat(oppwf(), " -> ")`' HouLC1033600ba6056041fe0043eeba05.variablesset -l WEDGE = '' set -l WEDGENUM = '9' set -g ACTIVETAKE = 'Main' set -g E = '2.7182818284590452354' set -g EYE = 'stereo' set -g HIP = 'M:/CG/Prod/Houdini_work/069_WrangleSample' set -g HIPFILE = 'M:/CG/Prod/Houdini_work/069_WrangleSample/WrangleSample_01.hiplc' set -g HIPNAME = 'WrangleSample_01' set -g JOB = 'h:/' set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384' set -g POSE = 'C:/Users/kitagawa-shigeomi@toei-anim/Documents/houdini14.0/poselib' set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'windows-x86_64-cl17' set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Fri Sep 25 01:08:00 2015' set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = '14.0.313' set -g _HIP_SHELFTOOLCOUNT = '5' set -g status = '0' HouLC1033600ba4056041fe00dba55724.aliasesalias cd 'opcf' alias cp 'opcp' alias h 'history' alias hython 'python' alias ls 'opls' alias matramp 'opramp' alias opcd 'opcf' alias oppwd 'oppwf' alias pwd 'oppwf' alias rm 'oprm' HouLC1033600ba1056041fe004309e1eb.takeconfigtakename -g take HouLC1033600ba0056041fe00e36d4a3d.hou.sessionHouLC1033600ba2056041fe0097206736.unselfiledeps$HIP/geo/${HIPNAME}_${OS}_$F.bgeo $HIP/ifds/${HIPNAME}_$F.ifd $HIP/render/DefaultRender $HIP/${OS}_$F.bgeo $HQROOT/houdini_distros/hfs.$HQCLIENTARCH $HQROOT/projects ./sdf$F4.simdata ${OS}_SSS.pc IFD.py `strcat("op:", opfullpath("sky_env_net/sky_env_map"))` HouLC1033600ba0056041fe008029b1f6.OPlibrariesHouLC1033600ba2056041fe006c0e60b2.OPpreferencesHouLC1033600ba0056041fe0075766698.OPfallbacksSop/attribwrangle G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/inttofloat G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/inttofloat otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/mulconst G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/mulconst otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/floattovec G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/floattovec otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/geometryvopoutput G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/geometryvopoutput otls/OPlibVop.hda Sop/color G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/color otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/geometryvopglobal G:/PROGRA~2/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.313/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/geometryvopglobal otls/OPlibVop.hda HouLC1033600ba0056041fe008cfa98ee.OPdummydefsINDX INDEX_SECTION>VSop/attribwrangle>VCVop/inttofloatVC Vop/mulconsttuVCVop/floattovecVCVop/geometryvopoutput%VC Sop/color(P zVCVop/geometryvopglobal4VC attribwrangleAttribute Wrangle*oplib:/Sop/attribwrangle?Sop/attribwrangleSOP_attribwrangleSopV inttofloatInteger to Float$oplib:/Vop/inttofloat?Vop/inttofloatVOP_inttofloatVopvopVOPallVmulconstMultiply Constant oplib:/Vop/mulconst?Vop/mulconst VOP_mulconstVopvopVOPall*V floattovecFloat to Vector$oplib:/Vop/floattovec?Vop/floattovecVOP_floattovecVopvopVOPall*VgeometryvopoutputGeometry VOP Output2oplib:/Vop/geometryvopoutput?Vop/geometryvopoutputVOP_geometryvopoutput.otlVopcvexVcolorColoroplib:/Sop/color?Sop/color SOP_colorSopVgeometryvopglobalGeometry VOP Global Parameters2oplib:/Vop/geometryvopglobal?Vop/geometryvopglobalVOP_geometryvopglobalVopcvexVINDXContents=VC DialogScript=)TDHouLC1033600bb6056041e430f96ba020LIMITED_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!# Dialog script for attribwrangle automatically generated 02/09/15 14:53:40 { name attribwrangle script attribwrangle label "Attribute Wrangle" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Process with Wrangle" inputlabel 2 "Ancillary Input, point(1, ...) to Access" inputlabel 3 "Ancillary Input, point(2, ...) to Access" inputlabel 4 "Ancillary Input, point(3, ...) to Access" group { name "folder0" label "Code" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribvop1 bindgroup" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('grouptype')\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" label "Group Type" type ordinal default { "guess" } menu { "guess" "Guess from Group" "vertices" "Vertices" "edges" "Edges" "points" "Points" "prims" "Primitives" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "class" label "Run Over" type ordinal default { "point" } menu { "detail" "Detail (only once)" "primitive" "Primitives" "point" "Points" "vertex" "Vertices" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "snippet" label "VEXpression" type string default { "" } menureplace { [ "import vexpressionmenu" ] [ "" ] [ "return vexpressionmenu.buildSnippetMenu('attribwrangle/snippet')" ] language python } range { 0 1 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "editor" "1" } parmtag { "editorlang" "VEX" } parmtag { "editorlines" "8-30" } parmtag { "script_action" "import vexpressionmenu\n\nnode = kwargs['node']\nparmname = 'snippet'\n\nvexpressionmenu.createSpareParmsFromChCalls(node, parmname)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Creates spare parameters for each unique call of ch() " } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_create_parm_from_ch" } } parm { name "exportlist" label "Attributes to Create" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_strict" label "Enforce Prototypes" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" label "Autobind by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" label "Attribute Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "bindparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" label "Autobind Groups by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" label "Group Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" label "Evaluation Node Path" type oppath default { "." } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } parm { name "vex_outputmask" label "Export Parameters" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" label "Update Normals If Displaced" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } } } INDX DialogScript`Tշ/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "inttofloat" script "inttofloat" label "inttofloat" code { "$fval = (float)$ival;" } input int ival "Integer Value" output float fval "Float Output" parm { name ival label "Integer Input" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptITշ/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "mulconst" script "mulconst" label "mulconst" code { "$scaled = $val * $mulconst;" } input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Input Value * Constant" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix " m4 { matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } parm { name mulconst label "Multiplier" type float size 1 default { 1.0 } } } INDX DialogScriptTշ/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "floattovec" script "floattovec" label "floattovec" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$vec = vop_floattovec($fval1, $fval2, $fval3);" } input float fval1 "Component 1" input float fval2 "Component 2" input float fval3 "Component 3" output vector vec "Output Vector" VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3, "Component 3", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1_uv, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2_uv, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3_uv, "Component 3", 0) signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "3D Point" p { float float float point } signature "3D Normal" n { float float float normal } signature "RGB Color" c { float float float color } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { ufloat ufloat ufloat uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { ufloat ufloat ufloat upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { ufloat ufloat ufloat unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ufloat ufloat ufloat ucolor } } INDXContents=VC DialogScript="Q!HouLC1033600bb6056041e430f96ba020LIMITED_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopoutput automatically generated 05/16/13 09:54:41 { name geometryvopoutput script geometryvopoutput label "Geometry VOP Output" input vector P P input vector v Velocity input vector force Force input vector Cd Color input vector N Normal inputflags P 0 inputflags v 0 inputflags force 0 inputflags Cd 0 inputflags N 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector vector vector } outputoverrides default { } help { "" } } INDXContents=VC DialogScript= TcӐHouLC1033600bb6056041e430f96ba020LIMITED_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!# Dialog script for color automatically generated 11/12/14 21:39:28 { name color script color label Color help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Color" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l constant group" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('grouptype')\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } bindselector uveditselect "Assign Colors" "Select the geometry to apply colors to and press Enter to complete" 0 1 all 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" label "Group Type" type ordinal default { "guess" } menu { "guess" "Guess from Group" "vertices" "Vertices" "edges" "Edges" "points" "Points" "prims" "Primitives" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000" } } parm { name "class" label "Class" type integer default { "2" } menu { "detail" "Detail" "primitive" "Primitive" "point" "Point" "vertex" "Vertex" } range { 0 10 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000" } } parm { name "colortype" label "Color Type" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Constant" "1" "Bounding Box" "2" "Random" "3" "Ramp from Attribute" "4" "Random from Attribute" } range { 0 10 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000" } } parm { name "color" label "Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } hidewhen "{ colortype != 0 }" range { 0 1 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000" } } parm { name "seed" label "Seed" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ colortype != 2 colortype != 4 }" range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000" } } parm { name "rampattribute" label "Attribute" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ colortype != 3 colortype != 4 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "ramprange" label "Range" type float size 2 default { "0" "1" } hidewhen "{ colortype != 3 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "ramp" label "Attribute Ramp" type ramp_rgb default { "2" } hidewhen "{ colortype != 3 }" range { 1! 10 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "vecramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampcolordefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1c ( 0 0 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2c ( 1 1 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampcolortype" "rgb" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "vecramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "0" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "vecramp_the_key_values" } } } INDXContents=VC DialogScript==QHouLC1033600bb6056041e430f96ba020LIMITED_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopglobal automatically generated 05/22/13 15:13:22 { name geometryvopglobal script geometryvopglobal label "Geometry VOP Global Parameters" output vector P P output vector v Velocity output vector force Force output float life Life output float age Age output int id Id output vector Cd Cd output vector N N output float Time Time output float Timeinc "Time Inc" output float Frame Frame output int ptnum "Point Number" output int primnum "Primitive Number" output int vtxnum "Vertex Number" output int numpt "Number of Points" output int numprim "Number of Prims" output int numvtx "Number of Vertices" output string OpInput1 "First Input" output string OpInput2 "Second Input" output string OpInput3 "Third Input" output string OpInput4 "Fourth Input" signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector float float int vector vector float float float int int int int int int string string string string } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") } help { "" } } HouLC1033600bbd056041fe0093af9ae7expression.func# 0 bytes HouLC1033600ba5056041fe003897b9c4obj.defcomment "" position 5 2 cachesize 1 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1349190027 modify 1443110468 author Scott@saudi access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600ba4056041fe0029ff291eobj.parm{ version 0.8 } HouLC1033600ba0056041fe001274efaaobj.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600ba3056041fe00e4330f8fobj/grid.inittype = geo matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600ba0056041fe00ff470b76obj/grid.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -65.9021 29.5313 cachesize 1 connectornextid 5 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 4 "" "" 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442825026 modify 1443110860 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bbb056041fe0021c3f5d5obj/grid.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher5" label "Transform" parm { name "keeppos" baseparm joinnext export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm export none } parm { name "xOrd" baseparm joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm export none } parm { name "t" baseparm export all } parm { name "r" baseparm export all } parm { name "s" baseparm export none } parm { name "p" baseparm export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm export none } parm { name "up" baseparm export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm export none } } group { name "stdswitcher5_1" label "Material" parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm joinnext export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm export none } } group { name "stdswitcher5_2" label "Render" parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object's geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_computeN" label "Automatically Compute Normals" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher5_3" label "Misc" parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm invisible export none } } HouLC1033600ba3056041fe00b2366b61obj/grid.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_materialpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shop_materialopts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_shadeopen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_displayassubdiv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) stdswitcher5 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) vm_rendervisibility [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_rendersubd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_subdstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra_catclark ) vm_subdgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) reflectmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) refractmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_volumefilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) vm_volumefilterwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rayshade [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_velocityblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_shadingquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_flatness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) vm_raypredice [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_curvesurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rmbackface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shop_geometrypath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_forcegeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_renderpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_renderpointsas [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_usenforpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pointscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_pscalediameter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_metavolume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_coving [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_materialoverride [ 0 locks=0 ] ( compact ) vm_computeN [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_overridedetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600bbf056041fe0006c7557dobj/grid.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bb6056041fe00f71e8a7aobj/grid/delete.netboxinit2 2 { color := "UT_Color RGB 1 0.8 0.8 "; height := 4.6652513681650163; width := 5.6793401356697082; y_position := -4.6937555372714996; minimized := 0; x_position := -6.2938679754734039; } { create 1443110737 modify 1443110747 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } HouLC1033600bb6056041fe0033619c0aobj/grid/create.netboxinit2 2 { color := "UT_Color RGB 0.4 1 1 "; height := 6.0381184755563737; width := 6.4286520596504211; y_position := -5.8059829771518707; minimized := 0; x_position := -15.700819402933121; } { create 1443110839 modify 1443110860 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } HouLC1033600bb7056041fe00a4379019obj/grid/group.netboxinit2 2 { color := "UT_Color RGB 1 1 0.8 "; height := 5.0257412134408952; width := 4.6474306698799133; y_position := -5.2215168818700786; minimized := 0; x_position := -23.996204588042445; } { create 1443110844 modify 1443110854 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } HouLC1033600b89056041fe00645c23c8obj/grid/delPrim_attribwrangle.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b8e056041fe009fde2c5dobj/grid/delPrim_attribwrangle.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -2.14413 -4.29376 cachesize 1 connectornextid 18 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 5 box1 1 1 "input1" 15 "" "" 1 "input2" 16 "" "" 1 "input3" 17 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 box1 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442825718 modify 1443110729 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b89056041fe0018abf9a7obj/grid/delPrim_attribwrangle.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "primitive" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "for ( int i=0; i<@numprim; i++){ if (@primnum%2==1){ removeprim(geoself(), @primnum, 1); } }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600b8b056041fe00224ffed4obj/grid/delPrim_attribwrangle.netboxdelete HouLC1033600b85056041fe003b643dc4obj/grid/delPrim_attribwrangle.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600b88056041fe000ceb705dobj/grid/delPoint_attribwrangle.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b89056041fe00eb467db5obj/grid/delPoint_attribwrangle.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -5.89387 -4.29376 cachesize 1 connectornextid 14 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 box1 1 1 "input1" 11 "" "" 1 "input2" 12 "" "" 1 "input3" 13 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 box1 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442827112 modify 1443110764 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b88056041fe00d547b105obj/grid/delPoint_attribwrangle.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "point" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( " for ( int i=0; i<@numpt; i++){ if (@primnum%5==1){ removepoint(geoself(),@ptnum); } }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600b8a056041fe00bb53c1d4obj/grid/delPoint_attribwrangle.netboxdelete HouLC1033600b84056041fe00e1471307obj/grid/delPoint_attribwrangle.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600b89056041fe00f8464acaobj/grid/addPoint_pointwrangle.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b8e056041fe00a3c01e00obj/grid/addPoint_pointwrangle.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -10.8018 -4.18941 cachesize 1 connectornextid 21 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 17 "" "" 1 "input1" 18 "" "" 1 "input2" 19 "" "" 1 "input3" 20 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442827587 modify 1443110835 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b89056041fe00e64303b8obj/grid/addPoint_pointwrangle.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "detail" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "vector pos = {0,0,0}; addpoint(geoself(), pos);" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600b8b056041fe00589dc4acobj/grid/addPoint_pointwrangle.netboxcreate HouLC1033600b85056041fe00a6e19867obj/grid/addPoint_pointwrangle.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600b8c056041fe001e643c93obj/grid/attribwrangle_line.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b8d056041fe00bb8ce3fcobj/grid/attribwrangle_line.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -13.018 -4.93003 cachesize 1 connectornextid 14 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 scatter1 1 1 "input1" 11 "" "" 1 "input2" 12 "" "" 1 "input3" 13 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 scatter1 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442828996 modify 1443110807 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b8c056041fe00180a641eobj/grid/attribwrangle_line.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "detail" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "int prim = addprim(geoself(), \"polyline\"); for(int i=0; i<@numpt; i++){ addvertex(geoself(), prim, i); }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600b8e056041fe009149452eobj/grid/attribwrangle_line.netboxcreate HouLC1033600b88056041fe00d223f540obj/grid/attribwrangle_line.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600b8c056041fe006d89cde4obj/grid/attribwrangle_prim.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b8d056041fe0006ff6885obj/grid/attribwrangle_prim.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -14.9038 -5.02267 cachesize 1 connectornextid 17 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 sort1 1 1 "input1" 14 "" "" 1 "input2" 15 "" "" 1 "input3" 16 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 sort1 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442828996 modify 1443110874 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b8c056041fe00d37c0667obj/grid/attribwrangle_prim.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "detail" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "int faceNum = 3; for(int j=0; j<@numpt; j=j+faceNum){ int prim = addprim(geoself(), \"poly\"); for(int i=j; i0){ setpointgroup(geoself(), gpName, @ptnum, 1 ,\"set\"); } }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600b8e056041fe00fbc66e82obj/grid/group_pointwrangle.netboxgroup HouLC1033600b88056041fe001418c5f5obj/grid/group_pointwrangle.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600bb8056041fe00b53866f4obj/grid/color1.inittype = color matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600bb9056041fe00d22dbb2bobj/grid/color1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -20.8784 -4.82152 cachesize 1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 group_pointwrangle 4 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 group_pointwrangle 0 1 } stat { create 1442902621 modify 1443110845 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bb8056041fe000096829cobj/grid/color1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( testGroup ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) colortype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 0 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) rampattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ramprange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) ramp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ramp1c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) ramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) ramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ramp2c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) ramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) } HouLC1033600bba056041fe00cd987f80obj/grid/color1.netboxgroup HouLC1033600bb4056041fe00a43d8b8aobj/grid/color1.userdata ___toolid___ sop_color___toolcount___2 ___Version___HouLC1033600b89056041fe00becd6c5dobj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600b8e056041fe000400d895obj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -23.5962 -3.53075 cachesize 1 connectornextid 8 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 4 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 grid1 0 1 "input1" 5 "" "" 1 "input2" 6 "" "" 1 "input3" 7 "" "" 1 "input4" } inputs { 0 grid1 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442995375 modify 1443110845 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600b81056041fe006d74b82fobj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.spareparmdef group { name "folder1" label "Code" parm { name "group" baseparm export none bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" baseparm export none } parm { name "class" baseparm export none } parm { name "snippet" baseparm export all } parm { name "exportlist" baseparm export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm export none } } group { name "folder1_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" baseparm export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm export none } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm export none } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm export none } } parm { name "threshold" label "Threshold" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } export none } HouLC1033600b89056041fe0038b76c38obj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "point" ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "if(@ptnum > chi('threshold')){ i@group_mygroup=1; }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) folder1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) threshold [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 50 ) } HouLC1033600b8b056041fe00d0312162obj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.netboxgroup HouLC1033600b85056041fe000a955924obj/grid/group_pointwrangle_02.userdata ___Version___HouLC1033600bb8056041fe0043c5b779obj/grid/color2.inittype = color matchesdef = 1 HouLC1033600bb9056041fe0070f259d6obj/grid/color2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -23.5962 -4.61035 cachesize 1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 group_pointwrangle_02 4 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 group_pointwrangle_02 0 1 } stat { create 1442995555 modify 1443110845 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bb8056041fe00a09b891eobj/grid/color2.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mygroup ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) colortype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) color [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 0 0 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) rampattribute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) ramprange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) ramp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) ramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) ramp1c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) ramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) ramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) ramp2c [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) ramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "linear" ) } HouLC1033600bba056041fe0063af0d41obj/grid/color2.netboxgroup HouLC1033600bb4056041fe001d93628aobj/grid/color2.userdata ___Version______toolcount___2 ___toolid___ sop_colorHouLC1033600ba5056041fe0006d0ac5cvex.defcomment "" position 5.5 2.5 cachesize 1 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1349190027 modify 1349190028 author Scott@saudi access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600ba4056041fe005af56f87vex.parm{ version 0.8 } HouLC1033600ba0056041fe0084719914vex.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bbe056041fe00bcad2494obj/grid/box1.inittype = box matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbf056041fe007fd260ffobj/grid/box1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -4.35386 -1.31092 cachesize 1 connectornextid 5 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 4 "" "" 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442826721 modify 1443110729 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bbe056041fe0068e687f1obj/grid/box1.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "polymesh" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) consolidatepts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) divrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) orderrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) dodivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 3 3 ) rebar [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) orientedbbox [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vertexnormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600bb8056041fe00d0ee7643obj/grid/box1.netboxdelete HouLC1033600bba056041fe005c1faebeobj/grid/box1.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bbe056041fe00ede5f94dobj/grid/box2.inittype = box matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbf056041fe00a02a9f5aobj/grid/box2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -14.1702 -1.05028 cachesize 1 connectornextid 5 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 4 "" "" 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442829042 modify 1443110800 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bbe056041fe007f5f1fa3obj/grid/box2.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) consolidatepts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) divrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) orderrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) dodivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 3 3 ) rebar [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) orientedbbox [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vertexnormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600bb8056041fe007a6808acobj/grid/box2.netboxcreate HouLC1033600bba056041fe00696015e3obj/grid/box2.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bba056041fe000835376cobj/grid/scatter1.inittype = scatter::2.0 matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbb056041fe00f175492dobj/grid/scatter1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -14.1702 -2.23616 cachesize 1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 box2 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 box2 0 1 } stat { create 1442829076 modify 1443110800 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bba056041fe00b8882c73obj/grid/scatter1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) generateby [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "bydensity" ) densityscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) usedensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) densityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useareaattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) areaattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( area ) forcetotal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) npts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) usedensitytexture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) densitytexture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( default.pic ) primcountattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( count ) useemergencylimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) emergencylimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1000000 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) overrideprimseed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primseedattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( primid ) randomizeorder [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) relaxpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) relaxiterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) scaleradiiby [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) usemaxradius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) maxradius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) useprimnumattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primnumattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( sourceprim ) useprimuvwattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primuvwattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( sourceprimuv ) useoutputdensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputdensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useoutputradiusattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputradiusattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( pscale ) radiusintexturespace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) pointattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vertattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) primattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) detailattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } HouLC1033600bb4056041fe0085e1d4efobj/grid/scatter1.netboxcreate HouLC1033600bb6056041fe00ba6f0a4aobj/grid/scatter1.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bbe056041fe00345d09ebobj/grid/box3.inittype = box matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbf056041fe004537ba07obj/grid/box3.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -20.9046 -1.47819 cachesize 1 connectornextid 6 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 5 "" "" 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1442829042 modify 1443110845 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bbe056041fe00e10df08bobj/grid/box3.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) consolidatepts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) divrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) orderrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) dodivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 3 3 ) rebar [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) orientedbbox [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vertexnormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } HouLC1033600bb8056041fe004bbc210fobj/grid/box3.netboxgroup HouLC1033600bba056041fe002a532f90obj/grid/box3.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bba056041fe0052dff879obj/grid/scatter2.inittype = scatter::2.0 matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbb056041fe00fb15b4abobj/grid/scatter2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -20.9046 -2.62341 cachesize 1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 box3 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 box3 0 1 } stat { create 1442829076 modify 1443110845 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600bba056041fe009ea6f225obj/grid/scatter2.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) generateby [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "bydensity" ) densityscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) usedensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) densityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useareaattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) areaattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( area ) forcetotal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) npts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 21 ) usedensitytexture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) densitytexture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( default.pic ) primcountattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( count ) useemergencylimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) emergencylimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1000000 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) overrideprimseed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primseedattrib [ 8 locks=0 ] ( primid ) randomizeorder [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) relaxpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) relaxiterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) scaleradiiby [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) usemaxradius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) maxradius [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) useprimnumattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primnumattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( sourceprim ) useprimuvwattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) primuvwattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( sourceprimuv ) useoutputdensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputdensityattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useoutputradiusattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputradiusattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( pscale ) radiusintexturespace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) pointattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vertattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) primattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) detailattribs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } HouLC1033600bb4056041fe00e02f1ceeobj/grid/scatter2.netboxgroup HouLC1033600bb6056041fe005eb615f1obj/grid/scatter2.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600bb9056041fe00d775a913obj/grid/sort1.inittype = sort matchesdef = 0 HouLC1033600bbe056041fe002fbc6378obj/grid/sort1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -15.3008 -3.55061 cachesize 1 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 scatter1 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 scatter1 0 1 } stat { create 1442830226 modify 1443110809 author kitagawa-shigeomi@cgshx13.toei-anime.local access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 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inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1349190027 modify 1349190028 author Scott@saudi access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600ba5056041fe0008c4757bch.parm{ version 0.8 } HouLC1033600ba1056041fe0064685c3cch.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600baa056041fe001e49fb68ch.net1 HouLC1033600ba4056041fe0076989a63shop.defcomment "" position 5 3 cachesize 1 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1349190027 modify 1351541559 author Scott@saudi access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600ba7056041fe002c7d5db5shop.parm{ version 0.8 } HouLC1033600ba3056041fe00240584c2shop.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600ba4056041fe00ca38512fshop.net1 HouLC1033600ba5056041fe00c132d204img.defcomment "" position 4.5 2.5 cachesize 1 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1349190027 modify 1351094730 author Scott@saudi access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end HouLC1033600ba4056041fe000c04e9b6img.parm{ version 0.8 } HouLC1033600ba0056041fe00c0f67cc3img.userdata ___Version___14.0.313HouLC1033600ba5056041fe00e8f4ceb3img.net1 HouLC1033600ba5056041fe003d423678vex.net1 HouLC1033600bbb056041fe0050fced75.scenefilevisualizersHouLC1033600ba0056041fe00baba0e6e.applicationneteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/solver1 -3.2352 2.25879 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d/s -3.4812 -6.60219 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v 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1.000000 -v /obj/curve_object2 -4.25285 -1.74115 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object2 -3.6352 -6.42736 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/source_surface_from_sphere_object1 15.8244 -19.663 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo3 -5.81791 -3.54695 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/REN_env_sphere -6.42344 -1.92938 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/vopsop1 3.5808 2.5316 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/masklin1 -4.37637 -4.27644 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/particlefluidsolver2 -8.12305 -8.40343 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/vopnet1 0 0 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/subnet1/Body -10.629 2.38879 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornAnimator/vopsop1 -6.57727 1.89615 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/glue_piece0_to_piece99 -3.66461 -1.61762 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/hose1 -5.32344 -2.2762 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/spotlight1 1.35207 -28.4505 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid_object1/popnet1/voppop1 -8.25043 -1.05222 0.694445 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/comp1 -3.51281 -6.09878 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/REN_character -4.98672 -2.77867 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/box_object1 -11.0625 -1.84948 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/import_whitewater -8.54301 -4.24133 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/REN_fluid -4.79991 -1.9235 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/sphere_object1/popnet1 -2.12339 -4.12179 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo1 -5.97501 -15.2522 0.482254 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/curve_object1 -1.41118 -2.2099 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow/PumpkinHead -2.9 0.835581 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid/vopsop1 0.300094 1.37072 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/particlefluidobject1/particlefluidconfigureobject -2.59091 -0.835985 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo2 -11.8363 -12.7463 0.370728 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/vopmaterial1 -11.5362 -2.57335 0.578705 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo4 -3.90579 -2.04115 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/test_character -4.02344 -2.28821 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/Ground -6.80587 -1.15888 0.833332 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/fractureparms -3.73498 -0.934212 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/img2 -0.352941 -0.976471 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/volumerasterizepoints1 -2.41317 2.76294 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/target -6.36226 -2.14373 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/vopmaterial2 4.73469 -0.0469419 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop3 -10.2172 2.44784 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d/s/vopsop2 5.58067 -2.21978 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/tube_object1 -10.3268 1.61452 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/mantrasurface 9.85835 -3.52992 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/cam2 -3.50814 -1.25879 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornRowsInstances -8.20831 -2.53885 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork -7.1816 -0.138565 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Column -16.84 -1.01276 0.466564 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object1/fluidsource1/volume_noise 1.08779 -0.497817 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/subnet1/grid -1.43096 -1.8135 0.966771 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/import_pyro_build -4.55727 -4.2377 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_sim/whitewater_replicate -1.09594 1.84653 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo1/vopsop2 1.43967 0.31483 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/img2/vopcop2filter1 -3.52932 -0.323418 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/surfacemodel/illuminance1 0.208918 -0.357102 1.44 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornFieldInstancer/vopsop1 -0.670702 -4.39151 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object1/fluidsource1/add_noise_scalar/volumevopoutput1 -6.23018 -2.63747 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/shrek_7_meter_stick -4.78473 -5.33924 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Body -7.68019 -0.515767 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/box -3.54108 -1.97644 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/sphere_object1/vopsop1 5.22246 2.53254 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/popnet1 -0.494122 0.758828 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/RealWorld_7foot_box -4.02344 -3.23331 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /ch 0 0 0.85 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/rbdpinconstraint1 -20.0203 -4.23721 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid_object1/voronoifracture1 2.24795 25.4617 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/ropnet1 -0.0588235 3.02353 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder -21.8483 -32.4767 0.833336 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/fluidtank_initial/fluidtank -2.02932 -4.48222 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornFieldInstancer/vopsop2 -0.101054 0.659107 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Cloak -1.98281 1.27501 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/arealight1 0.428538 -29.0975 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo1/vopsop1 -8.55864 -0.0300437 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /out/Mantra -1.93393 -2.58734 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/fluidtank_initial -3.02932 -1.61762 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_sim -12.0958 1.35868 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo3/vopsop1 1.17 -0.33482 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/material1 -4.91167 -1.81173 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris 3.34284 -16.9341 0.401878 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object1/fluidsource1/add_noise_scalar 0.858826 0.868497 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /out -43.8802 -2.29949 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/solver1/d/s/vopsop1/if1 -0.717553 -1.23525 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/solver1/d/s/vopsop1/if2 -0.717553 -1.23525 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornRow -3.38814 -12.4556 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow1 -4.29788 -1.07167 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/ipr_camera -5.50226 -0.64703 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow3 -4.59445 1.16664 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow5 -1.93891 0.672053 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow6 -6.40183 -2.49306 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/ground -1.68232 -3.71205 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d -3.18823 -2.02353 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_source -8.06405 -2.95396 0.694445 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid -28.1296 -12.9222 0.414443 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/LightInstance/vopsop1 -1.36461 2.33347 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/subnet1 -3.29902 1.4115 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/shrek -3.31755 -2.27644 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/LightInstance -6.96048 -8.29144 0.578703 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d/s/vopsop1 -2.82001 0.0984247 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/masklin -3.64696 -4.5235 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid_object1/Pull -4.89501 0.427513 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d/s/vopsop2/if1 -2.1152 -1.59761 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/temp_flower -2.09981 -2.77647 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/glue_piece0_to_piece9 -4.16461 -2.22938 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/a_world_scale_chars -4.74357 -6.56878 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop6 -2.38634 -2.65491 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop7 -4.93727 -2.73071 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/REN_particle_fluid -3.77735 -2.19965 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object1/fluidsource1 -5.80957 -11.3996 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow3/grid -2.2572 -1.54498 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/solver1/d/s/vopsop2/if2 -1.68814 -1.75056 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop4 3.75832 -0.71173 0.833334 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /part 0 0 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/a_world_scale1 -4.29991 -0.6235 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem 0.28362 -12.5181 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid/pointvop1 1.08699 1.45307 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/dopnet1/popsource1 -2.02932 3.12938 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/img1 1.12935 -4.33326 0.887515 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/particle_fluid/externalpopnet -5.08814 -1.9235 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornAnimator -14.5959 -5.59734 0.334898 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/sphere_object1 -4.22344 -1.61762 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_sim/whitewatersolver1/fetch_vel 2.47322 -4.87651 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/solver1/d/s -1.42167 -6.32476 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow6/PumpkinHead -2.10569 -1.8233 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid_object1/vopsop2 -4.21335 0.750907 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img -0.94081 -0.116869 0.833332 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/ColumnModel -16.2825 2.65616 0.334898 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo2/vopsop1 8.17652 0.916916 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_sim/whitewater_replicate/sopsolver1 -0.31332 -25.2342 0.578703 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/dopnet1 -5.80684 -0.291176 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/voplight1 0.187685 0.643087 2.0736 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornRowsInstances/vopsop1 0.241149 -2.33013 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/7_meter_stick -4.66944 -3.05688 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/FindNearbyObjects1 -13.9087 -1.39061 0.401877 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/instance2 -11.2634 -6.93703 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/HangingLamps 1.81528 1.4089 0.833336 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/particle_fluid -5.84619 -0.636517 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornAnimator/vopsop2 -0.932658 1.15045 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop5 -12.7073 3.62812 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/LookatPath -6.83482 -14.9093 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/vopsop1 1.28238 -0.252768 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/meter_stick -4.33062 -3.94512 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/LightPoles -5.99069 -4.7478 0.482253 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo2/vopsop2 -2.53709 -1.36457 1.728 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoFractureDebris/vopsop2 0.869037 1.38672 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid_object1/vopsop1 4.66594 1.41577 1.44 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_source/whitewatersource1 -2.02936 2.12198 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornBuilder/vopsop8 -18.177 3.88497 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow -0.716187 1.02221 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CornFieldInstancer -1.73505 -6.1061 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /shop/surfacemodel -6.98964 0.773796 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/Textures/vopcop2filter1 -0.327247 -0.0438475 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/hose_fluid -2.59091 -0.835985 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Rock1 -3.17638 -2.45879 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/CamPath -4.98744 -13.268 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/dopnet1/popsource1/sopsolver1 -1.43542 -20.3919 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo2/vopsop3 -13.4231 1.23761 0.578704 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/particlefluidobject1 -3.10837 -0.122949 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Rock2 -3.17638 -2.45879 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/ControlCurve -3.04108 -1.74115 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/whitewater_sim/whitewatersolver1 -6.55613 -15.251 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/DebrisSystem/popnet2 2.77232 -1.4138 0.694445 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/fluidtank_fluid -5.97681 -2.50307 0.694444 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/hose -5.90343 5.45297 0.833333 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid/attribwrangle1 -2.54696 2.80585 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/torus_object1 -3.02932 -1.61762 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/grid/attribwrangle3 -2.54696 2.80585 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/AutoDopNetwork/grid_object1 -8.38338 0.604882 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj -69.1208 26.2231 0.833334 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /img/img1/vopcop2filter1 -0.044722 3.3696 1.2 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/Scarecrow/geo1 -3.77638 -1.74115 1 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/instance1 -8.77507 -6.30417 0.833332 panetab7 neteditor -d Build -b 0 -l 0 -f '' -q 1.000000 -v /obj/geo2/vopsop4 -0.851906 0.649312 0.833333 panetab7 performance -c on -d on -f on -g off -k on -m off -n on -o on -t off -v on -y on -u on -e off -r absolute -w tree panetab12 chopview -a 0 -c "" -k 1 -m 1 -b 1 -e 1 -f 0 -g 0 -H 1 -i 0 -j 1 -l 0 -n 1 -V 1 -y 0 -B 0 -s 0 -S 0.5 -u 0 -v 0 -h -10 310 -r -1.5 1.5 Build.panetab13 imgview -p '(' none -z 1 ')' 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgdispopt -m 10 -P on -M off -A on -g 2.2 -G "C Left Right" -B 1 -v split -V 2 2 -d h -a off -i 2 -b 0 0 0 -o "" -h on -H on -c 0.8 0.8 0.8 -C 1 1 1 -S 0.8 0.8 0.8 -R 6 -F dc -D "" -I "" -f "" -s off -r 256 256 -p on -l off -t on imgview -z 1 -p (none) 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 1 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 3 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 4 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 5 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 6 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 7 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 8 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 9 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 10 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 11 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 12 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 13 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 14 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 15 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 16 imgviewtime -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -r 24 -u fr -g 0 -f on -e on -b on -d imgview2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 1 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 3 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 4 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 5 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 6 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 7 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 8 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 9 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 10 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 11 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 12 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 13 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 14 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 15 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 16 viewerstow -b open -x open -l open -m hide -c hide -d open Build.panetab1.world vieweroption -a 0 -h 0 -m 1 -r 'View: Mantra' Build.panetab1.world viewergrouplist -g off -s 0 0 -c on -t matchselect -m '*' -e on Build.panetab1.world viewlayout -s 2 Build.panetab1.world viewerinspect Build.panetab1.world mode ( objects ) object_properties ( ) prim_properties ( ) enable ( 0 ) magnify ( 1 ) viewtype -t perspective Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewtype -t ortho_top Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewtype -t ortho_front Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewtype -t ortho_right Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l on -n aaaa3 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l on -n aaaa2 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l on -n aaaa1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l on -n aaaa0 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l off -n persp1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l off -n top1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l off -n front1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l off -n right1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m on always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -c on -K on -P points -p 10 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispopts -a on -c 1 -g on -s on -w 0.1 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -c on -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.1 -W off -x 0.8 0.8 0.8 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.8 0.8 0.8 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.persp1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fx ) orthowidth ( 1.30679 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 2169.57 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0.0132196 -0.0328478 25.5483 ) pxyz ( 0.0132196 -0.0328478 -0.00363221 ) rotation ( -0.362004 0.265584 -0.893542 9.19279e-008 0.958555 0.284908 0.932178 0.103138 -0.347001 ) homedistance ( 2.20489 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 1.30679 ) homeorthowidth ( 1.30679 ) homeradius ( 2.16736 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) viewcamera -c '' Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.1 0.1 -r 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewuvgrid -r off -s 0.1 0.1 -P on -S 1 1 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m on always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -c on -K on -P points -p 10 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispopts -a on -c 1 -g on -s on -w 0.1 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.top1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -c on -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.1 -W off -x 0.8 0.8 0.8 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.8 0.8 0.8 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.top1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1.19209e-007 1 0 -1 1.19209e-007 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.5 0.5 -r 8 8 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m on always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -c on -K on -P points -p 10 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispopts -a on -c 1 -g on -s on -w 0.1 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.front1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -c on -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.1 -W off -x 0.8 0.8 0.8 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.8 0.8 0.8 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.front1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.5 0.5 -r 8 8 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m on always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -c on -K on -P points -p 10 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispopts -a on -c 1 -g on -s on -w 0.1 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.right1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -c on -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.1 -W off -x 0.8 0.8 0.8 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.8 0.8 0.8 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.right1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 6.12323e-017 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 6.12323e-017 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.5 0.5 -r 8 8 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewsnapshotoption -s off -h off -a 1 -v '*' Build.panetab1.world cplane -o -2 0 -2 -n 2.98023e-008 1 5.96046e-008 -x 0 0 1 -l n -s 0.1 0.1 -c 40 40 -r 10 10 -d on Build.panetab1.world glcache -t 614 -v 2457 omparm "Grid Columns" hudintslider /obj/grid/grid1 "hudx(60) hudy(51) hudw(170) hudh(16) hudnameside(3) hudvalueside(2) hudharbourname('AutoHarbour_0000000012DD32E0_56025D55') hudharbourx(60) hudharboury(51) hudslipx(-1) hudslipy(-1) hudlocked(0) hudrangelow(1) hudrangehigh(50) hudlocklow(1) hudlockhigh(0)" omparm "Grid Rows" hudintslider /obj/grid/grid1 "hudx(60) hudy(67) hudw(170) hudh(16) hudnameside(3) hudvalueside(2) hudharbourname('AutoHarbour_0000000012DD0480_56025D55') hudharbourx(60) hudharboury(67) hudslipx(-1) hudslipy(-1) hudlocked(0) hudrangelow(1) hudrangehigh(50) hudlocklow(1) hudlockhigh(0)" panepath -d Build -f -p panetab1 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab2 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab3 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab4 /img/comp1/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab13 /ch/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab11 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab5 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab6 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab12 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab7 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab8 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab9 /obj/grid/box3 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab10 /obj desk set Build viewupdate -u always audiopanel -s p '' audiopanel -s r on audiopanel -s s 1 audiopanel -s f 45 audiopanel -t p stop audiopanel -t l off audiopanel -t r on audiopanel -o m off audiopanel -o t on audiopanel -o u on audiopanel -o l 1 audiopanel -o r 1 audiopanel -o d 0 audiopanel -r d 0.2 audiopanel -m 0 audiopanel -a '' audiopanel -f 1 audiopanel -O 0 colorsettings -D -A -g 2.2 -l "" -p -s -v -i -r -c -f compproject -r 640 480 -a 1 -d i8 -p 0 255 -P full -f 0 -F 0 -l on texcache -a off -r 2147483647 2147483647 -m 10000 -M 8186 shopvisible +OGL +OGL2 +I3D +VMantra +RIB HouLC1033600baa056041fe00bf442759.takesHoudiniTakeFile 1.0 take name Main kids 0 e HouLC1033600ba8056041fe0024f702c4.cwdopcf / takeset Main HouLC1033600bb6056041fe00f96ba020LIMITED_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!