0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500000700000000237.startfplayback -i on -r off -f 1 -e on -h on -t on -a on -k on -s 1 tcur 0 fps 24 tset 0 10 frange 1 240 unitlength 1 unitmass 1 prompt '`strcat(oppwf(), " -> ")`' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001300000001101.variablesset -g E = '2.7182818284590452354' set -g EYE = 'stereo' set -g HIP = 'Z:/CloudStation/Prod/Houidni_work/006_Hexagon/hip/Sample' set -g HIPFILE = 'Z:/CloudStation/Prod/Houidni_work/006_Hexagon/hip/Sample/HexiagonMeshF.hip' set -g HIPNAME = 'HexiagonMeshF' set -g JOB = 'C:/Users/personal' set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384' set -g POSE = 'C:/Users/personal/Documents/houdini16.5/poselib' set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'Windows 10.0.10586' set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Wed Dec 20 00:06:21 2017' set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = '16.5.290' set -g _HIP_SHELFTOOLCOUNT = '0' set -g status = '0' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000310.aliasesalias bye 'quit' alias cd 'opcf' alias cp 'opcp' alias h 'history' alias hython 'python' alias ls 'opls' alias matramp 'opramp' alias opcd 'opcf' alias oppwd 'oppwf' alias pwd 'oppwf' alias rm 'oprm' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001400000000021.takeconfigtakename -g take 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000000.hou.session0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000000.OPlibraries0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001700000000000.OPpreferences0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000005066.OPfallbacksVop/addattrib C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/addattrib otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/addgroup C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/addgroup otls/OPlibScripted.hda Sop/attribdelete C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribdelete otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/bias C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/bias otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/clamp C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/clamp otls/OPlibScripted.hda Sop/clean C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/clean otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/explodedview C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/explodedview otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/importattrib C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/importattrib otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/inttofloat C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/inttofloat otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/isnan C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/isnan otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/length C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/length otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/mulconst C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/mulconst otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/negate C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/negate otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/neighbour C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/neighbour otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/neighbourcount C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/neighbourcount otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/random C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/random otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/turbnoise C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/turbnoise otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/twoway C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/twoway otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/vectofloat C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/vectofloat otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/volumesample C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/volumesample otls/OPlibScripted.hda Sop/voronoifracture C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/voronoifracture otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/voronoise C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/voronoise otls/OPlibScripted.hda 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000176546.OPdummydefsINDX INDEX_SECTION Z9*houdini.hdalibrary Z9* Vop/addattrib Z9* Vop/addgroup3Z9*Sop/attribdeleteZ9*Sop/attribwrangleZ9*Vop/bias5.Z9* Vop/clamp= +Z9* Sop/cleanG Z9*Sop/explodedviewQZ9*Vop/importattribZ]Z9*Vop/inttofloat` Z9* Vop/isnanbpZ9* Vop/lengtheAZ9* Vop/mulconstjIZ9* Vop/negatep Z9* Vop/neighbourtZ9*Vop/neighbourcountxfZ9* Vop/random| jZ9* Vop/turbnoises OZ9* Vop/twowayZ9*Vop/vectofloat{0Z9*Vop/volumesampleZ9*Sop/voronoifracture9Z9* Vop/voronoise Z9* addattrib Add Attribute"oplib:/Vop/addattrib?Vop/addattrib VOP_addattribVopvopVOPallsop popZ9*addgroupAdd Point to Group oplib:/Vop/addgroup?Vop/addgroup VOP_addgroupVopvopVOPallsop popZ9* attribdeleteAttribute Delete(oplib:/Sop/attribdelete?Sop/attribdeleteSOP_attribdeleteSopZ9* attribwrangleAttribute Wrangle*oplib:/Sop/attribwrangle?Sop/attribwrangleSOP_attribwrangleSopZ9*biasBiasoplib:/Vop/bias?Vop/biasVOP_biasVopvopVOPallZ9*clampClampoplib:/Vop/clamp?Vop/clamp VOP_clampVopvopVOPall*Z9*cleanCleanoplib:/Sop/clean?Sop/clean SOP_cleanSopsubnetSUBsopZ9* explodedview Exploded View(oplib:/Sop/explodedview?Sop/explodedviewSOP_explodedviewSopZ9* importattribImport Attribute(oplib:/Vop/importattrib?Vop/importattribVOP_importattribVopvopVOPallsop popZ9* inttofloatInteger to Float$oplib:/Vop/inttofloat?Vop/inttofloatVOP_inttofloatVopvopVOPallZ9*isnanIs NaNoplib:/Vop/isnan?Vop/isnan VOP_isnanVopvopVOPall*Z9*lengthLengthoplib:/Vop/length?Vop/length VOP_lengthVopvopVOPall*Z9*mulconstMultiply Constant oplib:/Vop/mulconst?Vop/mulconst VOP_mulconstVopvopVOPall*Z9*negateNegateoplib:/Vop/negate?Vop/negate VOP_negateVopvopVOPall*Z9* neighbour Neighbour"oplib:/Vop/neighbour?Vop/neighbour VOP_neighbourVopvopVOPallZ9*neighbourcountNeighbour Count,oplib:/Vop/neighbourcount?Vop/neighbourcountVOP_neighbourcountVopvopVOPallZ9*randomRandomoplib:/Vop/random?Vop/random VOP_randomVopvopVOPall*Z9* turbnoiseTurbulent Noise"oplib:/Vop/turbnoise?Vop/turbnoise VOP_turbnoiseVopvopVOPallZ9*twowayTwo Way Switchoplib:/Vop/twoway?Vop/twoway VOP_twowayVopvopVOPall*Z9* vectofloatVector to Float$oplib:/Vop/vectofloat?Vop/vectofloatVOP_vectofloatVopvopVOPall*Z9* volumesample Volume Sample(oplib:/Vop/volumesample?Vop/volumesampleVOP_volumesampleVopvopVOPallZ9*voronoifractureVoronoi Fracture.oplib:/Sop/voronoifracture?Sop/voronoifractureSOP_voronoifractureSopZ9* voronoise Voronoi Noise"oplib:/Vop/voronoise?Vop/voronoise VOP_voronoiseVopvopVOPall*Z9*INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "addattrib" script "addattrib" label "addattrib" code { "$newadata = $adata;" "addattribute($attrib, $newadata, \"type\", $typemodifier);" "if ($localvar != \"\")" " addvariablename($attrib, $localvar);" } forcecode input string attrib "Attribute Name" input vector adata "Attribute Value" input string localvar "Local Variable Name" output vector newadata "Attribute Value" signature "Float Attribute" f { string float string float } signature "Integer Attribute" i { string int string int } signature "Vector Attribute" default { } signature "Vector4 Attribute" v4 { string vector4 string vector4 } signature "Matrix3 Attribute" m3 { string matrix3 string matrix3 } signature "Matrix Attribute" m { string matrix string matrix } parm { name attrib label "Attribute" type string default { "Cd" } } parm { name localvar label "Local Variable Name" type string default { "" } } parm { name adata_f label "Data Float" type float size 1 default { 0.0 } } parm { name adata_i label "Data Integer" type int size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name adata label "Data Vector" type float size 3 default { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } } parm { name adata_v4 label "Data Vector4" type float size 4 default { 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 } } parm { name adata_m3 label "Data Matrix3" type float size 9 default { 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name adata_m label "Data Matrix" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name typemodifier label "Type Modifier" type string default { "" } menu { "" "None" "vector" "Vector Data" "normal" "Normal Data" "point" "Position Data" "indexpair" "Index/Pair (Capture Attribute)" "color" "Color Data" "quaternion" "Quaternion" } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "addgroup" script "addgroup" label "addgroup" code { "$found = $ptnum;" "addgroup($group, $ptnum);" } forcecode input string group "Group Name" input int ptnum "Point Number" output int found "Point Number" parm { name group label "Group" type string default { "group1" } } parm { name ptnum label "Point Number" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDXContentsWZ9* DialogScriptWmTS֥0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622534100001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for attribdelete automatically generated 10/31/14 14:36:21 { name attribdelete script attribdelete label "Attribute Delete" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Remove Attributes from" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" parm { name "ptdel" label "Point Attributes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribute1 ptdel" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vtxdel" label "Vertex Attributes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribute1 vtxdel" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "primdel" label "Primitive Attributes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribute1 primdel" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "dtldel" label "Detail Attributes" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribute1 dtldel" ] } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "updatevar" label "Update Local Variables" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } INDXContentsWZ9* DialogScriptWWY0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622534100001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for attribwrangle automatically generated 06/09/16 15:22:24 { name attribwrangle script attribwrangle label "Attribute Wrangle" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Process with Wrangle" inputlabel 2 "Ancillary Input, point(1, ...) to Access" inputlabel 3 "Ancillary Input, point(2, ...) to Access" inputlabel 4 "Ancillary Input, point(3, ...) to Access" group { name "folder0" label "Code" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribvop1 bindgroup" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('grouptype')\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" label "Group Type" type ordinal default { "guess" } menu { "guess" "Guess from Group" "vertices" "Vertices" "edges" "Edges" "points" "Points" "prims" "Primitives" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "class" label "Run Over" type ordinal default { "point" } menu { "detail" "Detail (only once)" "primitive" "Primitives" "point" "Points" "vertex" "Vertices" "number" "Numbers" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_numcount" label "Number Count" type integer default { "10" } hidewhen "{ class != number }" range { 0! 10000 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" label "Thread Job Size" type integer default { "1024" } hidewhen "{ class != number }" range { 1! 10000 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "snippet" label "VEXpression" type string default { "" } menureplace { [ "import vexpressionmenu" ] [ "" ] [ "return vexpressionmenu.buildSnippetMenu('attribwrangle/snippet')" ] language python } range { 0 1 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "editor" "1" } parmtag { "editorlang" "VEX" } parmtag { "editorlines" "8-30" } parmtag { "script_action" "import vexpressionmenu\n\nnode = kwargs['node']\nparmname = 'snippet'\n\nvexpressionmenu.createSpareParmsFromChCalls(node, parmname)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Creates spare parameters for each unique call of ch() " } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_create_parm_from_ch" } } parm { name "exportlist" label "Attributes to Create" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_strict" label "Enforce Prototypes" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" label "Autobind by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" label "Attribute Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "bindparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "groupautobind" label "Autobind Groups by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" label "Group Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" label "Evaluation Node Path" type oppath default { "." } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } parm { name "vex_outputmask" label "Export Parameters" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" label "Update Normals If Displaced" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" label "Attribute to Match" type string default { "id" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_inplace" label "Compute Results In Place" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" label "Output Selection Group" type string default { "" } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "bias" script "bias" label "bias" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { R"code( #if !strcmp($signature, "v4") float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); float $cb = vop_bias($val.z, $amount.z); float $ca = vop_bias($val.w, $amount.w); $bias = set($cr, $cg, $cb, $ca); #elif (!strcmp($signature, "v") || !strcmp($signature, "c")) float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); float $cb = vop_bias($val.z, $amount.z); $bias = set($cr, $cg, $cb); #elif (!strcmp($signature, "u")) float $cr = vop_bias($val.x, $amount.x); float $cg = vop_bias($val.y, $amount.y); $bias = set($cr, $cg); #else $bias = vop_bias($val, $amount); #endif )code" } input float val "Input" input float amount "Bias" output float bias "Result" signature "Float" default { float float float } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color } VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(amount, "Bias", 0.5) VOP_VEC2_PARM(val_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(amount_u, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_c, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(amount_c, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_v, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(amount_v, "Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) VOP_VEC4_PARM(val_v4, "Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(amount_v4,"Bias", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) } INDX DialogScript ZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "clamp" script "clamp" label "clamp" code { "$clamp = clamp($val, $min, $max);" } input float val "Input Value" input float min "Minimum Value" input float max "Maximum Value" output float clamp "Clamped Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(min, "Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(max, "Max", 1) VOP_INT_PARM(min_i, "Min", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(max_i, "Max", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(min_u, "Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(max_u, "Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_v, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_v, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_p, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_p, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_n, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_n, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(min_c, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(max_c, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR4_PARM(min_v4, "Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR4_PARM(max_v4, "Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(min_uf, "Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(max_uf, "Max", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_uv, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_uv, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_up, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_up, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_un, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_un, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(min_uc, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(max_uc, "Max", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gs" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDXContentsWZ9* DialogScriptW Si3c0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622534100001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for clean automatically generated 05/06/14 15:09:23 { name clean script clean label Clean help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Clean" parm { name "fusepts" label "Consolidate Points" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export all } parm { name "deldegengeo" label "Remove Degenerate Primitives" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export all } parm { name "orientpoly" label "Orient Polygons" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export all } parm { name "reversewinding" label "Reverse Winding" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fixoverlap" label "Fix Overlaps" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "deleteoverlap" label "Delete Overlap Pairs" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ fixoverlap == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "delunusedpts" label "Remove Unused Points" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export all } parm { name "dodelattribs" label "Remove Attributes" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "delattribs" label "Remove Attribs" type string default { "*" } disablewhen "{ dodelattribs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "dodelgroups" label "Remove Groups" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "delgroups" label "Remove Groups" type string default { "*" } disablewhen "{ dodelgroups == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "delnans" label "Remove NANs" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "make_manifold" label "Manifold-Only Topology" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "delete_small" label "Delete Small Manifold Patches" type toggle default { "1" } hidewhen "{ make_manifold == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "1000000000000000" } } parm { name "prim_count" label "Primitive Threshold" type integer default { "3" } disablewhen "{ delete_small == 0 }" hidewhen "{ make_manifold == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } } INDXContentsWZ9* DialogScriptW'X0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622534100001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for explodedview automatically generated { name explodedview script explodedview label "Exploded View" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Explode" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l to_explode group" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = hou.geometryType.Primitives\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } bindselector prims "Primitives to Push Outwards" "Select the geometry to push outwards and right click to complete" 0 1 poly 0 "" 0 } parm { name "scale" label "Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "overridecenter" label "Override Center" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "t" label "Override Center" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ overridecenter == 0 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "labelparm" label "Piece Detection" type label default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "piecetype" label "Piece Type" type ordinal default { "auto" } menu { "auto" "Auto Detect" "group" "Group" "attribute" "Attribute" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "groupmask" label "Group Mask" type string default { "piece*" } disablewhen "{ piecetype == attribute }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "attribute" label "Piece Attribute" type string default { "name" } disablewhen "{ piecetype == group }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "attribtol" label "Tolerance" type float default { "0.001" } disablewhen "{ piecetype == group }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "importattrib" script "importattrib" label "importattrib" code { "$adata = 0;" "if( $isconnected_ptnum )" " $success = import($attrib, $adata, $input_index, $ptnum);" "else" " $success = import($attrib, $adata, $input_index);" } input string attrib "Attribute Name" input int input_index "OP Input Index" input int ptnum "Point Number" output int success "Return 1 For Success, 0 For Failure" output vector adata "Attribute Value" signature "Float Attribute" f { string int int int float } signature "Integer Attribute" i { string int int int int } signature "Vector Attribute" default { } signature "Vector4 Attribute" v4 { string int int int vector4 } signature "Matrix3 Attribute" m3 { string int int int matrix3 } signature "Matrix Attribute" m { string int int int matrix } parm { name attrib label "Attribute" type string default { "Cd" } } parm { name input_index label "OP Input Index" type int size 1 default { 0 } range { 0 3 } } } INDX DialogScript`ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "inttofloat" script "inttofloat" label "inttofloat" code { "$fval = (float)$ival;" } input int ival "Integer Value" output float fval "Float Output" parm { name ival label "Integer Input" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptDZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "isnan" script "isnan" label "isnan" code { "$isnan = isnan($val);" } input float val "Input Value" output int isnan "Is Nan: Is it not a number" VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "length" script "length" label "length" code { "$len = length($vec);" } input vector vec "Vector" output float len "Vector Length" signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 float } signature "3D Point" p { point float } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal float } VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(vec_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_n, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(vec_v4, "Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Value", 1, 1, 1) group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "mulconst" script "mulconst" label "mulconst" code { "$scaled = $val * $mulconst;" } descriptiveparm mulconst input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Input Value * Constant" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix " m4 { matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } parm { name mulconst label "Multiplier" type float size 1 default { 1.0 } } } INDX DialogScriptxZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "negate" script "negate" label "negate" code { "$negated = -$val;" } input int val "Input Value" output int negated "Negated Value" signature "Integer" default { } signature "Float" f { float float } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "neighbour" script "neighbour" label "neighbour" code { "$neighptnum = neighbour($input_index, $ptnum, $neighnum);" } input int input_index "OP Input Index" input int ptnum "Point Number" input int neighnum "Neighbour Number" output int neighptnum "Point Number of Given Neighbour" parm { name input_index label "OP Input Index" type int size 1 default { 0 } range { 0 3 } } parm { name ptnum label "Point Number" type int size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name neighnum label "Neighbour Number" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScript:ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "neighbourcount" script "neighbourcount" label "neighbourcount" code { "$count = neighbourcount($input_index, $ptnum);" } input int input_index "OP Input Index" input int ptnum "Point Number" output int count "Number of Neighbours" parm { name input_index label "OP Input Index" type int size 1 default { 0 } range { 0 3 } } parm { name ptnum label "Point Number" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScript>ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "random" script "random" label "random" code { "#ifdef __vex" " if ($roundtoint)" " $rand = random($pos);" " else" " $rand = rand($pos);" "#else" " $rand = cellnoise($pos);" "#endif" } input float pos "Position" output float rand "Random Number" signature "1D Float Input, 1D Output" default { } signature "1D Float Input, 3D Vector" fv { float vector } signature "1D Float Input, 3D Point" fp { float point } signature "1D Float Input, 3D Normal" fn { float normal } signature "1D Float Input, 3D Color" fc { float color } signature "1D Float Input, 4D Output" f4d { float vector4 } signature "1D Integer Input, 1D Output" i { int float } signature "1D Integer Input, 3D Vector" iv { int vector } signature "1D Integer Input, 3D Point" ip { int point } signature "1D Integer Input, 3D Normal" in { int normal } signature "1D Integer Input, 3D Color" ic { int color } signature "1D Integer Input, 4D Output" i4d { int vector4 } signature "3D Vector Input, 1D Output" v1d { vector float } signature "3D Vector Input, 3D Vector" vv { vector vector } signature "3D Vector Input, 3D Point" vp { vector point } signature "3D Vector Input, 3D Normal" vn { vector normal } signature "3D Vector Input, 3D Color" vc { vector color } signature "3D Vector, 4D Output" v4d { vector vector4 } signature "3D Point Input, 1D Output" p1d { point float } signature "3D Point Input, 3D Vector" pv { point vector } signature "3D Point Input, 3D Point" pp { point point } signature "3D Point Input, 3D Normal" pn { point normal } signature "3D Point Input, 3D Color" pc { point color } signature "3D Normal Input, 1D Output" n1d { normal float } signature "3D Normal Input, 3D Vector" nv { normal vector } signature "3D Normal Input, 3D Point" np { normal point } signature "3D Normal Input, 3D Normal" nn { normal normal } signature "3D Normal Input, 3D Color" nc { normal color } signature "3D Color Input, 1D Output" c1d { color float } signature "3D Color Input, 3D Vector" cv { color vector } signature "3D Color Input, 3D Point" cp { color point } signature "3D Color Input, 3D Normal" cn { color normal } signature "3D Color Input, 3D Color" cc { color color } signature "4D Input, 1D Output" v41d { vector4 float } signature "4D Input, 3D Output" v43d { vector4 vector } signature "4D Input, 4D Output" v44d { vector4 vector4 } signature "1D Uniform Float, 1D Output" uf1d { ufloat ufloat } signature "1D Uniform Float, 3D Vector" ufv { ufloat uvector } signature "1D Uniform Float, 3D Point" ufp { ufloat upoint } signature "1D Uniform Float, 3D Normal" ufn { ufloat unormal } signature "1D Uniform Float, 3D Color" ufc { ufloat ucolor } signature "3D Uniform Vector, 1D Output" uv1d { uvector ufloat } signature "3D Uniform Vector, 3D Vector" uvv { uvector uvector } signature "3D Uniform Vector, 3D Point" uvp { uvector upoint } signature "3D Uniform Vector, 3D Normal" uvn { uvector unormal } signature "3D Uniform Vector, 3D Color" uvc { uvector ucolor } signature "3D Uniform Point, 1D Output" up1d { upoint ufloat } signature "3D Uniform Point, 3D Vector" upv { upoint uvector } signature "3D Uniform Point, 3D Point" upp { upoint upoint } signature "3D Uniform Point, 3D Normal" upn { upoint unormal } signature "3D Uniform Point, 3D Color" upc { upoint ucolor } signature "3D Uniform Normal, 1D Output" un1d { unormal ufloat } signature "3D Uniform Normal, 3D Vector" unv { unormal uvector } signature "3D Uniform Normal, 3D Point" unp { unormal upoint } signature "3D Uniform Normal, 3D Normal" unn { unormal unormal } signature "3D Uniform Normal, 3D Color" unc { unormal ucolor } signature "3D Uniform Color, 1D Output" uc1d { ucolor ufloat } signature "3D Uniform Color, 3D Vector" ucv { ucolor uvector } signature "3D Uniform Color, 3D Point" ucp { ucolor upoint } signature "3D Uniform Color, 3D Normal" ucn { ucolor unormal } signature "3D Uniform Color, 3D Color" ucc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(pos, "Position", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(pos_i, "Position", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_v1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_p1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_n1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(pos_c1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(pos_v41d, "Position", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(pos_uf1d, "Position", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_uv1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_up1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_un1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(pos_uc1d, "Position", 0, 0, 0) parm { name roundtoint label "Clamp Position to Integer" type toggle size 1 default { 1 } } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScript #ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "turbnoise" script "turbnoise" label "turbnoise" outercode { "#include " } code { "if ($type == \"onoise\")" "{" " $noise = onoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"snoise\")" "{" " $noise = snoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"anoise\")" "{" " $noise = anoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"correctnoise\")" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_correctperlinNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_correctperlinNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" "else if ($type == \"xnoise\")" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_simplexNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_simplexNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" "else" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_perlinNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_perlinNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" } input string type "Noise Type" parm { name type label "Noise Type" type string menu { "pnoise" "Perlin Noise" "onoise" "Original Perlin Noise" "snoise" "Sparse Convolution Noise" "anoise" "Alligator Noise" "xnoise" "Simplex Noise" "correctnoise" "Zero Centered Perlin Noise" } default { "anoise" } } VOP_VEC_INPUT ( pos, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_INPUT ( freq, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_INPUT ( offset, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( amp, "Amplitude", 1, -1, 1) VOP_FLT_INPUT ( rough, "Roughness", .5) VOP_FLT_INPUT ( atten, "Attenuation", 1) VOP_INT_INPUT_R( turb, "Turbulence", 5, 0, 10) output float noise "Noise" signature "1D Noise" default { } signature "3D Noise" v { string vector vector vector float float float int vector } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "twoway" script "twoway" label "twoway" code { "#ifndef __vex" " $result = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? $input2 : $input1)" " : ($condition != 0 ? $input1 : $input2));" "#else" " #if !strcmp($signature, \"b\")" " float $scale = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? 1 : 0)" " : ($condition != 0 ? 0 : 1));" " $result = (1-$scale)*$input1 + $scale*$input2;" " #else" " $result = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? $input2 : $input1)" " : ($condition != 0 ? $input1 : $input2));" " #endif" "#endif" } input int condition "Condition Value (int)" input float input1 "Input 1" input float input2 "Input 2" output float result "Output Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int int } signature "String" s { int string string string } signature "2D Vector" u { int vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { int vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { int point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { int normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { int color color color } signature "BSDF" b { int bsdf bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { int vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "2x2 Matrix" m2 { int matrix2 matrix2 matrix2 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { int matrix3 matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix" m { int matrix matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { ufloat uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { ufloat upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { ufloat unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ufloat ucolor ucolor ucolor } signature "Uniform 4x4 Matrix" um { ufloat umatrix umatrix umatrix } parm { name condtype label Condition type int menu { "true" "Use Input 1 If Condition True" "false" "Use Input 1 If Condition False" } default { 0 } } VOP_FLT_PARM(input2, "Input 2", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(input2_i, "Input 2", 0) VOP_STR_PARM(input2_s, "Input 2", "") VOP_VEC2_PARM(input2_u, "Input 2", 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_v, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_p, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_n, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_c, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(input2_v4, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0, 0) parm { name input2_m2 label "Input 2" type float size 4 default { 1 0 0 1 } } parm { name input2_m3 label "Input 2" type float size 9 default { 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name input2_m label "Input 2" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } VOP_FLT_PARM(input2_uf, "Input 2", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uv, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_up, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_un, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uc, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) parm { name input2_um label "Input 2" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g1" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g2" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "vectofloat" script "vectofloat" label "vectofloat" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "vop_vectofloat($vec, $fval1, $fval2, $fval3);" } input vector vec "Input Vector" output float fval1 "Component 1" output float fval2 "Component 2" output float fval3 "Component 3" VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_n, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec_c, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec_uc, "Value", 0, 0, 0) signature "3D Vector" default { vector float float float } signature "3D Point" p { point float float float } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float float float } signature "RGB Color" c { color float float float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ufloat ufloat ufloat } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "volumesample" script "volumesample" label "volumesample" code { "$volumevalue = volumesample($input_index, $primnum, $samplepos);" } input int input_index "OP Input Index" input int primnum "Primitive Number" input vector samplepos "Sample Position" output float volumevalue "Value of Volume at Given Position" parm { name input_index label "OP Input Index" type int size 1 default { 0 } range { 0 3 } } parm { name primnum label "Primitive Number" type int size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name samplepos label "Sample Position" type float size 3 default { 0 0 0 } } } INDXContentsWZ9* DialogScriptW9"Zt0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622534100001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for voronoifracture automatically generated { name voronoifracture script jl_voronoi_fracture label "Voronoi Fracture" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Fracture" inputlabel 2 "Points for Voronoi Cells" inputlabel 3 "Optional SDF For Depth Sampling" parm { name "group" label "Group to Fracture" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l keep_remainder group" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = hou.geometryType.Primitives\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } } parm { name "fuse_points" label "Fuse Points" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "fuse_dist" label "Fuse Points" type float default { "0.001" } disablewhen "{ fuse_points == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "units" "" } } parm { name "fuse_updatenml" label "Update Fused Point Normals" type toggle default { "on" } disablewhen "{ fuse_points == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "createinside" label "Create Inside Surface" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "connect" label "Connect Inside Edges" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cuspnormals" label "Cusp Interior Normals" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cuspangle" label "Cusp Interior Normals Angle" type float default { "15" } disablewhen "{ cuspnormals == off }" range { 0! 180! } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "cuspouternormals" label "Cusp Exterior Normals" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cuspouterangle" label "Cusp Exterior Normals Angle" type float default { "60" } disablewhen "{ cuspouternormals == off }" range { 0! 180! } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "docusp" label "Cusp Interior Edges by Uniquing Points" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "visualizepieces" label "Visualize Pieces" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "usecellptgroup" label "Use Cell Point Group" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cellgroup" label "Cell Point Group" type string default { "0" } disablewhen "{ usecellptgroup == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "clustermode" label "Cluster Display Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ usecellptgroup == 0 } { cluster == 0 }" menu { "0" "Ignore Clustering" "1" "Keep Any Clustered Pieces" "2" "Keep Clustered Pieces Only For Primary Point" } range { 0 1 } } group { name "settings" label "Cut" parm { name "triangulation" label "Triangulation" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Auto Detect" "1" "2D" "2" "3D" "3" "Use Existing" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "partition" label "Connectivity Partition" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "0" "None" "1" "Overwrite Piece Numbering" "2" "Maintain Piece Numbering" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cutplaneoffset" label "Cut Plane Offset" type float default { "0" } range { 0 0.25 } } parm { name "optimizecutbycluster" label "Optimize Cutting Based on Clustering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ triangulation == 3 } { cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } } group { name "settings_1" label "Cluster" parm { name "cluster" label "Cluster Pieces" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "deleteedges" label "Delete Exterior Cluster Edges" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "addclusternoise" label "Add Cluster Noise" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "clustersize" label "Size" type vector size 3 default { "0.5" "0.5" "0.5" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { addclusternoise == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "clusteroffset" label "Offset" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { addclusternoise == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "clusterjitter" label "Jitter" type vector size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { addclusternoise == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "randomdetach" label "Random Detachment" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "detachseed" label "Detach Seed" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { randomdetach == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "detachratio" label "Detach Ratio" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { randomdetach == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "constraintnetwork" label "Create Constraint Network" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "inclusterstrength" label "Within Cluster Constraint Strength" type float default { "-1" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { constraintnetwork == 0 }" range { 0 10000 } } parm { name "outclusterstrength" label "Between Cluster Constraint Strength" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 } { constraintnetwork == 0 }" range { 0 1000 } } parm { name "clusterattr" label "Cluster Attribute" type string default { "cluster" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "clusterattrtol" label "Attribute Tolerance" type float default { "1e-05" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0 0.1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "fusedist" label "Fuse Tolerance" type float default { "0.001" } disablewhen "{ cutplaneoffset > 0 } { cluster == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } group { name "settings_2" label "Interior Detail" parm { name "addinteriordetail" label "Add Interior Detail" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ createinside == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "viznoisescale" label "Visualize Noise Scale" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "planar" label "Triangulate Non-Planar Detail" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "detailsize" label "Detail Size" type float default { "0.25" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "intnoiseamp" label "Noise Amplitude" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "intnoisetype" label "Noise Type" type string default { "snoise" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" menu { "pnoise" "Perlin Noise" "onoise" "Original Perlin Noise" "snoise" "Sparse Convolution Noise" "anoise" "Alligator Noise" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "intnoisefreq" label "Frequency" type vector size 3 default { "2.5" "2.5" "2.5" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "intnoiseoffset" label "Offset" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "intnoiseturb" label "Turbulence" type integer default { "3" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "hassdfinput" label "hassdfinput" type toggle invisible default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "depthsamplediv" label "Depth Volume Resolution" type integer default { "50" } disablewhen "{ hassdfinput == 1 } { addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 10! 100 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "clampmaxdisp" label "Clamp Displacement Amount to Depth" type toggle default { "on" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "clampdepthpct" label "Clamp Depth Percentage" type float default { "0.9" } disablewhen "{ clampmaxdisp == 0 } { addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "depthnoisescalebias" label "Depth / Noise Bias" type float default { "0.85" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 } { usedepthnoisescaleramp == 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "usedepthnoisescaleramp" label "Use Depth / Noise Ramp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "depthnoisescaleramp" label "Depth / Noise Ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } disablewhen "{ usedepthnoisescaleramp == 0 } { addinteriordetail == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "depthnoisescaleramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "catmull-rom" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( catmull-rom ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( catmull-rom )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "depthnoisescaleramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "0" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "depthnoisescaleramp_the_key_values" } } } group { name "settings_3" label "Groups" parm { name "newg" label "Create Output Groups" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "groupprefix" label "Piece Group Prefix" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ newg == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "groupinterior" label "Interior Group" type string default { "inside" } disablewhen "{ newg == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "groupexterior" label "Exterior Group" type string default { "outside" } disablewhen "{ newg == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } } group { name "settings_4" label "Attributes" parm { name "newname" label "Create Name Attribute" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "nameprefix" label "Name Prefix" type string default { "piece" } disablewhen "{ newname == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "copyattributes" label "Copy Cell Point Attributes" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "ptattributes" label "To Piece Points" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ copyattributes == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "primattributes" label "To Piece Primitives" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ copyattributes == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "keepinternal" label "Keep Internal Attributes" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pieceattr" label "Primitive Piece" type string default { "piece" } disablewhen "{ keepinternal == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cellptattr" label "Primitive Cell Point" type string default { "cellpt" } disablewhen "{ keepinternal == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "clipptattr" label "Primitive Clip Point" type string default { "clippt" } disablewhen "{ keepinternal == 0 } { createinside == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "outsideattr" label "Primitive Outside" type string default { "outside" } disablewhen "{ keepinternal == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "depthattr" label "Point Depth" type string default { "depth" } disablewhen "{ keepinternal == 0 } { createinside == 0 } { addinteriordetail == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } } } INDX DialogScript ZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "voronoise" script "voronoise" label "voronoise" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "if ($isconnected_period)" "{" " vop_vnoise($pos * $freq - $offset, $jitter, $seed, $dist1, $dist2," " $near1, $near2, $period);" "}" "else" "{" " vop_vnoise($pos * $freq - $offset, $jitter, $seed, $dist1, $dist2," " $near1, $near2);" "}" } input float pos "Position" input float freq "Frequency" input float offset "Offset" input float jitter "Jitter" input int period "Periodicity" output float dist1 "Distance To Point 1 (To Nearest Point)" output float dist2 "Distance To Point 2" output float near1 "Point 1 (Nearest Point) Location" output float near2 "Point 2 Location" output int seed "Seed" signature "1D Noise" default { } signature "3D Vector Noise" v { vector vector vector vector vector float float vector vector int } signature "3D Point Noise" p { point point point point point float float point point int } signature "3D Normal Noise" n { normal normal normal normal normal float float normal normal int } signature "RGB Color Noise" c { color color color color color float float color color int } signature "4D Vector Noise" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 float float vector4 vector4 int } VOP_FLT_PARM(pos, "Position", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_v, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_p, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_n, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(pos_c, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(pos_v4, "Position", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(freq, "Frequency", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(freq_v, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(freq_p, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(freq_n, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(freq_c, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(freq_v4, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(offset, "Offset", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(offset_v, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(offset_p, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(offset_n, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(offset_c, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(offset_v4, "Offset", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(jitter, "Jitter", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(jitter_v, "Jitter", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(jitter_p, "Jitter", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(jitter_n, "Jitter", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(jitter_c, "Jitter", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(jitter_v4, "Jitter", 1, 1, 1, 1) group { name "gp" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gf" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "go" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gj" obsolete 12.0 } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500002000000000012expression.func# 0 bytes 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000650obj.defcomment "" position 5 2 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693649 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000020obj.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000041obj.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500002700000000032obj/HexiagonMeshF.inittype = geo matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500002600000001032obj/HexiagonMeshF.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -2.04557 -0.654926 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513590111 modify 1513695970 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500003700000052031obj/HexiagonMeshF.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher4" label "Transform" parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_1" label "Render" parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm label "Material" export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm label "Options" invisible export none } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object's geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface / Curves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendervisibility" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubd" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdstyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdgroup" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_quality" label "Open Subdiv Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_vtxinterp" label "OSD Vtx Interp" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "No vertex interpolation" "1" "Edges only" "2" "Edges and Corners" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_vtxinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_fvarinterp" label "OSD FVar Interp" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "Smooth everywhere" "1" "Sharpen corners only" "2" "Sharpen edges and corners" "3" "Sharpen edges and propagated corners" "4" "Sharpen all boundaries" "5" "Bilinear interpolation" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_fvarinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightcategories" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filterwidth" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matte" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rayshade" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raypredice" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "curvesurface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rmbackface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubdcurves" label "Render Polygon Curves As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubdcurves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpointsas" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usenforpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pointscale" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pscalediameter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "metavolume" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "coving" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "overridedetail" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_procuseroottransform" label "Proc Use Root Transform" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "procuseroottransform" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_2" label "Misc" parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm label "Shade Open Curves In Viewport" export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm label "Display as Subdivision in Viewport" invisible export none } parm { name "vport_onionskin" baseparm label "Onion Skinning" export none } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500002700000005054obj/HexiagonMeshF.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_materialpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) shop_materialopts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vport_shadeopen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_displayassubdiv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_onionskin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) stdswitcher4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) vm_rendervisibility [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_rendersubd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_subdstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra_catclark ) vm_subdgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_osd_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_osd_vtxinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_osd_fvarinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) reflectmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) refractmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightcategories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_volumefilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) vm_volumefilterwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rayshade [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_velocityblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_shadingquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_flatness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) vm_raypredice [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_curvesurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rmbackface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shop_geometrypath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_forcegeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_rendersubdcurves [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_renderpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_renderpointsas [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_usenforpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pointscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_pscalediameter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_metavolume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_coving [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_materialoverride [ 0 locks=0 ] ( compact ) vm_overridedetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_procuseroottransform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500003300000000041obj/HexiagonMeshF.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004600000000044obj/HexiagonMeshF/attribwrangle1.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004500000000721obj/HexiagonMeshF/attribwrangle1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 1.57288 2.09694 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template on footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513590117 modify 1513695964 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500005600000007731obj/HexiagonMeshF/attribwrangle1.spareparmdef group { name "folder1" label "Code" parm { name "group" baseparm label "Group" export none bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" baseparm label "Group Type" export none } parm { name "class" baseparm label "Run Over" export none } parm { name "vex_numcount" baseparm label "Number Count" export none } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" baseparm label "Thread Job Size" export none } parm { name "snippet" baseparm label "VEXpression" export all } parm { name "exportlist" baseparm label "Attributes to Create" export none } parm { name "vex_strict" baseparm label "Enforce Prototypes" export none } } group { name "folder1_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" baseparm label "Autobind by Name" export none } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" baseparm label "Attribute Name" export none } parm { name "bindparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "groupautobind" baseparm label "Autobind Groups by Name" export none } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" baseparm default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" baseparm label "Group Name" export none } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" baseparm label "VEX Parameter" export none } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" baseparm label "Evaluation Node Path" export none } parm { name "vex_outputmask" baseparm label "Export Parameters" export none } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" baseparm label "Update Normals If Displaced" export none } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" baseparm label "Attribute to Match" export none } parm { name "vex_inplace" baseparm label "Compute Results In Place" export none } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" baseparm label "Output Selection Group" export none } } parm { name "row" label "Row" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "column" label "Column" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004600000001733obj/HexiagonMeshF/attribwrangle1.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "detail" ) vex_numcount [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vex_threadjobsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1024 ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "for(int j = 0; j < ch(\"row\"); j++){ float shift_x = ( (j + 1) % 2 ) * 0.5; float shift_z = j * 0.75; for(int i = 0; i < ch(\"column\"); i++) { vector pos = set(i + shift_x, 0, shift_z); addpoint(0, pos); } }" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_matchattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( id ) vex_inplace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_selectiongroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) folder1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) row [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 12 ) column [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 12 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500005200000000031obj/HexiagonMeshF/attribwrangle1.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500005000000000046obj/HexiagonMeshF/voronoifracture1.inittype = voronoifracture matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004700000001054obj/HexiagonMeshF/voronoifracture1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.635292 0.992059 connectornextid 3 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 2 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 grid2 0 1 "input1" 1 attribwrangle1 1 1 "input2" } inputs { 0 grid2 0 1 1 attribwrangle1 0 1 } stat { create 1513590368 modify 1513615854 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500005000000005345obj/HexiagonMeshF/voronoifracture1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) fuse_points [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) fuse_dist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) fuse_updatenml [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) createinside [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) connect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cuspnormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cuspangle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 15 ) cuspouternormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cuspouterangle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 60 ) docusp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) visualizepieces [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) usecellptgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) cellgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) clustermode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "0" ) settings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) triangulation [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "0" ) partition [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "1" ) cutplaneoffset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) optimizecutbycluster [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) cluster [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) deleteedges [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) addclusternoise [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) clustersize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 ) clusteroffset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) clusterjitter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) randomdetach [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) detachseed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) detachratio [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000000000001 ) constraintnetwork [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) inclusterstrength [ 0 locks=0 ] ( -1 ) outclusterstrength [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) clusterattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( cluster ) clusterattrtol [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1.0000000000000001e-05 ) fusedist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) addinteriordetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) viznoisescale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) planar [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) detailsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) intnoiseamp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000000000001 ) intnoisetype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( snoise ) intnoisefreq [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2.5 2.5 2.5 ) intnoiseoffset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) intnoiseturb [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) hassdfinput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) depthsamplediv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 50 ) clampmaxdisp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) clampdepthpct [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.90000000000000002 ) depthnoisescalebias [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.84999999999999998 ) usedepthnoisescaleramp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) depthnoisescaleramp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) newg [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupprefix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) groupinterior [ 0 locks=0 ] ( inside ) groupexterior [ 0 locks=0 ] ( outside ) newname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) nameprefix [ 0 locks=0 ] ( piece ) copyattributes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) ptattributes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) primattributes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) keepinternal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) pieceattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( piece ) cellptattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( cellpt ) clipptattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( clippt ) outsideattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( outside ) depthattr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( depth ) depthnoisescaleramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) depthnoisescaleramp1value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) depthnoisescaleramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "catmull-rom" ) depthnoisescaleramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) depthnoisescaleramp2value [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) depthnoisescaleramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "catmull-rom" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500005400000000136obj/HexiagonMeshF/voronoifracture1.userdata ___Version___3___toolcount___2 ___toolid___geometry_voronoifracture0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000656vex.defcomment "" position 5.5 2.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693650 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000020vex.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000041vex.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000654mat.defcomment "" position 5 1.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693650 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000020mat.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000041mat.userdata 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( 5.7509987950325012 0 4.1144399642944336 ) rows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) cols [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) orderu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) orderv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) interpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) interpv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004100000000041obj/HexiagonMeshF/grid2.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004500000000043obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1.inittype = explodedview matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500004400000001006obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.635292 0.00626594 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 voronoifracture1 2 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 voronoifracture1 0 1 } stat { create 1513613707 modify 1513695957 author 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0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000654out.defcomment "" position 5 0.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693649 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000020out.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000041out.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000002out.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000657part.defcomment "" position 5.5 1.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed off outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693649 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001200000000020part.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001600000000041part.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000002part.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500000700000000654ch.defcomment "" position 4.5 1 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693650 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000020ch.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001400000000041ch.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500000700000000002ch.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000652shop.defcomment "" position 5 3 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693650 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001200000000020shop.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001600000000041shop.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000002shop.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000656img.defcomment "" position 4.5 2.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1513693650 modify 1513695980 author personal@personal-PC access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001100000000020img.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000000041img.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000002img.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000002vex.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000002mat.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500002600000000000.scenefilevisualizers0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001500000061605.applicationnetworkeditor -p '{\n}\n'performance -c on -d on -f on -g off -k on -m off -n on -o on -t off -v on -y on -u on -e off -r absolute -w tree panetab12 chopview -a 0 -c "" -k 1 -m 1 -b 1 -e 1 -f 0 -g 0 -H 1 -i 0 -j 1 -l 0 -n 1 -V 0 -y 0 -B 0 -s 0 -S 0.034375 -u 0 -v 0 -h -10 310 -r -1.5 1.5 Build.panetab13 imgdispopt -m 256 -P on -M on -A on -g 2.2 -G "* ^P ^Pz ^N ^M ^B ^V ^Af ^Nt" -B 1 -v split -V 2 2 -d h -a off -i 2 -b 0 0 0 -o "" -h on -H on -c 0.8 0.8 0.8 -C 1 1 1 -S 1 1 0 -R 6 -F dc -D "" -I "" -f "" -s off -r 256 256 -p on -l on -t on imgview -z 1 -p (none) 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 1 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 3 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 4 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 5 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 6 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 7 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 8 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 9 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 10 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 11 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 12 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 13 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 14 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 15 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 16 imgviewtime -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -r 24 -u fr -g 0 -f on -e on -b on -d imgview2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 1 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 3 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 4 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 5 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 6 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 7 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 8 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 9 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 10 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 11 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 12 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 13 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 14 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 15 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 16 viewerstow -b open -x open -l open -m hide -c hide -d open Build.panetab1.world vieweroption -a 2 -h 0 -m 1 -r 'View: Mantra' Build.panetab1.world viewergrouplist -g off -s 0 0 -c on -t matchselect -m '*' -e on -p off -h on Build.panetab1.world viewlayout -s 2 Build.panetab1.world viewerinspect Build.panetab1.world mode ( objects ) object_properties ( ) prim_properties ( ) enable ( 0 ) magnify ( 1 ) viewtype -t perspective Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewtype -t ortho_top Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewtype -t ortho_front Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewtype -t ortho_right Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l on -n aaaa3 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l on -n aaaa2 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l on -n aaaa1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l on -n aaaa0 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l off -n persp1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l off -n top1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l off -n front1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l off -n right1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R off -S 512 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.persp1 version ( 3 ) flag ( F ) orthowidth ( 15.6648 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.507673 19960.6 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 6.86566 1.68784 25.5187 ) pxyz ( 11.2126 -0.00478435 3.4286 ) rotation ( 0.822922 -0.420423 0.382157 -1.80041e-08 0.672629 0.73998 -0.568154 -0.608946 0.553521 ) homedistance ( 25.0123 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 15.6648 ) homeorthowidth ( 15.6648 ) homeradius ( 19.9355 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) viewcamera -c '' Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R off -S 512 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.top1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.top1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1.19209e-07 1 0 -1 1.19209e-07 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R off -S 512 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.front1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.front1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -B light -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R off -S 512 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.right1 vieweffect -a 0 -A 4 -b on -B 0 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H off -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 512 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 1024 1024 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 128 128 128 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewbackground -b on -e on -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.right1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 6.12323e-17 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 6.12323e-17 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewsnapshotoption -s off -h off -a 1 -v '*' Build.panetab1.world cplane -o -2 0 -2 -n 0 1 0 -x 0 0 1 -l n -s 0.1 0.1 -c 40 40 -r 10 10 -d off Build.panetab1.world glcache -t 512 -v 2048 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab14 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab1 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab2 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab3 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab4 /img/comp1/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab13 /ch/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab11 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab5 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab6 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab12 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab7 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab8 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab9 /obj/HexiagonMeshF/explodedview1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab10 /obj/ desk set Build radial menu set main viewupdate -u always audiopanel -s p '' audiopanel -s r on audiopanel -s s 1 audiopanel -s f 45 audiopanel -t p stop audiopanel -t l off audiopanel -t r on audiopanel -o m off audiopanel -o t on audiopanel -o u on audiopanel -o l 1 audiopanel -o r 1 audiopanel -o d 0 audiopanel -r d 0.2 audiopanel -m 0 audiopanel -a '' audiopanel -f 1 audiopanel -O 0 colorsettings -D -A -g 2.2 -l "" -p -s -v -i -r -c -f compproject -r 1920 1080 -a 1 -d fp16 -p 0 1 -P full -f 0 -F 0 -l on texcache -a off -r 2147483647 2147483647 -m 10000 -M 14316 shopvisible +I3D +VMantra +RIB 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500000700000000060.takesHoudiniTakeFile 1.0 take name Main kids 0 e 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001000000000007.stylesNSJb{}0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500000500000000024.cwdopcf / takeset Main 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001321622535500001300000000000TRAILER!!!