0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500000700000000237.startfplayback -i on -r off -f 1 -e on -h on -t on -a on -k on -s 1 tcur 0 fps 30 tset 0 10 frange 1 300 unitlength 1 unitmass 1 prompt '`strcat(oppwf(), " -> ")`' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001300000002636.variablesset -g ACTIVETAKE = 'Main' set -g DRIVER = 'mantra_ipr' set -g DRIVERPATH = '/out/mantra_ipr' set -g E = '2.7182818284590452354' set -g ELEM = 'stamp' set -g EYE = 'stereo' set -g HIP = 'M:/CG/Prod/Houdini_work/131_VolumeSample' set -g HIPFILE = 'M:/CG/Prod/Houdini_work/131_VolumeSample/VolumeStamp_Sample.hip' set -g HIPNAME = 'VolumeStamp_Sample' set -g JOB = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS/FX_DEV_KITAGAWA/CG/houdini' set -g NK_JOB_CACHE_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS/FX_DEV_KITAGAWA/CG/houdini' set -g NK_JOB_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS/FX_DEV_KITAGAWA/CG/houdini' set -g NK_JOB_USER_PATH = '/home/kitagawa/user_data/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS/FX_DEV_KITAGAWA/CG/houdini' set -g NK_SHOT = 'FX_DEV_KITAGAWA' set -g NK_SHOT_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS/FX_DEV_KITAGAWA' set -g NK_SHOW_CACHE_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS' set -g NK_SHOW_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO' set -g NK_SHOW_USER_PATH = '/home/kitagawa/user_data/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS' set -g NK_SHOW_WORK_PATH = '/SERVERS/Pandora/2017_Nsp/Nsp_OEDO/PROJECTS' set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384' set -g POSE = '/home/kitagawa/houdini16.5/poselib' set -g TAKE = '01' set -g VER = '001' set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'Windows 10.0.10586' set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Wed Jan 10 23:53:33 2018' set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = '16.5.290' set -g _HIP_SHELFTOOLCOUNT = '1' set -g status = '0' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000310.aliasesalias bye 'quit' alias cd 'opcf' alias cp 'opcp' alias h 'history' alias hython 'python' alias ls 'opls' alias matramp 'opramp' alias opcd 'opcf' alias oppwd 'oppwf' alias pwd 'oppwf' alias rm 'oprm' 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001400000000021.takeconfigtakename -g take 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000000.hou.session0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000000.OPlibraries0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001700000000000.OPpreferences0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000023034.OPfallbacksVop/addconst C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/addconst otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/albedo C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/albedo otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/alphamix C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/alphamix otls/OPlibVop.hda Sop/attribwrangle C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda Sop/attribwrangle otls/OPlibSop.hda Vop/clamp C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/clamp otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/complement C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/complement otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/computelighting C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/computelighting otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/computelighting::2.0 C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/computelighting::2.0 otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/computetan C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/computetan otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/conserveenergy C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/conserveenergy otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/contour::2.0 C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/contour::2.0 otls/OPlibVop.hda Vop/cosine C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/cosine otls/OPlibScripted.hda Vop/ctransform C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.290/houdini/otls/OPlibScripted.hda 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Tangents$oplib:/Vop/computetan?Vop/computetanVOP_computetanVop!displace fog light shadow surfaceZV(conserveenergyConserve Energy,oplib:/Vop/conserveenergy?Vop/conserveenergyVOP_conserveenergyVopZV( contour::2.0Contour(oplib:/Vop/contour::2.0?Vop/contour::2.0 VOP_contourVopZV(cosineCosineoplib:/Vop/cosine?Vop/cosine VOP_cosineVopvopVOPall*ZV( ctransformColor Transform$oplib:/Vop/ctransform?Vop/ctransformVOP_ctransformVopvopVOPallZV(degtoradDegrees to Radians oplib:/Vop/degtorad?Vop/degtorad VOP_degtoradVopvopVOPall*ZV( displacenmlDisplace Along Normal&oplib:/Vop/displacenml?Vop/displacenmlVOP_displacenmlVopvopVOPall"surface displace cvex sop pop rsl*ZV(divconstDivide Constant oplib:/Vop/divconst?Vop/divconst VOP_divconstVopvopVOPall*ZV(dot Dot Productoplib:/Vop/dot?Vop/dotVOP_dotVopvopVOPall*ZV(dualrestsolver::2.0Dual Rest Solver6oplib:/Vop/dualrestsolver::2.0?Vop/dualrestsolver::2.0VOP_dualrestsolverVop ZV( efit::2.0Fit Range Unclamped"oplib:/Vop/efit::2.0?Vop/efit::2.0 VOP_efit-2.0VopvopVOPall vex* rsl*ZV(exp Exponentialoplib:/Vop/exp?Vop/expVOP_expVopvopVOPall*ZV(fit Fit Rangeoplib:/Vop/fit?Vop/fitVOP_fitVopvopVOPall*ZV( floattovecFloat to Vector$oplib:/Vop/floattovec?Vop/floattovecVOP_floattovecVopvopVOPall*ZV(fresnelFresneloplib:/Vop/fresnel?Vop/fresnel VOP_fresnelVopvopVOPallsurface fog rsl_*ZV( frontface Front Face"oplib:/Vop/frontface?Vop/frontface VOP_frontfaceVopvopVOPall%surface fog light shadow photon rsl_*ZV(geometryvopglobal::2.0Geometry VOP Global Parameters" "#include " "#include " } code { "VOPint $components = 0;" "if ($diffuse_comp)" " $components |= PBR_DIFFUSE_MASK;" "if ($glossy_comp)" " $components |= PBR_GLOSSY_MASK;" "if ($volume_comp)" " $components |= PBR_VOLUME_MASK;" "" "VOPvector $ii = ($isconnected_nI != 0) ? $nI : normalize(I);" "$albedo = albedo($f, -$ii, $components);" } input bsdf f BSDF input vector nI "Incident Vector" output vector albedo Albedo inputflags f 0 inputflags nI 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { bsdf vector vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } group { name "folder0" label "Bounce Components" parm { name "diffuse_comp" label "Diffuse" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "glossy_comp" label "Glossy" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "volume_comp" label "Volume" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWP30707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "alphamix" script "alphamix" label "alphamix" input vector I "Direction From Eye To Surface" input normal N "Surface Normal" VOP_FLT_INPUT( apara, "Alpha Para", 0.3) VOP_FLT_INPUT( aperp, "Alpha Perp", 0) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( aroll, "Alpha Roll", 0.025, 0.02, 0.1) } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWWY0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for attribwrangle automatically generated 06/09/16 15:22:24 { name attribwrangle script attribwrangle label "Attribute Wrangle" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Process with Wrangle" inputlabel 2 "Ancillary Input, point(1, ...) to Access" inputlabel 3 "Ancillary Input, point(2, ...) to Access" inputlabel 4 "Ancillary Input, point(3, ...) to Access" group { name "folder0" label "Code" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l attribvop1 bindgroup" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('grouptype')\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } bindselector points "Modify Points" "Select the points to affect and press Enter to complete." 0 1 0xffffffff 0 grouptype 0 } parm { name "grouptype" label "Group Type" type ordinal default { "guess" } menu { "guess" "Guess from Group" "vertices" "Vertices" "edges" "Edges" "points" "Points" "prims" "Primitives" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "class" label "Run Over" type ordinal default { "point" } menu { "detail" "Detail (only once)" "primitive" "Primitives" "point" "Points" "vertex" "Vertices" "number" "Numbers" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_numcount" label "Number Count" type integer default { "10" } hidewhen "{ class != number }" range { 0! 10000 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_threadjobsize" label "Thread Job Size" type integer default { "1024" } hidewhen "{ class != number }" range { 1! 10000 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "snippet" label "VEXpression" type string default { "" } menureplace { [ "import vexpressionmenu" ] [ "" ] [ "return vexpressionmenu.buildSnippetMenu('attribwrangle/snippet')" ] language python } range { 0 1 } export all parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "editor" "1" } parmtag { "editorlang" "VEX" } parmtag { "editorlines" "8-30" } parmtag { "script_action" "import vexpressionmenu\n\nnode = kwargs['node']\nparmname = 'snippet'\n\nvexpressionmenu.createSpareParmsFromChCalls(node, parmname)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Creates spare parameters for each unique call of ch() " } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_create_parm_from_ch" } } parm { name "exportlist" label "Attributes to Create" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_strict" label "Enforce Prototypes" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Bindings" parm { name "autobind" label "Autobind by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "bindings" label "Number of Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindname#" label "Attribute Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "bindparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "groupautobind" label "Autobind Groups by Name" type toggle default { "on" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } multiparm { name "groupbindings" label "Group Bindings" default 0 parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "multistartoffset" "1" } parm { name "bindgroupname#" label "Group Name" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "bindgroupparm#" label "VEX Parameter" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } } } parm { name "vex_cwdpath" label "Evaluation Node Path" type oppath default { "." } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } parm { name "vex_outputmask" label "Export Parameters" type string default { "*" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_updatenmls" label "Update Normals If Displaced" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "vex_matchattrib" label "Attribute to Match" type string default { "id" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_inplace" label "Compute Results In Place" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "vex_selectiongroup" label "Output Selection Group" type string default { "" } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } } INDX DialogScript ZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "clamp" script "clamp" label "clamp" code { "$clamp = clamp($val, $min, $max);" } input float val "Input Value" input float min "Minimum Value" input float max "Maximum Value" output float clamp "Clamped Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(min, "Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(max, "Max", 1) VOP_INT_PARM(min_i, "Min", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(max_i, "Max", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(min_u, "Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(max_u, "Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_v, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_v, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_p, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_p, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_n, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_n, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(min_c, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(max_c, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR4_PARM(min_v4, "Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR4_PARM(max_v4, "Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(min_uf, "Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(max_uf, "Max", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_uv, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_uv, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_up, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_up, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(min_un, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(max_un, "Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(min_uc, "Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(max_uc, "Max", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gs" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScript ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "complement" script "complement" label "complement" code { "$complem = -$val;" "$complem += 1;" } input float val "Input Value" output float complem "Complement: 1 - Input Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) VOP_INT_PARM(val_i, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(val_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_v, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_p, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_n, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_c, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(val_v4,"Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(val_uf, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_uv, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_up, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_un, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_uc, "Value", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWT0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for computelighting automatically generated 01/23/15 10:56:51 { name computelighting script computelighting label "Compute Lighting" input bsdf F F input vector Of "Surface Opacity" input vector Ce Ce output vector Cf Cf inputflags F 0 inputflags Of 0 inputflags Ce 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { bsdf vector vector vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "Of" label "Surface Opacity" type float invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "Ce" label "Ce" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } export none } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWZx0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for computelighting::2.0 automatically generated { name computelighting::2.0 script computelighting label "Compute Lighting" input struct_ShaderLayer layer Layer input bsdf F F input color Of "Surface Opacity" input color Ce Ce output vector Cf Cf output vector out_Of out_Of output bsdf out_F out_F inputflags layer 0 inputflags F 0 inputflags Of 0 inputflags Ce 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { struct_ShaderLayer bsdf color color vector vector bsdf } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "Of" label "Surface Opacity" type color invisible size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "Ce" label "Ce" type color invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "description" label "Description" type string invisible default { "" } range { 0 1 } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWDZx0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for computetan automatically generated { name computetan script computetan label "Compute Tangents" outercode { "#include \"voplib.h\"" } input string tstyle "Tangent Style" input vector uv Parameter input vector N "Surface Normal" input vector utan "U Tangent" input vector vtan "V Tangent" input float angle Angle output vector _utan "U Tangent" output vector _vtan "V Tangent" inputflags tstyle 0 inputflags uv 0 inputflags N 0 inputflags utan 0 inputflags vtan 0 inputflags angle 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { string vector vector vector vector float vector vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "tstyle" label "Tangent Style" type string default { "geo" } menu { "geo" "Use Geometric Tangents" "world" "Intrinsic World Space" "object" "Intrinsic Object Space" "uv" "Compute From UV" "inputs" "Use Connected utan, vtan" } range { 0 1 } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWZx0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for conserveenergy automatically generated { name conserveenergy script conserveenergy label "Conserve Energy" code { "" } input bsdf f BSDF output bsdf _f f output float scale scale inputflags f 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { bsdf bsdf float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } } INDX DialogScriptU[# Dialog script for contour::2.0 automatically generated 05/19/15 11:40:10 { name contour::2.0 script contour label Contour outercode { "#include " } code { "// Determine the filter size" "if($ftype != \"point\")" "{" " float $fwidth;" " if($isconnected_fw)" " $fwidth = $fw;" " else" " $fwidth = VOPFW($val);" " float $fsize = abs($fwidth*$fscale);" " $cval = contour($val,max(0,$width),max(0,$sharp),0.0);" "}" "else" "{" " $cval = contour($val,max(0,$width),max(0,$sharp));" "}" } input float val "Value to Modify" input float width Width input float sharp Sharpness input string ftype Filter input float fw "Filter Width Override" input float fscale Scale output float cval "Modified Value" inputflags val 0 inputflags width 0 inputflags sharp 0 inputflags ftype 0 inputflags fw 0 inputflags fscale 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { float float float string float float float } signature "3D Value" v { vector float float string float float vector } signature "4D Value" p { vector4 float float string float float vector4 } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides v { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides p { ___begin auto (0,0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "width" label "Width" type float default { "0.01" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0! 0.1 } export none } parm { name "sharp" label "Sharpness" type float default { "4" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } export none } parm { name "ftype" label "Filter" type string joinnext default { "point" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" menu { "point" "Point" "box" "Box" "gauss" "Gaussian" } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "fscale" label "Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { ftype == point }" range { 0 2 } export none } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "cosine" script "cosine" label "cosine" outercode { "#include " } code { "$cosine = vop_cos($rad);" } input float rad "Radians" output float cosine "Output Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(rad, "Radians", 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(rad_u, "Radians", 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_v, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_p, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_n, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_c, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(rad_v4, "Radians", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(rad_uf, "Radians", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_uv, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_up, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_un, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(rad_uc, "Radians", 0, 0, 0) group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "ctransform" script "ctransform" label "ctransform" code { "$to = ctransform($fromspace, $tospace, $from);" } input vector from "Source Color" input string fromspace "From Space" input string tospace "To Space" output vector to "New Color" parm { name from label "Source Color" type float size 3 default { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } } parm { name fromspace label "From Space" type string default { "cspace:rgb" } menu { "cspace:rgb" "RGB" "cspace:hsl" "HSL" "cspace:hsv" "HSV" "cspace:XYZ" "XYZ" "cspace:Lab" "Lab" "cspace:tmi" "TMI" } } parm { name tospace label "To Space" type string default { "cspace:XYZ" } menu { "cspace:rgb" "RGB" "cspace:hsl" "HSL" "cspace:hsv" "HSV" "cspace:XYZ" "XYZ" "cspace:Lab" "Lab" "cspace:tmi" "TMI" } } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "degtorad" script "degtorad" label "degtorad" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$rad = vop_radians($deg);" } input float deg "Degrees" output float rad "Radians" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM_R(deg, "Degrees", 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR2_PARM(float, deg_u, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_v, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_p, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_n, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(color, deg_c, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR4_PARM(float, deg_v4,"Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 360) VOP_FLT_PARM_R(deg_uf, "Degrees", 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_uv, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_up, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(float, deg_un, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) VOP_VECTOR_PARM(color, deg_uc, "Degrees", 0, 0, 0, 0, 360) group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "displacenml" script "displacenml" label "displacenml" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "vop_displaceAlongNormal(($isconnected_P != 0) ? $P : P," " ($isconnected_nN != 0) ? $nN : normalize(N)," " $amount, $scale, $sshear, $tshear," " $polys, $objspace, $bump, $dispP, $dispN);" } input point P "Position" input normal nN "Normal Vector" VOP_FLT_INPUT( amount, "Displacement Amount", 0) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( scale, "Scale", 1, -1, 1) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( sshear, "S Shear", 0, -1, 1) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( tshear, "T Shear", 0, -1, 1) VOP_TOGGLE_INPUT( polys, "Ensure Proper Smooth-Shading Of Polygons", 1) VOP_TOGGLE_INPUT( objspace, "Object Space", 0) VOP_TOGGLE_INPUT( bump, "Bump Only", 0) output point dispP "Displaced Position" output normal dispN "Displaced Normal" } INDX DialogScript!ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "divconst" script "divconst" label "divconst" code { "$scaled = $val * (1.0 / $divconst);" } descriptiveparm divconst input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Input Value / Constant" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(divconst, "Divider", 1) } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "dot" script "dot" label "dot" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$dotprod = vop_dot($vec1, $vec2);" } input vector vec1 "Vector 1" input vector vec2 "Vector 2" output float dotprod "Dot Product" VOP_VEC_PARM(vec1, "Vector 1", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec2, "Vector 2", 0, 1, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec1_c, "Color 1", 1, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec2_c, "Color 2", 0, 1, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec1_uv, "Vector 1", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec2_uv, "Vector 2", 0, 1, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec1_uc, "Color 1", 1, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec2_uc, "Color 2", 0, 1, 0) signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "3D Vector/Point" vp { vector point float } signature "3D Vector/Normal" vn { vector normal float } signature "3D Point/Vector" pv { point vector float } signature "3D Point/Point" pp { point point float } signature "3D Point/Normal" pn { point normal float } signature "3D Normal/Vector" nv { normal vector float } signature "3D Normal/Point" np { normal point float } signature "3D Normal/Normal" nn { normal normal float } signature "RGB Color" c { color color float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector/Point" vp { uvector upoint ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector/Normal" vn { uvector unormal ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point/Vector" pv { upoint uvector ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point/Point" pp { upoint upoint ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point/Normal" pn { upoint unormal ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal/Vector" nv { unormal uvector ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal/Point" np { unormal upoint ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal/Normal" nn { unormal unormal ufloat } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ufloat } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptBV18# Dialog script for dualrestsolver::2.0 automatically generated 10/29/15 11:34:32 { name dualrestsolver::2.0 script dualrestsolver label "Dual Rest Solver" outercode { "// Include all of pyro so the vex expressions " "// have access to the whole library" "#include " } code { "vector $pfail = $fail_fail;" "" "#if defined(VOP_SHADING)" " $pfail = $fail_shading;" "#else" " #if defined(VOP_COP) || defined(VOP_COP2)" " $pfail = $fail_cop;" " #elif defined(VOP_POP) || defined(VOP_SOP)" " $pfail = $fail_sop;" " #elif defined(VOP_CHOP)" " $pfail = $fail_chop;" " #elif defined(VOP_CVEX)" " $pfail = $fail_cvex;" " #endif" "#endif" "" "#if defined(VOP_SHADING) || defined(VOP_SOP) || defined(VOP_POP) || defined(VOP_CVEX)" " $Prest = $bound_rest ? $rest : $pfail;" " $Prest_ratio = $bound_rest_ratio ? rrinterp($rest_ratio,$restinterp) : 1;" " if($bound_rest2 && $bound_rest2_ratio) {" " $Prest2 = $rest2;" " $Prest2_ratio = rrinterp($rest2_ratio,$restinterp);" " } else {" " $Prest2 = $pfail;" " $Prest2_ratio = 0;" " }" "#else" " $Prest = $pfail;" " $Prest_ratio = 1;" " $Prest2 = $pfail;" " $Prest2_ratio = 0;" "#endif" "" "$dualrest.rest = $Prest;" "$dualrest.rest_ratio = $Prest_ratio;" "$dualrest.rest2 = $Prest2;" "$dualrest.rest2_ratio = $Prest2_ratio;" } input int restinterp Interpolation input vector rest "Rest Position 1" input int bound_rest "Whether Rest Position 1 Is Bound" input float rest_ratio "Rest1 Ratio" input int bound_rest_ratio "Whether Rest Ratio 1 Is Bound" input vector rest2 "Rest Position 2" input int bound_rest2 "Whether Rest Position 2 Is Bound" input float rest2_ratio "Rest2 Ratio" input int bound_rest2_ratio "Whether Rest Ratio 2 Is Bound" output struct_DualRest dualrest "Dual Rest" output vector Prest "Final Rest1" output float Prest_ratio "Final Rest1 Ratio" output vector Prest2 "Final Rest2" output float Prest2_ratio "Final Rest2 Ratio" inputflags restinterp 0 inputflags rest 0 inputflags bound_rest 0 inputflags rest_ratio 0 inputflags bound_rest_ratio 0 inputflags rest2 0 inputflags bound_rest2 0 inputflags rest2_ratio 0 inputflags bound_rest2_ratio 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { int vector int float int vector int float int struct_DualRest vector float vector float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "restinterp" label "Ratio Interpolation" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Unmodified (Linear)" "1" "Cubic" "2" "Cosine" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fallback_label" label "fallback_label" type label nolabel default { "Fallback Rest Position Upon Failure (VEX):" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fail_shading" label "SHADING Contexts" type string default { "ptransform(\"space:object\",P)" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } parm { name "fail_cop" label "COP|COP2 Contexts" type string default { "set(X,Y,0)" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } parm { name "fail_sop" label "SOP|POP Contexts" type string default { "P" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } parm { name "fail_chop" label "CHOP Context" type string default { "set((float)I/SR,V,0)" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } parm { name "fail_cvex" label "CVEX Context" type string default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } parm { name "fail_fail" label "Unknown Context" type string default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none unquoted } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "efit" script "efit" label "efit" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB "#include " } code { "$shift = efit($val, $srcmin, $srcmax, $destmin, $destmax);" } input float val "Input Value" input float srcmin "Minimum Value In Source Range" input float srcmax "Maximum Value In Source Range" input float destmin "Minimum Value In Destination Range" input float destmax "Maximum Value In Destination Range" output float shift "Shifted Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" v2 { vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmin, "Source Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmax, "Source Max", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmin, "Destination Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmax, "Destination Max", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(srcmin_v2, "Source Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(srcmax_v2, "Source Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(destmin_v2, "Destination Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(destmax_v2, "Destination Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_v, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_v, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_v, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_v, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_p, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_p, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_p, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_p, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_n, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_n, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_n, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_n, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmin_c, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmax_c, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmin_c, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmax_c, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(srcmin_v4, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(srcmax_v4, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(destmin_v4, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(destmax_v4, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmin_uf, "Source Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmax_uf, "Source Max", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmin_uf, "Destination Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmax_uf, "Destination Max", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_uv, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_uv, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_uv, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_uv, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_up, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_up, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_up, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_up, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_un, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_un, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_un, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_un, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmin_uc, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmax_uc, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmin_uc, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmax_uc, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "exp" script "exp" label "exp" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$exp = vop_exp($val);" } input float val "Input Value" output float exp "Exponent Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(val_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_v, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_p, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_n, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_c, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(val_v4,"Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(val_uf, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_uv, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_up, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_un, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_uc, "Value", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptYZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "fit" script "fit" label "fit" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$shift = vop_fit($val, $srcmin, $srcmax, $destmin, $destmax);" } input float val "Input Value" input float srcmin "Minimum Value In Source Range" input float srcmax "Maximum Value In Source Range" input float destmin "Minimum Value In Destination Range" input float destmax "Maximum Value In Destination Range" output float shift "Shifted Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" v2 { vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmin, "Source Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmax, "Source Max", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmin, "Destination Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmax, "Destination Max", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(srcmin_v2, "Source Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(srcmax_v2, "Source Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(destmin_v2, "Destination Min", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(destmax_v2, "Destination Max", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_v, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_v, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_v, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_v, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_p, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_p, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_p, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_p, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_n, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_n, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_n, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_n, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmin_c, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmax_c, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmin_c, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmax_c, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(srcmin_v4, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(srcmax_v4, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(destmin_v4, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(destmax_v4, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmin_uf, "Source Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(srcmax_uf, "Source Max", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmin_uf, "Destination Min", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(destmax_uf, "Destination Max", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_uv, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_uv, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_uv, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_uv, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_up, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_up, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_up, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_up, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmin_un, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(srcmax_un, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmin_un, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(destmax_un, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmin_uc, "Source Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(srcmax_uc, "Source Max", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmin_uc, "Destination Min", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(destmax_uc, "Destination Max", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gs" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv4" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "floattovec" script "floattovec" label "floattovec" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$vec = vop_floattovec($fval1, $fval2, $fval3);" } input float fval1 "Component 1" input float fval2 "Component 2" input float fval3 "Component 3" output vector vec "Output Vector" VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3, "Component 3", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval1_uv, "Component 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval2_uv, "Component 2", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(fval3_uv, "Component 3", 0) signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "3D Point" p { float float float point } signature "3D Normal" n { float float float normal } signature "RGB Color" c { float float float color } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { ufloat ufloat ufloat uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { ufloat ufloat ufloat upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { ufloat ufloat ufloat unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ufloat ufloat ufloat ucolor } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "fresnel" script "fresnel" label "fresnel" code { "vector $myI = ($isconnected_nI != 0) ? $nI : normalize(I);" "vector $myN = ($isconnected_nN != 0) ? $nN : normalize(N);" "fresnel($myI, $myN, $eta, $kr, $kt, $R, $T);" } input vector nI "Normalized Incident Vector" input normal nN "Normalized Surface Normal" input float eta "Index Of Refraction" output float kr "Reflected Light" output float kt "Transmitted (i.e. Refracted) Light" output vector R "Reflection Vector" output vector T "Transmission (i.e. Refraction) Vector" parm { name eta label "Index Of Refraction" type float size 1 default { 0.8 } range { 0.1 1 } } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "frontface" script "frontface" label "frontface" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "VOPvector $myI = $isconnected_I != 0 ? $I : I;" "VOPnormal $myN = $isconnected_N != 0 ? $N : N;" "$frontN = vop_frontface($myN, $myI);" "if ($normalize)" " $frontN = normalize($frontN);" } input vector I "Incident Vector" input normal N "Surface Normal" output normal frontN "Front-Facing Surface Normal" signature "Varying Normal" default { } signature "Uniform Normal" un { uvector unormal unormal } parm { name normalize label "Normalize Output Vector" type toggle default { 1 } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWTA\_0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopglobal::2.0 automatically generated 10/17/14 14:13:51 { name geometryvopglobal::2.0 script geometryvopglobal::2.0 label "Geometry VOP Global Parameters" output vector P P output vector v Velocity output vector force Force output float age Age output float life Life output int id Id output vector Cd Cd output vector uv UV output vector N N output float Time Time output float TimeInc "Time Inc" output float Frame Frame output int ptnum "Point Number" output int primnum "Primitive Number" output int vtxnum "Vertex Number" output int numpt "Number of Points" output int numprim "Number of Prims" output int numvtx "Number of Vertices" output string OpInput1 "First Input" output string OpInput2 "Second Input" output string OpInput3 "Third Input" output string OpInput4 "Fourth Input" signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector float float int vector vector vector float float float int int int int int int string string string string } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") } help { "" } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptW"Q!0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for geometryvopoutput automatically generated 05/16/13 09:54:41 { name geometryvopoutput script geometryvopoutput label "Geometry VOP Output" input vector P P input vector v Velocity input vector force Force input vector Cd Color input vector N Normal inputflags P 0 inputflags v 0 inputflags force 0 inputflags Cd 0 inputflags N 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector vector vector } outputoverrides default { } help { "" } } INDX DialogScript lZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "getattrib" script "getattrib" label "getattrib" code { "string $sourcefile = $opinput;" "if ($opinput == 'file') $sourcefile = $file;" "$success = 0;" "int $elemidx = $i1;" "if ($atype == 'vertex')" " $elemidx = vertexindex($sourcefile, $i1, $i2);" "$adata = getattrib($sourcefile, $atype, $attrib, $elemidx, $success);" "if (!$success)" " $adata = $adefault;" } descriptiveparm attrib input string file "Geometry File" input string atype "Attribute Class" input string attrib "Attribute Name" input int i1 "Point or Primitive Number" input int i2 "Vertex Number" input vector adefault "Default Value" output vector adata "Attribute Value" output int success "Return 1 For Success, 0 For Failure" signature "Float" f { string string string int int float float int } signature "Integer" i { string string string int int int int int } signature "Vector 2" v2 { string string string int int vector2 vector2 int } signature "Vector 3" default { } signature "Vector 4" v4 { string string string int int vector4 vector4 int } signature "Matrix 2" m2 { string string string int int matrix2 matrix2 int } signature "Matrix 3" m3 { string string string int int matrix3 matrix3 int } signature "Matrix 4" m { string string string int int matrix matrix int } signature "String" s { string string string int int string string int } signature "Float Array" fa { string string string int int floata floata int } signature "Integer Array" ia { string string string int int inta inta int } signature "Vector 2 Array" v2a { string string string int int vector2a vector2a int } signature "Vector 3 Array" va { string string string int int vectora vectora int } signature "Vector 4 Array" v4a { string string string int int vector4a vector4a int } signature "Matrix 2 Array" m2a { string string string int int matrix2a matrix2a int } signature "Matrix 3 Array" m3a { string string string int int matrix3a matrix3a int } signature "Matrix 4 Array" ma { string string string int int matrixa matrixa int } signature "String Array" sa { string string string int int stringa stringa int } parm { name opinput label "Input" type string default { "file" } menu { "file" "File" "opinput:0" "First Input" "opinput:1" "Second Input" "opinput:2" "Third Input" "opinput:3" "Fourth Input" } } parm { name file label "Geometry File" type geometry default { "$HH/geo/defgeo.bgeo" } disablewhen "{ opinput != file }" } parm { name atype label "Attribute Class" type string default { "point" } menu { "detail" "Detail" "point" "Point" "prim" "Primitive" "vertex" "Vertex" "pointgroup" "Point Group" "primgroup" "Primitive Group" } } parm { name attrib label "Attribute" type string default { "Cd" } } parm { name i1 label "Point or Primitive" type int size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name i2 label "Vertex" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "getlayerexport" script "getlayerexport" label "getlayerexport" outercode { "#include " } code { "$value = $defaultvalue;" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $index = find($layer.exports.names_f, $name);" " if($index >= 0)" " $value = $layer.exports.values_f[$index];" "#elif !strcmp($signature, \"v\")" " $index = find($layer.exports.names_v, $name);" " if($index >= 0)" " $value = $layer.exports.values_v[$index];" "#elif !strcmp($signature, \"v4\")" " $index = find($layer.exports.names_v4, $name);" " if($index >= 0)" " $value = $layer.exports.values_v4[$index];" "#endif" "$index = select($index >= 0, $index, -1);" "$found = $index >= 0;" } output float value "Output Layer" output int found "Export Found" output int index "Export Index" input struct_ShaderLayer layer "Layer" VOP_STR_INPUT(name, "Name", "") VOP_FLT_INPUT(defaultvalue, "Default Value", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(defaultvalue_v, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(defaultvalue_v4, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0, 0) signature "Float Value" default { } signature "Vector Value" v { struct_ShaderLayer string vector vector int int } signature "Vector4 Value" v4 { struct_ShaderLayer string vector4 vector4 int int } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "hvectovec" script "hvectovec" label "hvectovec" code { "$vec = (vector)$hvec;" "$fval4 = getcomp($hvec, 3);" } input vector4 hvec "Input Vector4" output vector vec "Output Vector" output float fval4 "Fourth Component" parm { name hvec label "Input Vector4" type float size 4 default { 0 0 0 0 } } } INDX DialogScript _ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "ifconnected" script "ifconnected" label "ifconnected" code { "$result = $isconnected_connected != 0 ? $connected : $notconnected;" } outercode { "#include " } input float connected "Input Tested For Connectivity" input float notconnected "Default If First Input Not Connected" output float result "Output Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int } signature "String" s { string string string } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix" m { matrix matrix matrix } signature "BSDF" bsdf { bsdf bsdf bsdf } signature "Shader Layer" sl { struct_ShaderLayer struct_ShaderLayer struct_ShaderLayer } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor } signature "Uniform 4x4 Matrix" um { umatrix umatrix umatrix } VOP_FLT_PARM(notconnected, "Default Value", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(notconnected_i, "Default Value", 0) VOP_STR_PARM(notconnected_s, "Default Value", "") VOP_VEC2_PARM(notconnected_u, "Default Value", 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_v, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_p, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_n, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(notconnected_c, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(notconnected_v4, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0, 0) parm { name notconnected_m3 label "Default Value" type float size 9 default { 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name notconnected_m label "Default Value" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } VOP_FLT_PARM(notconnected_uf, "Default Value", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_uv, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_up, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(notconnected_un, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(notconnected_uc, "Default Value", 0, 0, 0) parm { name notconnected_um label "Default Value" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g1" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g2" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptaZ`# Dialog script for ifd automatically generated { name ifd script ifd label Mantra help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Sub-Network Input #1" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" inputlabel 5 "Sub-Network Input #5" inputlabel 6 "Sub-Network Input #6" inputlabel 7 "Sub-Network Input #7" inputlabel 8 "Sub-Network Input #8" inputlabel 9 "Sub-Network Input #9" inputlabel 10 "Sub-Network Input #10" inputlabel 11 "Sub-Network Input #11" inputlabel 12 "Sub-Network Input #12" inputlabel 13 "Sub-Network Input #13" inputlabel 14 "Sub-Network Input #14" inputlabel 15 "Sub-Network Input #15" inputlabel 16 "Sub-Network Input #16" inputlabel 17 "Sub-Network Input #17" inputlabel 18 "Sub-Network Input #18" inputlabel 19 "Sub-Network Input #19" inputlabel 20 "Sub-Network Input #20" inputlabel 21 "Sub-Network Input #21" inputlabel 22 "Sub-Network Input #22" inputlabel 23 "Sub-Network Input #23" inputlabel 24 "Sub-Network Input #24" inputlabel 25 "Sub-Network Input #25" inputlabel 26 "Sub-Network Input #26" inputlabel 27 "Sub-Network Input #27" inputlabel 28 "Sub-Network Input #28" inputlabel 29 "Sub-Network Input #29" inputlabel 30 "Sub-Network Input #30" inputlabel 31 "Sub-Network Input #31" inputlabel 32 "Sub-Network Input #32" inputlabel 33 "Sub-Network Input #33" inputlabel 34 "Sub-Network Input #34" inputlabel 35 "Sub-Network Input #35" inputlabel 36 "Sub-Network Input #36" inputlabel 37 "Sub-Network Input #37" inputlabel 38 "Sub-Network Input #38" inputlabel 39 "Sub-Network Input #39" inputlabel 40 "Sub-Network Input #40" inputlabel 41 "Sub-Network Input #41" inputlabel 42 "Sub-Network Input #42" inputlabel 43 "Sub-Network Input #43" inputlabel 44 "Sub-Network Input #44" inputlabel 45 "Sub-Network Input #45" inputlabel 46 "Sub-Network Input #46" inputlabel 47 "Sub-Network Input #47" inputlabel 48 "Sub-Network Input #48" inputlabel 49 "Sub-Network Input #49" inputlabel 50 "Sub-Network Input #50" inputlabel 51 "Sub-Network Input #51" inputlabel 52 "Sub-Network Input #52" inputlabel 53 "Sub-Network Input #53" inputlabel 54 "Sub-Network Input #54" inputlabel 55 "Sub-Network Input #55" inputlabel 56 "Sub-Network Input #56" inputlabel 57 "Sub-Network Input #57" inputlabel 58 "Sub-Network Input #58" inputlabel 59 "Sub-Network Input #59" inputlabel 60 "Sub-Network Input #60" inputlabel 61 "Sub-Network Input #61" inputlabel 62 "Sub-Network Input #62" inputlabel 63 "Sub-Network Input #63" inputlabel 64 "Sub-Network Input #64" inputlabel 65 "Sub-Network Input #65" inputlabel 66 "Sub-Network Input #66" inputlabel 67 "Sub-Network Input #67" inputlabel 68 "Sub-Network Input #68" inputlabel 69 "Sub-Network Input #69" inputlabel 70 "Sub-Network Input #70" inputlabel 71 "Sub-Network Input #71" inputlabel 72 "Sub-Network Input #72" inputlabel 73 "Sub-Network Input #73" inputlabel 74 "Sub-Network Input #74" inputlabel 75 "Sub-Network Input #75" inputlabel 76 "Sub-Network Input #76" inputlabel 77 "Sub-Network Input #77" inputlabel 78 "Sub-Network Input #78" inputlabel 79 "Sub-Network Input #79" inputlabel 80 "Sub-Network Input #80" inputlabel 81 "Sub-Network Input #81" inputlabel 82 "Sub-Network Input #82" inputlabel 83 "Sub-Network Input #83" inputlabel 84 "Sub-Network Input #84" inputlabel 85 "Sub-Network Input #85" inputlabel 86 "Sub-Network Input #86" inputlabel 87 "Sub-Network Input #87" inputlabel 88 "Sub-Network Input #88" inputlabel 89 "Sub-Network Input #89" inputlabel 90 "Sub-Network Input #90" inputlabel 91 "Sub-Network Input #91" inputlabel 92 "Sub-Network Input #92" inputlabel 93 "Sub-Network Input #93" inputlabel 94 "Sub-Network Input #94" inputlabel 95 "Sub-Network Input #95" inputlabel 96 "Sub-Network Input #96" inputlabel 97 "Sub-Network Input #97" inputlabel 98 "Sub-Network Input #98" inputlabel 99 "Sub-Network Input #99" inputlabel 100 "Sub-Network Input #100" inputlabel 101 "Sub-Network Input #101" inputlabel 102 "Sub-Network Input #102" inputlabel 103 "Sub-Network Input #103" inputlabel 104 "Sub-Network Input #104" inputlabel 105 "Sub-Network Input #105" inputlabel 106 "Sub-Network Input #106" inputlabel 107 "Sub-Network Input #107" inputlabel 108 "Sub-Network Input #108" inputlabel 109 "Sub-Network Input #109" inputlabel 110 "Sub-Network Input #110" inputlabel 111 "Sub-Network Input #111" inputlabel 112 "Sub-Network Input #112" inputlabel 113 "Sub-Network Input #113" inputlabel 114 "Sub-Network Input #114" inputlabel 115 "Sub-Network Input #115" inputlabel 116 "Sub-Network Input #116" inputlabel 117 "Sub-Network Input #117" inputlabel 118 "Sub-Network Input #118" inputlabel 119 "Sub-Network Input #119" inputlabel 120 "Sub-Network Input #120" inputlabel 121 "Sub-Network Input #121" inputlabel 122 "Sub-Network Input #122" inputlabel 123 "Sub-Network Input #123" inputlabel 124 "Sub-Network Input #124" inputlabel 125 "Sub-Network Input #125" inputlabel 126 "Sub-Network Input #126" inputlabel 127 "Sub-Network Input #127" inputlabel 128 "Sub-Network Input #128" inputlabel 129 "Sub-Network Input #129" inputlabel 130 "Sub-Network Input #130" inputlabel 131 "Sub-Network Input #131" inputlabel 132 "Sub-Network Input #132" inputlabel 133 "Sub-Network Input #133" inputlabel 134 "Sub-Network Input #134" inputlabel 135 "Sub-Network Input #135" inputlabel 136 "Sub-Network Input #136" inputlabel 137 "Sub-Network Input #137" inputlabel 138 "Sub-Network Input #138" inputlabel 139 "Sub-Network Input #139" inputlabel 140 "Sub-Network Input #140" inputlabel 141 "Sub-Network Input #141" inputlabel 142 "Sub-Network Input #142" inputlabel 143 "Sub-Network Input #143" inputlabel 144 "Sub-Network Input #144" inputlabel 145 "Sub-Network Input #145" inputlabel 146 "Sub-Network Input #146" inputlabel 147 "Sub-Network Input #147" inputlabel 148 "Sub-Network Input #148" inputlabel 149 "Sub-Network Input #149" inputlabel 150 "Sub-Network Input #150" inputlabel 151 "Sub-Network Input #151" inputlabel 152 "Sub-Network Input #152" inputlabel 153 "Sub-Network Input #153" inputlabel 154 "Sub-Network Input #154" inputlabel 155 "Sub-Network Input #155" inputlabel 156 "Sub-Network Input #156" inputlabel 157 "Sub-Network Input #157" inputlabel 158 "Sub-Network Input #158" inputlabel 159 "Sub-Network Input #159" inputlabel 160 "Sub-Network Input #160" inputlabel 161 "Sub-Network Input #161" inputlabel 162 "Sub-Network Input #162" inputlabel 163 "Sub-Network Input #163" inputlabel 164 "Sub-Network Input #164" inputlabel 165 "Sub-Network Input #165" inputlabel 166 "Sub-Network Input #166" inputlabel 167 "Sub-Network Input #167" inputlabel 168 "Sub-Network Input #168" inputlabel 169 "Sub-Network Input #169" inputlabel 170 "Sub-Network Input #170" inputlabel 171 "Sub-Network Input #171" inputlabel 172 "Sub-Network Input #172" inputlabel 173 "Sub-Network Input #173" inputlabel 174 "Sub-Network Input #174" inputlabel 175 "Sub-Network Input #175" inputlabel 176 "Sub-Network Input #176" inputlabel 177 "Sub-Network Input #177" inputlabel 178 "Sub-Network Input #178" inputlabel 179 "Sub-Network Input #179" inputlabel 180 "Sub-Network Input #180" inputlabel 181 "Sub-Network Input #181" inputlabel 182 "Sub-Network Input #182" inputlabel 183 "Sub-Network Input #183" inputlabel 184 "Sub-Network Input #184" inputlabel 185 "Sub-Network Input #185" inputlabel 186 "Sub-Network Input #186" inputlabel 187 "Sub-Network Input #187" inputlabel 188 "Sub-Network Input #188" inputlabel 189 "Sub-Network Input #189" inputlabel 190 "Sub-Network Input #190" inputlabel 191 "Sub-Network Input #191" inputlabel 192 "Sub-Network Input #192" inputlabel 193 "Sub-Network Input #193" inputlabel 194 "Sub-Network Input #194" inputlabel 195 "Sub-Network Input #195" inputlabel 196 "Sub-Network Input #196" inputlabel 197 "Sub-Network Input #197" inputlabel 198 "Sub-Network Input #198" inputlabel 199 "Sub-Network Input #199" inputlabel 200 "Sub-Network Input #200" inputlabel 201 "Sub-Network Input #201" inputlabel 202 "Sub-Network Input #202" inputlabel 203 "Sub-Network Input #203" inputlabel 204 "Sub-Network Input #204" inputlabel 205 "Sub-Network Input #205" inputlabel 206 "Sub-Network Input #206" inputlabel 207 "Sub-Network Input #207" inputlabel 208 "Sub-Network Input #208" inputlabel 209 "Sub-Network Input #209" inputlabel 210 "Sub-Network Input #210" inputlabel 211 "Sub-Network Input #211" inputlabel 212 "Sub-Network Input #212" inputlabel 213 "Sub-Network Input #213" inputlabel 214 "Sub-Network Input #214" inputlabel 215 "Sub-Network Input #215" inputlabel 216 "Sub-Network Input #216" inputlabel 217 "Sub-Network Input #217" inputlabel 218 "Sub-Network Input #218" inputlabel 219 "Sub-Network Input #219" inputlabel 220 "Sub-Network Input #220" inputlabel 221 "Sub-Network Input #221" inputlabel 222 "Sub-Network Input #222" inputlabel 223 "Sub-Network Input #223" inputlabel 224 "Sub-Network Input #224" inputlabel 225 "Sub-Network Input #225" inputlabel 226 "Sub-Network Input #226" inputlabel 227 "Sub-Network Input #227" inputlabel 228 "Sub-Network Input #228" inputlabel 229 "Sub-Network Input #229" inputlabel 230 "Sub-Network Input #230" inputlabel 231 "Sub-Network Input #231" inputlabel 232 "Sub-Network Input #232" inputlabel 233 "Sub-Network Input #233" inputlabel 234 "Sub-Network Input #234" inputlabel 235 "Sub-Network Input #235" inputlabel 236 "Sub-Network Input #236" inputlabel 237 "Sub-Network Input #237" inputlabel 238 "Sub-Network Input #238" inputlabel 239 "Sub-Network Input #239" inputlabel 240 "Sub-Network Input #240" inputlabel 241 "Sub-Network Input #241" inputlabel 242 "Sub-Network Input #242" inputlabel 243 "Sub-Network Input #243" inputlabel 244 "Sub-Network Input #244" inputlabel 245 "Sub-Network Input #245" inputlabel 246 "Sub-Network Input #246" inputlabel 247 "Sub-Network Input #247" inputlabel 248 "Sub-Network Input #248" inputlabel 249 "Sub-Network Input #249" inputlabel 250 "Sub-Network Input #250" inputlabel 251 "Sub-Network Input #251" inputlabel 252 "Sub-Network Input #252" inputlabel 253 "Sub-Network Input #253" inputlabel 254 "Sub-Network Input #254" inputlabel 255 "Sub-Network Input #255" inputlabel 256 "Sub-Network Input #256" inputlabel 257 "Sub-Network Input #257" inputlabel 258 "Sub-Network Input #258" inputlabel 259 "Sub-Network Input #259" inputlabel 260 "Sub-Network Input #260" inputlabel 261 "Sub-Network Input #261" inputlabel 262 "Sub-Network Input #262" inputlabel 263 "Sub-Network Input #263" inputlabel 264 "Sub-Network Input #264" inputlabel 265 "Sub-Network Input #265" inputlabel 266 "Sub-Network Input #266" inputlabel 267 "Sub-Network Input #267" inputlabel 268 "Sub-Network Input #268" inputlabel 269 "Sub-Network Input #269" inputlabel 270 "Sub-Network Input #270" inputlabel 271 "Sub-Network Input #271" inputlabel 272 "Sub-Network Input #272" inputlabel 273 "Sub-Network Input #273" inputlabel 274 "Sub-Network Input #274" inputlabel 275 "Sub-Network Input #275" inputlabel 276 "Sub-Network Input #276" inputlabel 277 "Sub-Network Input #277" inputlabel 278 "Sub-Network Input #278" inputlabel 279 "Sub-Network Input #279" inputlabel 280 "Sub-Network Input #280" inputlabel 281 "Sub-Network Input #281" inputlabel 282 "Sub-Network Input #282" inputlabel 283 "Sub-Network Input #283" inputlabel 284 "Sub-Network Input #284" inputlabel 285 "Sub-Network Input #285" inputlabel 286 "Sub-Network Input #286" inputlabel 287 "Sub-Network Input #287" inputlabel 288 "Sub-Network Input #288" inputlabel 289 "Sub-Network Input #289" inputlabel 290 "Sub-Network Input #290" inputlabel 291 "Sub-Network Input #291" inputlabel 292 "Sub-Network Input #292" inputlabel 293 "Sub-Network Input #293" inputlabel 294 "Sub-Network Input #294" inputlabel 295 "Sub-Network Input #295" inputlabel 296 "Sub-Network Input #296" inputlabel 297 "Sub-Network Input #297" inputlabel 298 "Sub-Network Input #298" inputlabel 299 "Sub-Network Input #299" inputlabel 300 "Sub-Network Input #300" inputlabel 301 "Sub-Network Input #301" inputlabel 302 "Sub-Network Input #302" inputlabel 303 "Sub-Network Input #303" inputlabel 304 "Sub-Network Input #304" inputlabel 305 "Sub-Network Input #305" inputlabel 306 "Sub-Network Input #306" inputlabel 307 "Sub-Network Input #307" inputlabel 308 "Sub-Network Input #308" inputlabel 309 "Sub-Network Input #309" inputlabel 310 "Sub-Network Input #310" inputlabel 311 "Sub-Network Input #311" inputlabel 312 "Sub-Network Input #312" inputlabel 313 "Sub-Network Input #313" inputlabel 314 "Sub-Network Input #314" inputlabel 315 "Sub-Network Input #315" inputlabel 316 "Sub-Network Input #316" inputlabel 317 "Sub-Network Input #317" inputlabel 318 "Sub-Network Input #318" inputlabel 319 "Sub-Network Input #319" inputlabel 320 "Sub-Network Input #320" inputlabel 321 "Sub-Network Input #321" inputlabel 322 "Sub-Network Input #322" inputlabel 323 "Sub-Network Input #323" inputlabel 324 "Sub-Network Input #324" inputlabel 325 "Sub-Network Input #325" inputlabel 326 "Sub-Network Input #326" inputlabel 327 "Sub-Network Input #327" inputlabel 328 "Sub-Network Input #328" inputlabel 329 "Sub-Network Input #329" inputlabel 330 "Sub-Network Input #330" inputlabel 331 "Sub-Network Input #331" inputlabel 332 "Sub-Network Input #332" inputlabel 333 "Sub-Network Input #333" inputlabel 334 "Sub-Network Input #334" inputlabel 335 "Sub-Network Input #335" inputlabel 336 "Sub-Network Input #336" inputlabel 337 "Sub-Network Input #337" inputlabel 338 "Sub-Network Input #338" inputlabel 339 "Sub-Network Input #339" inputlabel 340 "Sub-Network Input #340" inputlabel 341 "Sub-Network Input #341" inputlabel 342 "Sub-Network Input #342" inputlabel 343 "Sub-Network Input #343" inputlabel 344 "Sub-Network Input #344" inputlabel 345 "Sub-Network Input #345" inputlabel 346 "Sub-Network Input #346" inputlabel 347 "Sub-Network Input #347" inputlabel 348 "Sub-Network Input #348" inputlabel 349 "Sub-Network Input #349" inputlabel 350 "Sub-Network Input #350" inputlabel 351 "Sub-Network Input #351" inputlabel 352 "Sub-Network Input #352" inputlabel 353 "Sub-Network Input #353" inputlabel 354 "Sub-Network Input #354" inputlabel 355 "Sub-Network Input #355" inputlabel 356 "Sub-Network Input #356" inputlabel 357 "Sub-Network Input #357" inputlabel 358 "Sub-Network Input #358" inputlabel 359 "Sub-Network Input #359" inputlabel 360 "Sub-Network Input #360" inputlabel 361 "Sub-Network Input #361" inputlabel 362 "Sub-Network Input #362" inputlabel 363 "Sub-Network Input #363" inputlabel 364 "Sub-Network Input #364" inputlabel 365 "Sub-Network Input #365" inputlabel 366 "Sub-Network Input #366" inputlabel 367 "Sub-Network Input #367" inputlabel 368 "Sub-Network Input #368" inputlabel 369 "Sub-Network Input #369" inputlabel 370 "Sub-Network Input #370" inputlabel 371 "Sub-Network Input #371" inputlabel 372 "Sub-Network Input #372" inputlabel 373 "Sub-Network Input #373" inputlabel 374 "Sub-Network Input #374" inputlabel 375 "Sub-Network Input #375" inputlabel 376 "Sub-Network Input #376" inputlabel 377 "Sub-Network Input #377" inputlabel 378 "Sub-Network Input #378" inputlabel 379 "Sub-Network Input #379" inputlabel 380 "Sub-Network Input #380" inputlabel 381 "Sub-Network Input #381" inputlabel 382 "Sub-Network Input #382" inputlabel 383 "Sub-Network Input #383" inputlabel 384 "Sub-Network Input #384" inputlabel 385 "Sub-Network Input #385" inputlabel 386 "Sub-Network Input #386" inputlabel 387 "Sub-Network Input #387" inputlabel 388 "Sub-Network Input #388" inputlabel 389 "Sub-Network Input #389" inputlabel 390 "Sub-Network Input #390" inputlabel 391 "Sub-Network Input #391" inputlabel 392 "Sub-Network Input #392" inputlabel 393 "Sub-Network Input #393" inputlabel 394 "Sub-Network Input #394" inputlabel 395 "Sub-Network Input #395" inputlabel 396 "Sub-Network Input #396" inputlabel 397 "Sub-Network Input #397" inputlabel 398 "Sub-Network Input #398" inputlabel 399 "Sub-Network Input #399" inputlabel 400 "Sub-Network Input #400" inputlabel 401 "Sub-Network Input #401" inputlabel 402 "Sub-Network Input #402" inputlabel 403 "Sub-Network Input #403" inputlabel 404 "Sub-Network Input #404" inputlabel 405 "Sub-Network Input #405" inputlabel 406 "Sub-Network Input #406" inputlabel 407 "Sub-Network Input #407" inputlabel 408 "Sub-Network Input #408" inputlabel 409 "Sub-Network Input #409" inputlabel 410 "Sub-Network Input #410" inputlabel 411 "Sub-Network Input #411" inputlabel 412 "Sub-Network Input #412" inputlabel 413 "Sub-Network Input #413" inputlabel 414 "Sub-Network Input #414" inputlabel 415 "Sub-Network Input #415" inputlabel 416 "Sub-Network Input #416" inputlabel 417 "Sub-Network Input #417" inputlabel 418 "Sub-Network Input #418" inputlabel 419 "Sub-Network Input #419" inputlabel 420 "Sub-Network Input #420" inputlabel 421 "Sub-Network Input #421" inputlabel 422 "Sub-Network Input #422" inputlabel 423 "Sub-Network Input #423" inputlabel 424 "Sub-Network Input #424" inputlabel 425 "Sub-Network Input #425" inputlabel 426 "Sub-Network Input #426" inputlabel 427 "Sub-Network Input #427" inputlabel 428 "Sub-Network Input #428" inputlabel 429 "Sub-Network Input #429" inputlabel 430 "Sub-Network Input #430" inputlabel 431 "Sub-Network Input #431" inputlabel 432 "Sub-Network Input #432" inputlabel 433 "Sub-Network Input #433" inputlabel 434 "Sub-Network Input #434" inputlabel 435 "Sub-Network Input #435" inputlabel 436 "Sub-Network Input #436" inputlabel 437 "Sub-Network Input #437" inputlabel 438 "Sub-Network Input #438" inputlabel 439 "Sub-Network Input #439" inputlabel 440 "Sub-Network Input #440" inputlabel 441 "Sub-Network Input #441" inputlabel 442 "Sub-Network Input #442" inputlabel 443 "Sub-Network Input #443" inputlabel 444 "Sub-Network Input #444" inputlabel 445 "Sub-Network Input #445" inputlabel 446 "Sub-Network Input #446" inputlabel 447 "Sub-Network Input #447" inputlabel 448 "Sub-Network Input #448" inputlabel 449 "Sub-Network Input #449" inputlabel 450 "Sub-Network Input #450" inputlabel 451 "Sub-Network Input #451" inputlabel 452 "Sub-Network Input #452" inputlabel 453 "Sub-Network Input #453" inputlabel 454 "Sub-Network Input #454" inputlabel 455 "Sub-Network Input #455" inputlabel 456 "Sub-Network Input #456" inputlabel 457 "Sub-Network Input #457" inputlabel 458 "Sub-Network Input #458" inputlabel 459 "Sub-Network Input #459" inputlabel 460 "Sub-Network Input #460" inputlabel 461 "Sub-Network Input #461" inputlabel 462 "Sub-Network Input #462" inputlabel 463 "Sub-Network Input #463" inputlabel 464 "Sub-Network Input #464" inputlabel 465 "Sub-Network Input #465" inputlabel 466 "Sub-Network Input #466" inputlabel 467 "Sub-Network Input #467" inputlabel 468 "Sub-Network Input #468" inputlabel 469 "Sub-Network Input #469" inputlabel 470 "Sub-Network Input #470" inputlabel 471 "Sub-Network Input #471" inputlabel 472 "Sub-Network Input #472" inputlabel 473 "Sub-Network Input #473" inputlabel 474 "Sub-Network Input #474" inputlabel 475 "Sub-Network Input #475" inputlabel 476 "Sub-Network Input #476" inputlabel 477 "Sub-Network Input #477" inputlabel 478 "Sub-Network Input #478" inputlabel 479 "Sub-Network Input #479" inputlabel 480 "Sub-Network Input #480" inputlabel 481 "Sub-Network Input #481" inputlabel 482 "Sub-Network Input #482" inputlabel 483 "Sub-Network Input #483" inputlabel 484 "Sub-Network Input #484" inputlabel 485 "Sub-Network Input #485" inputlabel 486 "Sub-Network Input #486" inputlabel 487 "Sub-Network Input #487" inputlabel 488 "Sub-Network Input #488" inputlabel 489 "Sub-Network Input #489" inputlabel 490 "Sub-Network Input #490" inputlabel 491 "Sub-Network Input #491" inputlabel 492 "Sub-Network Input #492" inputlabel 493 "Sub-Network Input #493" inputlabel 494 "Sub-Network Input #494" inputlabel 495 "Sub-Network Input #495" inputlabel 496 "Sub-Network Input #496" inputlabel 497 "Sub-Network Input #497" inputlabel 498 "Sub-Network Input #498" inputlabel 499 "Sub-Network Input #499" inputlabel 500 "Sub-Network Input #500" parm { name "execute" baseparm label "Render to Disk" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderpreview" baseparm label "Render to MPlay" joinnext export none } parm { name "executebackground" baseparm label "Render to Disk in Background" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderdialog" baseparm label "Controls..." export none } parm { name "trange" baseparm label "Valid Frame Range" export none } parm { name "f" baseparm label "Start/End/Inc" export none } parm { name "take" baseparm label "Render With Take" export none } parm { name "camera" label "Camera" type oppath default { "/obj/cam1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/CAMERA!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } } parm { name "override_camerares" label "Override Camera Resolution" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "res_fraction" label "Resolution Scale" type string default { "0.5" } hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" menu { "0.1" "1/10 (One Tenth Resolution)" "0.2" "1/5 (One Fifth Resolution)" "0.25" "1/4 (Quarter Resolution)" "0.3333333" "1/3 (One Third Resolution)" "0.5" "1/2 (Half Resolution)" "0.6666666" "2/3 (Two Thirds Resolution)" "0.75" "3/4 (Three Quarter Resolution)" "specific" "User Specified Resolution" } } parm { name "res_override" label "Resolution" type intvector2 joinnext size 2 default { "1280" "720" } disablewhen "{ res_fraction != specific }" hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "res_overrideMenu" label "Choose Resolution" type button nolabel default { "0" } disablewhen "{ res_fraction != specific }" hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" menumini { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBres')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "opparm . res_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 0)` `arg(\"$script_value\", 1)` aspect_override ( `arg(\"$script_value\", 2)` )" } } parm { name "aspect_override" label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ res_fraction != specific }" hidewhen "{ override_camerares == 0 }" range { 0.05 2 } } group { name "images" label "Images" parm { name "soho_program" label "soho Program" type file invisible default { "IFD.py" } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "soho_shopstyle" label "soho SHOP Style" type string invisible default { "VMantra" } } parm { name "soho_ipr_support" label "IPR Supported" type toggle invisible default { "1" } } parm { name "soho_previewsupport" label "Preview Supported" type toggle invisible default { "1" } } parm { name "vm_picture" label "Output Picture" type file default { "$HIP/render/$HIPNAME.$OS.$F4.exr" } menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } } parm { name "vm_device" label "Output Device" type string default { "" } menu { "" "Infer from filename" "Houdini" "Houdini .pic format" "TIFF" "Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)" "OpenEXR" "Open EXR" "PNG" "Portable Network Graphics (PNG)" "JPEG" "JPEG" "RAT" "Random Access Texture (RAT)" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "soho_mkpath" label "Create Intermediate Directories" type toggle default { "1" } } parm { name "soho_skip_frame" label "Skip Rendered Frames" type string default { "no" } menu { "no" "Overwrite existing frames" "exist:vm_picture" "Skip files that exist" "valid:vm_picture" "Skip frames that are valid images" } } group { name "output" label "Output" } group { name "output_1" label "Extra Image Planes" } group { name "output_2" label "Deep Output" } group { name "output_3" label "Cryptomatte" } group { name "output_4" label "Meta Data" tabbreak } } group { name "images_1" label "Rendering" group { name "sampling" label "Sampling" } group { name "sampling_1" label "Limits" } group { name "sampling_2" label "Shading" } group { name "sampling_3" label "Render" } group { name "sampling_4" label "Dicing" } group { name "sampling_5" label "Statistics" } } group { name "images_2" label "Objects" parm { name "vobject" label "Candidate Objects" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects will not be output if their display flag is off" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "forceobject" label "Force Objects" type oplist default { "" } help "Objects will be output regardless of the state of their display flag" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "matte_objects" label "Forced Matte" type oplist default { "" } help "Objects forced to be output as matte objects" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "phantom_objects" label "Forced Phantom" type oplist default { "" } help "Objects forced to be output as phantom objects" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "excludeobject" label "Exclude Objects" type oplist default { "" } help "Objects which are not output" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "obj_light_sep" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "sololight" label "Solo Light" type oplist default { "" } help "Solo Lights" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "alights" label "Candidate Lights" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights will not be output if their dimmer channel is 0." disablewhen "{ sololight != \"\" }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "forcelights" label "Force Lights" type oplist default { "" } help "Lights will be output regardless of the value of their dimmer channel" disablewhen "{ sololight != \"\" }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "excludelights" label "Exclude Lights" type oplist default { "" } help "Lights will not be output under any circumstances." disablewhen "{ sololight != \"\" }" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } parm { name "soho_autoheadlight" label "Headlight Creation" type toggle default { "1" } help "By default, if there are no lights in the scene, a headlight will automatically be created. To disable this, turn this toggle off." disablewhen "{ sololight != \"\" }" } parm { name "light_fog_sep" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } } parm { name "vfog" label "Visible Fog" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects will not be output if their display flag is off" parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/FOG!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } } } group { name "images_3" label "Scripts" parm { name "tprerender" label "tprerender" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } } parm { name "prerender" label "Pre-Render Script" type file joinnext default { "" } disablewhen "{ tprerender == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "lprerender" label "lprerender" type string nolabel default { "hscript" } disablewhen "{ tprerender == 0 }" menu { "hscript" "Hscript" "python" "Python" } } parm { name "tpreframe" label "tpreframe" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } } parm { name "preframe" label "Pre-Frame Script" type file joinnext default { "" } disablewhen "{ tpreframe == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "lpreframe" label "lpreframe" type string nolabel default { "hscript" } disablewhen "{ tpreframe == 0 }" menu { "hscript" "Hscript" "python" "Python" } } parm { name "tpostframe" label "tpostframe" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } } parm { name "postframe" label "Post-Frame Script" type file joinnext default { "" } disablewhen "{ tpostframe == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "lpostframe" label "lpostframe" type string nolabel default { "hscript" } disablewhen "{ tpostframe == 0 }" menu { "hscript" "Hscript" "python" "Python" } } parm { name "tpostrender" label "tpostrender" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } } parm { name "postrender" label "Post-Render Script" type file joinnext default { "" } disablewhen "{ tpostrender == 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } } parm { name "lpostrender" label "lpostrender" type string nolabel default { "hscript" } disablewhen "{ tpostrender == 0 }" menu { "hscript" "Hscript" "python" "Python" } } } group { name "images_4" label "Driver" parm { name "soho_pipecmd" label "Command" type string default { "mantra" } disablewhen "{ soho_outputmode != 0 }" menureplace { "mantra" "No command line options" "mantra -H host1,host2" "Network rendering" "mantra -o consolewait" "Verbose to console (Windows only)" "mantra -e basic" "Enable curve/point engine procedural" "mantra -e full" "Enable full engine procedural" "mantra -P fitler.py" "Filter IFD using python" } } parm { name "soho_outputmode" label "Save IFD File To Disk" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } } parm { name "soho_diskfile" label "Disk File" type file default { "$HIP/mantra.ifd" } disablewhen "{ soho_outputmode != 1 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } } parm { name "soho_compression" label "File Compression" type string default { "ext" } help "Determines the file compression used when writing to a disk file (or if soho_force_compression is enabled)." disablewhen "{ soho_outputmode != 1 soho_force_compression != 1 }" menu { "ext" "Use Filename Extension" "none" "No Compression" "blosc" "BLOSC Compression" "gzip" "gzip Compression" } } parm { name "soho_foreground" label "Block Until Render Complete" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ soho_outputmode != 0 }" } parm { name "soho_initsim" label "Initialize Simulation OPs" type toggle default { "0" } } parm { name "soho_viewport_menu" label "Show In Viewport Menu" type toggle default { "1" } help "By default SOHO output drivers do not appear in the viewport menu. Adding this property and turning it on will cause the driver to show up." } } } INDX DialogScript`ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "inttofloat" script "inttofloat" label "inttofloat" code { "$fval = (float)$ival;" } input int ival "Integer Value" output float fval "Float Output" parm { name ival label "Integer Input" type int size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "inttovec" script "inttovec" label "inttovec" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$vec = set((float) $int1, (float) $int2, (float) $int3);" } output vector vec "Output Vector" VOP_INT_INPUT_R(int1, "Component 1", 0, 0, 1) VOP_INT_INPUT_R(int2, "Component 2", 0, 0, 1) VOP_INT_INPUT_R(int3, "Component 3", 0, 0, 1) } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "invert" script "invert" label "invert" code { "#if !strcmp($signature, \"f\")" " $inverse = 1.0 / $val;" "#else" " $inverse = invert($val);" "#endif" } input matrix val "Input Value" output matrix inverse "Inverted Value" signature "4x4 Matrix" default { } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 } signature "2x2 Matrix" m2 { matrix2 matrix2 } signature "Float" f { float float } parm { name val label "Value" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name val_m3 label "Value" type float size 9 default { 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name val_m2 label "Value" type float size 4 default { 1 0 0 1 } } parm { name val_f label "Value" type float size 1 default { 1 } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "isconnected" script "isconnected" label "isconnected" code { "$connected = $isconnected_input ? 1 : 0;" } outercode { "#include " } input float input "Input" output int connected "Input Connected Or Not" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "String" s { string int } signature "3D Vector" v { vector int } signature "3D Point" p { point int } signature "3D Normal" n { normal int } signature "RGB Color" c { color int } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 int } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 int } signature "4x4 Matrix" m { matrix int } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf int } signature "Shader Layer" sl { struct_ShaderLayer int } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat int } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector int } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint int } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal int } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor int } signature "Uniform 4x4 Matrix" um { umatrix int } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "isshadow" script "isshadow" label "isshadow" code { "$isshadow = isshadowray();" } output int isshadow "Is Shadow Ray" } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptW QZw0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for layerexport automatically generated { name layerexport script layerexport label "Layer Export" input struct_ShaderLayer layer Layer input float defaultvalue "Input 1" output float exportvalue "Export Value" inputflags layer 0 inputflags defaultvalue 0 signature "Float Value" default { struct_ShaderLayer float float } signature "Vector Value" v { struct_ShaderLayer vector vector } signature "Vector4 Value" v4 { struct_ShaderLayer vector4 vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides v { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v4 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "exportname" label "Export Name" type string default { "parm" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "vop_force_code_context" label "Force Code in Context" type string invisible default { "surface" } help "A string property on a VOP digital asset node that specifies shading\n contexts in which the node should force generation of code.\n In a multi-context network such as vopmaterial, not all nodes should generate\n code for a given context. For example, some nodes are applicable only to\n surface shader while other to displacement shader. Only a few nodes initiate\n (force) generation of code, such as Collect VOP , Output VOP , or exporting\n Parameter VOP . Then, only nodes that feed into them will also generate code.\n If an HDA does not have output connectors or wants to generate code even \n if not (indirectly) connected to the Output VOP , it can use this property\n parameter to specify the shading context in which to initiate generation \n of code." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Compiler" } } parm { name "exportas" label "Export As" type string default { [ "chs(\"exportname\")" hscript-expr ] } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "defaultvalue" label "Default Value" type float default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "defaultvalue_v" label "Default Value" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "defaultvalue_v4" label "Default Value" type intvector4 size 4 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 1 } } } INDX DialogScriptMZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name layerpack script layerpack label "Layer Pack" outercode { "#include " } code { "init_layer($layer);" "" "$layer.F = select($isconnected_F, $F, $layer.F);" "$layer.Of = select($isconnected_Of, $Of, $layer.Of);" "$layer.Ce = select($isconnected_Ce, $Ce, $layer.Ce);" "$layer.P = select($isconnected_P, $P, $layer.P);" "$layer.N = select($isconnected_N, $N, $layer.N);" "$layer.masks = select($isconnected_masks, $masks, $layer.masks);" } output struct_ShaderLayer layer layer input bsdf F F input vector Of Opacity input vector Ce Emission input vector P Position input vector N Normal input float layeralpha "Layer Alpha" input floata masks Masks } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWZy0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for layerunpack automatically generated { name layerunpack script layerunpack label "Layer Unpack" input struct_ShaderLayer layer layer output bsdf F BSDF output vector Of Opacity output vector Ce Emission output vector P Position output vector N Normal output float layeralpha "Layer Alpha" output floata masks Masks inputflags layer 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { struct_ShaderLayer bsdf vector vector vector vector float floata } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "length" script "length" label "length" code { "$len = length($vec);" } input vector vec "Vector" output float len "Vector Length" signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 float } signature "3D Point" p { point float } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal float } VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(vec_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_n, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(vec_v4, "Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Value", 1, 1, 1) group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScript`U[G# Dialog script for limits::2.0 automatically generated 05/19/15 11:54:15 { name limits::2.0 script limits label Limits outercode { "#include " } code { "$clamped = $value;" "if($domin) $clamped = max($clamped,$min);" "if($domax) $clamped = min($clamped,$max);" } input int value Value input int domin "Enable Minimum Limit" input int min "Lower Limit" input int domax "Enable Maximum Limit" input int max "Upper Limit" output int clamped "Clamped Value" inputflags value 0 inputflags domin 0 inputflags min 0 inputflags domax 0 inputflags max 0 signature Int default { int int int int int int } signature Float f_f_f { float int float int float float } signature Vector v_v_v { vector int vector int vector vector } signature "Vector Float Vector" v_f_v { vector int float int vector vector } signature "Vector Vector Float" v_v_f { vector int vector int float vector } signature Point p_p_p { vector4 int vector4 int vector4 vector4 } signature "Point Float Point" p_f_p { vector4 int float int vector4 vector4 } signature "Point Point Float" p_p_f { vector4 int vector4 int float vector4 } signature "IntA Int Int" ia_i_i { inta int int int int inta } signature "IntA IntA Int" ia_ia_i { inta int inta int int inta } signature "IntA IntA IntA" ia_ia_ia { inta int inta int inta inta } signature "IntA Int IntA" ia_i_ia { inta int int int inta inta } signature "FloatA Float Float" fa_f_f { floata int float int float floata } signature "FloatA FloatA Float" fa_fa_f { floata int floata int float floata } signature "FloatA FloatA FloatA" fa_fa_fa { floata int floata int floata floata } signature "FloatA Float FloatA" fa_f_fa { floata int float int floata floata } signature "VectorA Vector Vector" va_v_v { vectora int vector int vector vectora } signature "VectorA VectorA Vector" va_va_v { vectora int vectora int vector vectora } signature "VectorA VectorA VectorA" va_va_va { vectora int vectora int vectora vectora } signature "VectorA VectorA Float" va_va_f { vectora int vectora int float vectora } signature "VectorA Vector VectorA" va_v_va { vectora int vector int vectora vectora } signature "VectorA Vector Float" va_v_f { vectora int vector int float vectora } signature "VectorA Float VectorA" va_f_va { vectora int float int vectora vectora } signature "VectorA Float Vector" va_f_v { vectora int float int vector vectora } signature "VectorA Float Float" va_f_f { vectora int float int float vectora } signature "PointA Point Point" pa_p_p { vector4a int vector4 int vector4 vector4a } signature "PointA PointA Point" pa_pa_p { vector4a int vector4a int vector4 vector4a } signature "PointA PointA PointA" pa_pa_pa { vector4a int vector4a int vector4a vector4a } signature "PointA PointA Float" pa_pa_f { vector4a int vector4a int float vector4a } signature "PointA Point PointA" pa_p_pa { vector4a int vector4 int vector4a vector4a } signature "PointA Point Float" pa_p_f { vector4a int vector4 int float vector4a } signature "PointA Float PointA" pa_f_pa { vector4a int float int vector4a vector4a } signature "PointA Float Point" pa_f_p { vector4a int float int vector4 vector4a } signature "PointA Float Float" pa_f_f { vector4a int float int float vector4a } signature "Vector Float float" v_f_f { vector int float int float vector } signature "Point Float Float" p_f_f { vector4 int float int float vector4 } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides f_f_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides v_v_v { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v_f_v { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v_v_f { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides p_p_p { ___begin auto (0,0,0,0) } outputoverrides p_f_p { ___begin auto (0,0,0,0) } outputoverrides p_p_f { ___begin auto (0,0,0,0) } outputoverrides ia_i_i { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides ia_ia_i { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides ia_ia_ia { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides ia_i_ia { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides fa_f_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides fa_fa_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides fa_fa_fa { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides fa_f_fa { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_v_v { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_va_v { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_va_va { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_va_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_v_va { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_v_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_f_va { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_f_v { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides va_f_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_p_p { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_pa_p { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_pa_pa { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_pa_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_p_pa { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_p_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_f_pa { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_f_p { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides pa_f_f { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides v_f_f { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides p_f_f { ___begin auto (0,0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" invisible export none } parm { name "domin" label "Lower Limit" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "min" label "Integer" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domin == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "min_f_f_f" label "Float" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domin == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "min_v_v_v" label "Vector" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domin == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "min_p_p_p" label "Vector4" type vector4 size 4 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domin == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "domax" label "Upper Limit" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "max" label "Integer" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domax == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "max_f_f_f" label "Float" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domax == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "max_v_v_v" label "Vector" type vector size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domax == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "max_p_p_p" label "Vector4" type vector4 size 4 default { "1" "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 } { domax == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } INDX DialogScriptsZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "luminance" script "luminance" label "luminance" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$lum = vop_luminance($rgb);" } input color rgb "RGB color" output float lum "Luminance" VOP_CLR_PARM(rgb, "RGB Color", 0, 0, 0) } INDX DialogScriptBZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "maddconst" script "maddconst" label "maddconst" code { "$scaled = ($val + $preadd) * $mulconst + $postadd;" } input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Scaled And Shifted Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(preadd, "Pre-Add", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(mulconst, "Multiplier", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(postadd, "Post-Add", 0) } INDX DialogScript ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "mix" script "mix" label "mix" code { "#ifdef __vex" " $blend = lerp($input1, $input2, $bias);" "#else" " $blend = mix($input1, $input2, $bias);" "#endif" } input float input1 "Input 1" input float input2 "Input 2" input float bias "Interpolation Bias" output float blend "Interpolated Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 float vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector float vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point float point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal float normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color float color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 float vector4 } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf float bsdf } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector ufloat uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint ufloat upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal ufloat unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ufloat ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM_R(bias, "Bias", .5, 0, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(input1, "Input 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(input2, "Input 2", 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(input1_u, "Input 1", 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(input2_u, "Input 2", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_v, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_v, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_p, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_p, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_n, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_n, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(input1_c, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_c, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(input1_v4, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(input2_v4, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(input1_uf, "Input 1", 0) VOP_FLT_PARM(input2_uf, "Input 2", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_uv, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uv, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_up, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_up, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input1_un, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_un, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(input1_uc, "Input 1", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_uc, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) group { name "gf" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gs" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gv4" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "modulo" script "modulo" label "modulo" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "#if defined(__vex)" "$mod = $input1 % $input2;" "#else" "$mod = vop_mod($input1, $input2);" "#endif" } input float input1 "Input 1" input float input2 "Input 2" output float mod "Modulo" VOP_FLT_PARM(input2, "Divisor", 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(input2_i, "Divisor", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_v, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(input2_u, "Divisor", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_p, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_n, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_c, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(input2_v4,"Divisor", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(input2_uf, "Divisor", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uv, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_up, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_un, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_uc, "Divisor", 1, 1, 1) signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor ucolor } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "mulconst" script "mulconst" label "mulconst" code { "$scaled = $val * $mulconst;" } descriptiveparm mulconst input float val "Input Value" output float scaled "Input Value * Constant" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "BSDF" b { bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix " m4 { matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } parm { name mulconst label "Multiplier" type float size 1 default { 1.0 } } } INDX DialogScriptxZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "negate" script "negate" label "negate" code { "$negated = -$val;" } input int val "Input Value" output int negated "Negated Value" signature "Integer" default { } signature "Float" f { float float } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ucolor } } INDX DialogScriptoZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "normalize" script "normalize" label "normalize" code { "$nvec = normalize($vec);" } input normal vec "Input Vector" output normal nvec "Normalized Vector" signature "3D Normal" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Point" p { point point } signature "3D Vector" v { vector vector } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 vector4 } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal unormal } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector uvector } VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC2_PARM(vec_u, "Normal", 1, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_v, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(vec_v4, "Quaternion", 0, 0, 0, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Normal", 1, 0, 0) group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g1" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "not" script "not" label "not" code { "#ifdef __vex" " if ($bitwise)" " $not = ~$input;" " else" " $not = !$input;" "#else" " $not = ($input == 0) ? 1 : 0;" "#endif" } input int input "Input Value" output int not "\"Not\" Input" parm { name bitwise label "Bitwise Operation" type toggle size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptS0|# Dialog script for pbrdiffuse automatically generated 03/24/14 17:24:12 { name pbrdiffuse script pbrdiffuse label "Physically Based Diffuse" outercode { "" } code { "#ifdef VOP_SHADING" "vector $tnN = $isconnected_nN ? $nN : normalize(N);" "vector $tNg = dot($tnN, Ng) > 0 ? Ng : -Ng;" "#else" "vector $tnN = $isconnected_nN ? $nN : {0, 1, 0};" "vector $tNg = $tnN;" "#endif" "" "if ($model != \"translucent\")" "{" " if ($drough > 0)" " $f = 2.0*diffuse($tnN, $tNg, $drough, \"label\", $label);" " else" " $f = 2.0*diffuse($tnN, $tNg, \"label\", $label);" "}" "else" "{" " $f = 2.0*translucent($tnN, $tNg, \"label\", $label);" "}" } input string model "Diffuse Model" input string label "Component Label" input vector nN Normal input float drough "Diffuse Roughness" output bsdf f BSDF inputflags model 0 inputflags label 0 inputflags nN 0 inputflags drough 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { string string vector float bsdf } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "model" label "Diffuse Model" type string default { "diffuse" } menu { "diffuse" "Diffuse" "translucent" "Translucent" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "label" label "Component Label" type string default { "" } menureplace { "diffuse" "Diffuse" "specular" "Specular" "reflect" "Reflect" "refract" "Refract" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "drough" label "Diffuse Roughness" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ model == translucent }" range { 0 1 } export none } } INDX DialogScript SPEC_MIN_WIDTH) || $width > SPEC_MIN_WIDTH;" "if ($isglossy)" "{" " float $uexp, $vexp;" " " " $uexp = $vexp = pbrspecular_toexponent($width);" " vector $tanu, $tanv;" "#ifdef VOP_SHADING" " $tanu = $isconnected_utan ? $utan : normalize(dPds);" " $tanv = $isconnected_vtan ? $vtan : normalize(dPdt);" "#else" " $tanu = $isconnected_utan ? $utan : {1, 0, 0};" " $tanv = $isconnected_vtan ? $vtan : {0, 0, 1};" "#endif" " " " // for now always compute frame for ggx, regardless of aniso being near 0" " if (($model != \"cone\" && abs($aniso) > SPEC_MIN_WIDTH))// || $model == 'ggx')" " {" " " " if ($aniso_angle != 0)" " {" " matrix3 $rot = ident();" " rotate($rot, radians($aniso_angle), cross($tanu, $tanv));" " $tanu *= $rot;" " $tanv *= $rot;" " }" " " " " " " " if ($aniso < 0)" " $uexp *= pbrspecular_toexponent(1+($aniso));" " else" " $vexp *= pbrspecular_toexponent(1-($aniso));" " " " if ($model == \"blinn\")" " {" " $f = ashikhmin($tnN, $uexp, $vexp, $tanu, $tanv, \"label\", $label);" " }" " else if ($model == \"ggx\")" " {" " // make orthonormal" " $tanv = normalize(cross($tnN,$tanu));" " $tanu = normalize(cross($tnN,$tanv));" " " " int $flip = $aniso < 0;" " " " float $aspect = sqrt(1.0-abs($aniso)*0.9); " " float $alphax = max(0.001, $rough*$rough/$aspect);" " float $alphay = max(0.001, $rough*$rough*$aspect);" " float $alphaG = min($alphax, $alphay);" " " " $f = cvex_bsdf(" " \"oplib:/Shop/ggx_eval?Shop/ggx_eval\"," " \"oplib:/Shop/ggx_sample?Shop/ggx_sample\"," " \"label\", $label," " \"aniso\", 1," " \"ng\", normalize(Ng)," " \"nn\", (vector)$tnN," " \"xg\", (vector)select($flip, $tanv, $tanu)," " \"yg\", (vector)select($flip, $tanu, $tanv)," " \"alphax\", (float)$alphax," " \"alphay\", (float)$alphay," " \"model\", 0);" " }" " else" " {" " $f = phonglobe($tnN, $tnR, $uexp, $vexp, $tanu, $tanv, \"label\", $label);" " }" " }" " else" " {" " if ($model == \"cone\")" " {" " $f = cone($tnN, $tnR, radians($angle), \"label\", $label);" " }" " else if ($model == \"blinn\")" " {" " $f = blinn($tnN, $uexp, \"label\", $label);" " }" " else if($model == \"ggx\")" " {" " // make orthonormal" " $tanv = normalize(cross($tnN,$tanu));" " $tanu = normalize(cross($tnN,$tanv));" " " " int $flip = $aniso < 0;" " " " float $alpha = max(0.001, $rough*$rough);" " " " $f = cvex_bsdf(" " \"oplib:/Shop/ggx_eval?Shop/ggx_eval\"," " \"oplib:/Shop/ggx_sample?Shop/ggx_sample\"," " \"label\", $label," " \"aniso\", 0," " \"ng\", normalize(Ng)," " \"nn\", (vector)$tnN," " \"xg\", (vector)select($flip, $tanv, $tanu)," " \"yg\", (vector)select($flip, $tanu, $tanv)," " \"alphax\", (float)$alpha," " \"alphay\", (float)$alpha," " \"model\", 0);" " }" " else" " {" " $f = phonglobe($tnN, $tnR, $uexp, \"label\", $label);" " }" " }" " $f *= 1.0 / luminance(albedo($f));" "}" "" "$f *= $isglossy;" "$f += !$isglossy * specular($tnR, \"label\", $label);" } input string model "Specular Model" input string label "Component Label" input vector nR Direction input vector nN Normal input vector nI "Incident Direction" input float angle "Highlight Angle" input float aniso "Anisotropic Bias" input vector utan "U Tangent" input vector vtan "V Tangent" input float aniso_angle "Anisotropy Angle" input float rough Roughness output bsdf f BSDF inputflags model 0 inputflags label 0 inputflags nR 0 inputflags nN 0 inputflags nI 0 inputflags angle 0 inputflags aniso 0 inputflags utan 0 inputflags vtan 0 inputflags aniso_angle 0 inputflags rough 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { string string vector vector vector float float vector vector float float bsdf } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "model" label "Specular Model" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "phong" "Phong" "blinn" "Blinn" "cone" "Cone" "ggx" "GGX" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "label" label "Component Label" type string default { "" } menureplace { "diffuse" "Diffuse" "specular" "Specular" "reflect" "Reflect" "refract" "Refract" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "angle" label "Highlight Angle" type float default { "10" } disablewhen "{ model == ggx }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "rough" label "Roughness" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ model != ggx }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "aniso" label "Anisotropic Bias" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ model == cone }" range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "aniso_angle" label "Anisotropic Angle" type angle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ model == cone }" range { 0 360 } export none } } INDX DialogScript5}X=# Dialog script for physicalsss automatically generated { name physicalsss script physicalsss label "Physical SSS" outercode { "#include " "#include " "#include " "#include " "" "import physicalsss_single;" "import physicalsss_multi;" } code { "VOPvector $_p = ($isconnected_p != 0) ? $p : P;" "VOPvector $bp = ($isconnected_blurp != 0) ? $blurp : getblurP(0);" "VOPnormal $_n = ($isconnected_n != 0) ? $n : normalize(N);" "VOPfloat $eta = max(0.0, $oior / $iior);" "VOPvector $_t = ($isconnected_t != 0) ? normalize($t) : normalize(refract(normalize(I), $_n, $eta));" "" "VOPfloat $_g = clamp($g, -0.99, 0.99);" "VOPvector $_absrp = 1.0;" "VOPvector $scatr = 0.0;" "VOPfloat $_kt = 0.0;" "" "if ($isconnected_kt != 0)" "{" " $_kt = $kt;" " $kr = 1.0 - $_kt;" "}" "else" " fresnel(-$_t, -$_n, 1.0 / $eta, $kr, $_kt);" "" "$clr = 0;" "$opacity = 1;" "$sss_single = 0;" "$sss_multi = 0;" "$multiloclclr = 0;" "$multiglobclr = 0;" "" "if ($mode == 1) // physical mode" "{" " $scatr = $redscatr / ((1.0 - $_g) * $scatrscale);" " $_absrp = $absrp / $scatrscale;" "}" "else // artist mode" "{" " VOPvector $_redscatr, $redext, $redalbedo;" "" " // Compute the reduced albedo." " $redalbedo = vop_sss_reduced_albedo($diffuseclr, $eta, 1e-9);" " $redalbedo = clamp($redalbedo, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999 });" "" " // Compute the absorption and scattering coefficients." " $redext = luminance($attenclr);" " $redext /= max($attenclr / $redext, 1e-3);" " $redext *= max(0.0, $attendensity);" " $_redscatr = $redalbedo * $redext;" " $_absrp = $redext - $_redscatr;" " $scatr = $_redscatr * (1.0 / (1.0 - $_g));" "}" "" "if (isshadowray())" " $opacity = vop_sss_opacity($_p, $_n, normalize(I), $_absrp, $scatr);" "else" "{" " if ($singlesss)" " {" " physicalsss_single(" " \"Cf\", $sss_single," " \"P\", $_p," " \"N\", $_n," " \"I\", $_t," " \"absrp\", $_absrp," " \"scatr\", $scatr," " \"g\", $_g," " \"eta\", $eta," " \"optsecond\", $optsingle," " \"nsamples\", $nsingle," " \"spectral\", $spectral);" " $sss_single *= $_kt;" " }" "" " if ($multienable)" " {" " vector pos;" " if ($multimodel == \"raytraced\" ||" " $multimodel == \"fullraytraced\" ||" " $multimodel == \"pathtraced\")" " pos = $_p;" " else" " pos = $bp;" "" " physicalsss_multi(" " \"Cf\", $sss_multi," " \"P\", pos," " \"N\", $_n," " \"absrp\", $_absrp," " \"scatr\", $scatr," " \"g\", $_g," " \"eta\", $eta," " \"multimodel\", $multimodel," " \"loclradscale\", $loclradscale," " \"loclquality\", $loclquality," " \"globquality\", $globquality," " \"optsecond\", $optmulti," " \"pcmode\", $pcmode," " \"pcname\", $pcname," " \"pcsavepos\", $pcsavepos," " \"pcsaveirrad\", $pcsaveirrad," " \"pcautosize\", $pcautosize," " \"pcautofactor\", $pcautofactor," " \"pcsize\", $pcsize," " \"pcerror\", 0.1," " \"pcfilter\", $pcfilter," " \"pcfiltersize\", $pcfiltersize," " \"spectral\", $spectral," " \"multiloclclr\", $multiloclclr," " \"multiglobclr\", $multiglobclr);" " $sss_multi *= $_kt;" " }" "" " $clr = $sss_single + $sss_multi;" "}" } input vector p Position input vector blurp "Blur Position" input normal n Normal input vector t Transmitted input float kt "Fresnel Transmission" input int mode "Parameter Mode" input color diffuseclr "Diffuse Color" input float attendensity "Attenuation Density" input color attenclr "Attenuation Color" input vector absrp "Absorption Coefficient (RGB)" input vector redscatr "Reduced Scattering Coefficient (RGB)" input float scatrscale "Scattering Scale" input float g "Scattering Phase" input float iior "Inside IOR" input float oior "Outside IOR" input int spectral "Enable Spectral Scattering" input int singlesss "Enable Single Scattering" input int optsingle "Optimize Secondary Rays" input int nsingle Samples input int multienable "Enable Multiple Scattering" input string multimodel Model input int optmulti "Optimize Secondary Rays" input float loclradscale "Local Radius Scale" input float loclquality "Local Light Quality" input float globquality "Global Light Quality" input int pcmode "Point Cloud Mode" input string pcname "Point Cloud" input int pcsavepos "Cache Positions/Normals/Areas" input int pcsaveirrad "Cache Irradiance" input int pcautosize "Auto Point Cloud Size" input float pcautofactor "Auto Size Factor" input int pcsize "Point Cloud Size" input int pcfilter "Filter Multiple Scattering" input int pcfiltersize "Filter Samples" output color clr Color output color opacity Opacity output color sss_single "Single Scattering Color" output color sss_multi "Multiple Scattering Color" output color multiloclclr "Multiple Scattering Color (Local)" output color multiglobclr "Multiple Scattering Color (Global)" output float kr "Fresnel Reflectance" inputflags p 0 inputflags blurp 0 inputflags n 0 inputflags t 0 inputflags kt 0 inputflags mode 1 inputflags diffuseclr 0 inputflags attendensity 0 inputflags attenclr 0 inputflags absrp 1 inputflags redscatr 1 inputflags scatrscale 1 inputflags g 0 inputflags iior 0 inputflags oior 0 inputflags spectral 1 inputflags singlesss 0 inputflags optsingle 1 inputflags nsingle 1 inputflags multienable 0 inputflags multimodel 1 inputflags optmulti 1 inputflags loclradscale 1 inputflags loclquality 1 inputflags globquality 1 inputflags pcmode 1 inputflags pcname 1 inputflags pcsavepos 1 inputflags pcsaveirrad 1 inputflags pcautosize 1 inputflags pcautofactor 1 inputflags pcsize 1 inputflags pcfilter 1 inputflags pcfiltersize 1 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector normal vector float int color float color vector vector float float float float int int int int int string int float float float int string int int int float int int int color color color color color color float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "mode" label "Parameter Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Artist" "1" "Physical" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "diffuseclr" label "Diffuse Color" type color size 3 default { "0.9" "0.9" "0.9" } disablewhen "{ mode != 0 }" range { 0! 1! } parmtag { "export_disable" "1" } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updatePhysical(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "attendensity" label "Attenuation Density" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ mode != 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updatePhysical(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "attenclr" label "Attenuation Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ mode != 0 }" range { 0! 1! } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updatePhysical(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "absrp" label "Absorption Coefficient (RGB)" type vector size 3 default { "0.0131039" "0.0131039" "0.0131039" } disablewhen "{ mode != 1 }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updateArtist(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "redscatr" label "Reduced Scattering Coefficient (RGB)" type vector size 3 default { "25.4246" "25.4246" "25.4246" } disablewhen "{ mode != 1 }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updateArtist(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "scatrscale" label "Scattering Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ mode != 1 }" range { 0! 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().updateArtist(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "g" label "Scattering Phase" type float default { "0" } range { -1! 1! } } parm { name "iior" label "Inside IOR" type float default { "1.3" } range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "oior" label "Outside IOR" type float default { "1" } range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "spectral" label "Enable RGB Spectral Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } group { name "single_multi" label "Single Scattering" parm { name "singlesss" label "Enable Single Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "optsingle" label "Optimize Secondary Rays" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ singlesss == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "nsingle" label "Samples" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ singlesss == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } } } group { name "single_multi_1" label "Multiple Scattering" parm { name "multienable" label "Enable Multiple Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "multimodel" label "Model" type string default { "raytraced" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 }" menu { "raytraced" "Ray Traced" "local" "Local BRDF" "global" "Global Point Cloud" "hybrid" "Local And Global" "pathtraced" "Path Traced" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "globquality" label "Global Light Quality" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel == local }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "loclquality" label "Local Light Quality" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != local multimodel != hybrid }" range { 0! 1 } } parm { name "optmulti" label "Optimize Secondary Rays" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel == local }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "sepparm" label "Separator" type separator default { "" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "loclradscale" label "Local Radius Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != hybrid }" range { 0! 2 } } parm { name "pcmode" label "Point Cloud Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid }" menu { "0" "Generate At Render Time" "1" "Read From File" "2" "Write To File" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pcname" label "Point Cloud" type file default { "$HIP/${HIPNAME}_${OS}.pc" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "script_callback" "kwargs['node'].hdaModule().checkFileName(kwargs['node'])" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "pcsavepos" label "Cache Positions/Normals/Areas" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode != 2 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pcsaveirrad" label "Cache Irradiance" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode != 2 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pcautosize" label "Auto Point Cloud Size" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode == 1 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pcautofactor" label "Auto Size Factor" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode == 1 } { pcautosize == 0 }" range { 0! 2 } } parm { name "pcsize" label "Point Cloud Size" type integer default { "10000" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcmode == 1 } { pcautosize == 1 }" range { 0! 1e+06 } } parm { name "pcfilter" label "Filter Multiple Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "pcfiltersize" label "Filter Samples" type integer default { "50" } disablewhen "{ multienable == 0 } { multimodel != global multimodel != hybrid } { pcfilter == 0 }" range { 0! 100 } } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptW{Zu0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for pointjitter automatically generated { name pointjitter script pointjitter label "Point Jitter" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Jitter Points on" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" parm { name "group" label "Group" type string default { "" } menutoggle { [ "opmenu -l jitter vex_group" ] } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_action" "import soputils\nkwargs['geometrytype'] = hou.geometryType.Points\nkwargs['inputindex'] = 0\nsoputils.selectGroupParm(kwargs)" } parmtag { "script_action_help" "Select geometry from an available viewport." } parmtag { "script_action_icon" "BUTTONS_reselect" } } parm { name "useidattrib" label "Use ID Attribute" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "idattrib" label "Id Attribute" type string default { "id" } disablewhen "{ useidattrib == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "sop" } } parm { name "scale" label "Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "axisscale" label "Axis Scales" type vector size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { -1 1 } } parm { name "seed" label "Seed" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "usepscale" label "Use PScale" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "updatenmls" label "Update Normals" type toggle default { "on" } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWPZp0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for pointsfromvolume automatically generated 06/24/15 11:23:00 { name pointsfromvolume script pointsfromvolume label "Points from Volume" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Geometry to Fill with Points" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" parm { name "source" label "Source Type" type ordinal default { "auto" } menu { "auto" "Auto Detect" "geometry" "Geometry" "fog" "Fog" "sdf" "Signed Distance Field" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "pointmethod" label "Construction Method" type ordinal default { "sparse" } menu { "dense" "Dense Grid" "sparse" "Sparse Volume" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "invert" label "Invert Volume" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "inittype" label "Point Configuration" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "grid" "Grid" "tetrahedral" "Tetrahedral" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "particlesep" label "Point Separation" type float default { "0.1" } range { 0! 10 } export none } parm { name "iso" label "Isovalue" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse } { source == fog }" range { -10 10 } export none } parm { name "dominiso" label "dominiso" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse } { source == fog }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "miniso" label "Min Isovalue" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse } { dominiso == 0 } { source == fog }" range { -10 10 } export none } parm { name "jitterseed" label "Jitter Seed" type float default { "0" } range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "jitterscale" label "Jitter Scale" type float default { "0" } range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "converttofog" label "Convert to Fog" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ source == fog } { source == sdf } { pointmethod == sparse }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "offset" label "Grid Offset" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "addscale" label "Add Scale Attribute" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0! 10 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "radiusscale" label "Particle Radius Scale" type float default { "2" } disablewhen "{ addscale == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "dodither" label "Dither Surface" type toggle default { "0" } hidewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "dithernormal" label "Dither Normal" type vector size 3 default { "0" "1" "0" } hidewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse } { dodither == 0 }" range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "ditherangle" label "Dither Angle" type angle default { "45" } hidewhen "{ pointmethod != sparse } { dodither == 0 }" range { 0 180 } export none } parm { name "doscatter" label "doshell" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "scatter" label "Scatter Density" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ doscatter == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "relaxpoints" label "Relax Points" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "off" } disablewhen "{ doscatter == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "relaxiterations" label "Relax Iterations" type integer default { "10" } disablewhen "{ doscatter == 0 } { relaxpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 100 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "dooversampling" label "dooversampling" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "oversampling" label "Oversampling" type float default { "2" } disablewhen "{ dooversampling == 0 }" range { 1 10 } export none } parm { name "oversamplingbandwidth" label "Oversampling Bandwidth" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ dooversampling == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "newg" label "Create Output Group" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "outputgroup" label "Output Group" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ newg == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "pow" script "pow" label "pow" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$pow = vop_pow(($val), $exp);" } input float val "Input Value" input float exp "Exponent" output float pow "Output Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "2D Vector" u { vector2 float vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { vector float vector } signature "3D Point" p { point float point } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float normal } signature "RGB Color" c { color float color } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 float vector4 } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector ufloat uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint ufloat upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal ufloat unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ufloat ucolor } VOP_FLT_PARM(val, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_v, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC2_PARM(val_u, "Value", 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_p, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_n, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_c, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(val_v4,"Value", 1, 1, 1, 1) VOP_FLT_PARM(val_uf, "Value", 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_uv, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_up, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_PARM(val_un, "Value", 1, 1, 1) VOP_CLR_PARM(val_uc, "Value", 1, 1, 1) parm { name exp label "Exponent" type float size 1 default { 1.0 } } group { name "gv" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "gu" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScript(OE## Dialog script for pyroBlackbody automatically generated 02/22/12 12:20:00 { name pyroBlackbody script pyroPhysicalColor label "Pyro Blackbody" outercode { "#include " "#include " } code { "#if $active" " float $f = 1;" " #if $isconnected_field" " #if strcmp($signature,\"default\")" " vector $kelvin = (vector)$field * $temp;" " vector $chr1,$chr2,$chr3;" " float $val1,$val2,$val3;" " blackbody($kelvin.x, $dotm,$tm_adapt,$tm_burn, $chr1,$val1);" " blackbody($kelvin.y, $dotm,$tm_adapt,$tm_burn, $chr2,$val2);" " blackbody($kelvin.z, $dotm,$tm_adapt,$tm_burn, $chr3,$val3);" " $chroma = set($chr1.x,$chr2.y,$chr3.z);" " $value = set($val1,$val2,$val3);" " #else" " float $kelvin = $field * $temp;" " blackbody($kelvin, $dotm,$tm_adapt,$tm_burn, $chroma,$value);" " #endif" " $col = $chroma * $value;" " #endif" "#else" " #if $isconnected_field" " $col = (vector)$field;" " vector $xyy = rgbtoxyy($col);" " $chroma = xyytorgb($xyy*{1,1,0}+{0,0,1});" " $value = xyy.z;" " #else" " $col = $chroma = $value = 0;" " #endif" "#endif" } input float field "Field Value" input float temp "Temperature (K)" input int dotm "Enable Tone Mapping" input float tm_adapt "Tone Mapping: Adaptation" input float tm_burn "Tone Mapping: Burn" output vector col "Physical Color" output vector chroma "Hue Only" output float value "Value Only" inputflags field 0 inputflags temp 0 inputflags dotm 0 inputflags tm_adapt 0 inputflags tm_burn 0 signature "Float Field" default { float float int float float vector vector float } signature "Vector Field" v { vector float int float float vector vector vector } signature "Vector4 Field" p { vector4 float int float float vector vector vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides v { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides p { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm export none } parm { name "makeui" label "Promote Interface" type button nolabel default { "0" } menu { [ "import pyro2" ] [ "return pyro2.makeuimenu()" ] language python } range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } parmtag { "script_callback" "hou.phm().uiCreate(kwargs)" } } group { name "folder0" label "VOP Parameters" parm { name "active" label "Active" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "temp" label "Temperature (K)" type float default { "5000" } range { 350! 15000 } export none } parm { name "dotm" label "Tone Mapping:" type toggle joinnext default { "1" } range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "spacer" label "Spacer" type label nolabel default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "tm_adapt" label "Adaptation" type float default { "0.18" } disablewhen "{ dotm == 0 }" range { 0! 1 } export none } parm { name "tm_burn" label "Burn" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ dotm == 0 }" range { -2 2 } export none } } group { name "folder0_1" label "UI Promotion" parm { name "ui_prefix" label "Parameter Prefix" type string joinnext default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "ui_postfix" label "Postfix" type string default { "" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "ui_infolder" label "ui_infolder" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "ui_foldername" label "Create In Folder" type string default { [ "node('.').creator().relativePathTo(node('.')).replace('/','_')" python ] } disablewhen "{ ui_infolder == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWZy0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for pyroshader automatically generated { name pyroshader script pyroshader label "Pyro Shader" rendermask "VMantra OGL" shadertype vopmaterial input float next "" input vector rest rest input float rest_ratio rest_ratio input vector rest2 rest2 input float rest2_ratio rest2_ratio input vector Cd Cd input float s_densityscale "Density Scale" input float s_int "Smoke Brightness" input vector s_color "Smoke Color" input int s_tintwithcd "Tint Smoke Color with Cd" input float shade_phase "Scattering Phase" input float fi_int "Intensity Scale" input float fc_int "Temperature Scale" input int fc_colormode "Temp>Color Mapping" input vector fc_constantcolor "Constant Color" input float fc_rampmin "Input Range Min" input float fc_rampmax Max input struct_ColorRamp fc_colorramp Ramp input float fc_bbtemp "Color Temp in Kelvin" input float fc_bbadapt Adaptation input float fc_bbburn Burn input float s_shadowint "Shadow Density" input vector s_shadowclr "Shadow Color" input string ftype Filter input float fscale Scale input int s_fitenable "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" input float s_fitsrcmin "Source Range" input float s_fitsrcmax "Source Max" input float s_fitdestmin "Target Range" input float s_fitdestmax "Target Max" input int s_rampenable "Use Lookup Ramp" input string s_rampextl "Ramp Boundaries" input string s_rampextr Right input struct_FloatRamp s_ramp Ramp input int s_contourenable Contour input float s_contourwidth "Contour Width" input float s_contoursharp Sharpness input int s_sclipenable "Soft Clip" input float s_sclipstart "Soft Clip Start" input float s_sclipsuppress " Suppress" input int s_lowlimitenable "Clamp at Lower Limit" input float s_lowlimit "Clamp To Min" input int s_highlimitenable "Clamp at Upper Limit" input float s_highlimit "Clamp To Max" input float s_amp "Final Scale" input int s_noiseenable Enable input int s_noisemode Mode input string s_noisebasis Type input vector4 s_noisefreq Frequency input vector4 s_noiseoffset Offset input vector4 s_noiseperiod Period input string s_noisefractal "Fractal Type" input float s_noiseoct "Max Octaves" input float s_noiselac Lacunarity input float s_noiserough Roughness input int s_noisedolwarp "Enable Lattice Warp" input int s_noiseaccuml "Accumulate Lattice Warp" input float s_noisedisp "Lattice Warp" input float s_noisedispfreq Freq input int s_noisedogwarp "Enable Gradient Warp" input int s_noiseaccumg "Accumulate Gradient Warp" input float s_noisegflow "Gradient Warp" input float s_noiseflowrot "Flow Rotation" input int s_noisecc_dobias Bias input float s_noisecc_bias Bias input int s_noisecc_dogain Gain input float s_noisecc_gain Gain input int s_noisecc_inv Complement input int s_noisecc_dorng "Output Range (Clamped)" input float s_noisecc_rnglo "Output Minimum" input float s_noisecc_rnghi Maximum input vector s_noisecc_amp "Final Amplitude" input int fi_fitenable "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" input float fi_fitsrcmin "Source Range" input float fi_fitsrcmax Max input float fi_fitdestmin "Target Range" input float fi_fitdestmax Max input int fi_rampenable "Use Lookup Ramp" input string fi_rampextl "Ramp Boundaries" input string fi_rampextr Right input struct_FloatRamp fi_ramp Ramp input int fi_contourenable Contour input float fi_contourwidth "Contour Width" input float fi_contoursharp Sharpness input int fi_sclipenable "Soft Clip" input float fi_sclipstart "Soft Clip Start" input float fi_sclipsuppress " Suppress" input int fi_lowlimitenable "Clamp at Lower Limit" input float fi_lowlimit "Clamp To Min" input int fi_highlimitenable "Clamp at Upper Limit" input float fi_highlimit "Clamp To Max" input float fi_amp "Final Scale" input int fi_noiseenable Enable input int fi_noisemode Mode input string fi_noisebasis Type input vector4 fi_noisefreq Frequency input vector4 fi_noiseoffset Offset input vector4 fi_noiseperiod Period input string fi_noisefractal "Fractal Type" input float fi_noiseoct "Max Octaves" input float fi_noiselac Lacunarity input float fi_noiserough Roughness input int fi_noisedolwarp "Enable Lattice Warp" input int fi_noiseaccuml "Accumulate Lattice Warp" input float fi_noisedisp "Lattice Warp" input float fi_noisedispfreq Freq input int fi_noisedogwarp "Enable Gradient Warp" input int fi_noiseaccumg "Accumulate Gradient Warp" input float fi_noisegflow "Gradient Warp" input float fi_noiseflowrot "Flow Rotation" input int fi_noisecc_dobias Bias input float fi_noisecc_bias Bias input int fi_noisecc_dogain Gain input float fi_noisecc_gain Gain input int fi_noisecc_inv Complement input int fi_noisecc_dorng "Output Range (Clamped)" input float fi_noisecc_rnglo "Output Minimum" input float fi_noisecc_rnghi Maximum input vector fi_noisecc_amp "Final Amplitude" input int fc_fitenable "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" input float fc_fitsrcmin "Source Range" input float fc_fitsrcmax "Source Max" input float fc_fitdestmin "Target Range" input float fc_fitdestmax "Target Max" input int fc_rampenable "Use Lookup Ramp" input string fc_rampextl "Ramp Boundaries" input string fc_rampextr Right input struct_FloatRamp fc_ramp Ramp input int fc_contourenable Contour input float fc_contourwidth "Contour Width" input float fc_contoursharp Sharpness input int fc_sclipenable "Soft Clip" input float fc_sclipstart "Soft Clip Start" input float fc_sclipsuppress " Suppress" input int fc_lowlimitenable "Clamp at Lower Limit" input float fc_lowlimit "Clamp To Min" input int fc_highlimitenable "Clamp at Upper Limit" input float fc_highlimit "Clamp To Max" input float fc_amp "Final Scale" input int fc_noiseenable Enable input int fc_noisemode Mode input string fc_noisebasis Type input vector4 fc_noisefreq Frequency input vector4 fc_noiseoffset Offset input vector4 fc_noiseperiod Period input string fc_noisefractal "Fractal Type" input float fc_noiseoct "Max Octaves" input float fc_noiselac Lacunarity input float fc_noiserough Roughness input int fc_noisedolwarp "Enable Lattice Warp" input int fc_noiseaccuml "Accumulate Lattice Warp" input float fc_noisedisp "Lattice Warp" input float fc_noisedispfreq Freq input int fc_noisedogwarp "Enable Gradient Warp" input int fc_noiseaccumg "Accumulate Gradient Warp" input float fc_noisegflow "Gradient Warp" input float fc_noiseflowrot "Flow Rotation" input int fc_noisecc_dobias Bias input float fc_noisecc_bias Bias input int fc_noisecc_dogain Gain input float fc_noisecc_gain Gain input int fc_noisecc_inv Complement input int fc_noisecc_dorng "Output Range (Clamped)" input float fc_noisecc_rnglo "Output Minimum" input float fc_noisecc_rnghi Maximum input vector fc_noisecc_amp "Final Amplitude" input float density density output surface surface surface output struct_ShaderLayer layer Layer inputflags next 0 inputflags rest 0 inputflags rest_ratio 0 inputflags rest2 0 inputflags rest2_ratio 0 inputflags Cd 0 inputflags s_densityscale 2 inputflags s_int 2 inputflags s_color 2 inputflags s_tintwithcd 2 inputflags shade_phase 2 inputflags fi_int 2 inputflags fc_int 2 inputflags fc_colormode 2 inputflags fc_constantcolor 2 inputflags fc_rampmin 2 inputflags fc_rampmax 2 inputflags fc_colorramp 2 inputflags fc_bbtemp 2 inputflags fc_bbadapt 2 inputflags fc_bbburn 2 inputflags s_shadowint 2 inputflags s_shadowclr 2 inputflags ftype 2 inputflags fscale 2 inputflags s_fitenable 2 inputflags s_fitsrcmin 2 inputflags s_fitsrcmax 2 inputflags s_fitdestmin 2 inputflags s_fitdestmax 2 inputflags s_rampenable 2 inputflags s_rampextl 2 inputflags s_rampextr 2 inputflags s_ramp 2 inputflags s_contourenable 2 inputflags s_contourwidth 2 inputflags s_contoursharp 2 inputflags s_sclipenable 2 inputflags s_sclipstart 2 inputflags s_sclipsuppress 2 inputflags s_lowlimitenable 2 inputflags s_lowlimit 2 inputflags s_highlimitenable 2 inputflags s_highlimit 2 inputflags s_amp 2 inputflags s_noiseenable 2 inputflags s_noisemode 2 inputflags s_noisebasis 2 inputflags s_noisefreq 2 inputflags s_noiseoffset 2 inputflags s_noiseperiod 2 inputflags s_noisefractal 2 inputflags s_noiseoct 2 inputflags s_noiselac 2 inputflags s_noiserough 2 inputflags s_noisedolwarp 2 inputflags s_noiseaccuml 2 inputflags s_noisedisp 2 inputflags s_noisedispfreq 2 inputflags s_noisedogwarp 2 inputflags s_noiseaccumg 2 inputflags s_noisegflow 2 inputflags s_noiseflowrot 2 inputflags s_noisecc_dobias 2 inputflags s_noisecc_bias 2 inputflags s_noisecc_dogain 2 inputflags s_noisecc_gain 2 inputflags s_noisecc_inv 2 inputflags s_noisecc_dorng 2 inputflags s_noisecc_rnglo 2 inputflags s_noisecc_rnghi 2 inputflags s_noisecc_amp 2 inputflags fi_fitenable 2 inputflags fi_fitsrcmin 2 inputflags fi_fitsrcmax 2 inputflags fi_fitdestmin 2 inputflags fi_fitdestmax 2 inputflags fi_rampenable 2 inputflags fi_rampextl 2 inputflags fi_rampextr 2 inputflags fi_ramp 2 inputflags fi_contourenable 2 inputflags fi_contourwidth 2 inputflags fi_contoursharp 2 inputflags fi_sclipenable 2 inputflags fi_sclipstart 2 inputflags fi_sclipsuppress 2 inputflags fi_lowlimitenable 2 inputflags fi_lowlimit 2 inputflags fi_highlimitenable 2 inputflags fi_highlimit 2 inputflags fi_amp 2 inputflags fi_noiseenable 2 inputflags fi_noisemode 2 inputflags fi_noisebasis 2 inputflags fi_noisefreq 2 inputflags fi_noiseoffset 2 inputflags fi_noiseperiod 2 inputflags fi_noisefractal 2 inputflags fi_noiseoct 2 inputflags fi_noiselac 2 inputflags fi_noiserough 2 inputflags fi_noisedolwarp 2 inputflags fi_noiseaccuml 2 inputflags fi_noisedisp 2 inputflags fi_noisedispfreq 2 inputflags fi_noisedogwarp 2 inputflags fi_noiseaccumg 2 inputflags fi_noisegflow 2 inputflags fi_noiseflowrot 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_dobias 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_bias 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_dogain 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_gain 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_inv 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_dorng 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_rnglo 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_rnghi 2 inputflags fi_noisecc_amp 2 inputflags fc_fitenable 2 inputflags fc_fitsrcmin 2 inputflags fc_fitsrcmax 2 inputflags fc_fitdestmin 2 inputflags fc_fitdestmax 2 inputflags fc_rampenable 2 inputflags fc_rampextl 2 inputflags fc_rampextr 2 inputflags fc_ramp 2 inputflags fc_contourenable 2 inputflags fc_contourwidth 2 inputflags fc_contoursharp 2 inputflags fc_sclipenable 2 inputflags fc_sclipstart 2 inputflags fc_sclipsuppress 2 inputflags fc_lowlimitenable 2 inputflags fc_lowlimit 2 inputflags fc_highlimitenable 2 inputflags fc_highlimit 2 inputflags fc_amp 2 inputflags fc_noiseenable 2 inputflags fc_noisemode 2 inputflags fc_noisebasis 2 inputflags fc_noisefreq 2 inputflags fc_noiseoffset 2 inputflags fc_noiseperiod 2 inputflags fc_noisefractal 2 inputflags fc_noiseoct 2 inputflags fc_noiselac 2 inputflags fc_noiserough 2 inputflags fc_noisedolwarp 2 inputflags fc_noiseaccuml 2 inputflags fc_noisedisp 2 inputflags fc_noisedispfreq 2 inputflags fc_noisedogwarp 2 inputflags fc_noiseaccumg 2 inputflags fc_noisegflow 2 inputflags fc_noiseflowrot 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_dobias 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_bias 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_dogain 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_gain 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_inv 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_dorng 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_rnglo 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_rnghi 2 inputflags fc_noisecc_amp 2 inputflags density 0 outputflags layer 2 signature "Default Inputs" default { float vector float vector float vector float float vector int float float float int vector float float struct_ColorRamp float float float float vector string float int float float float float int string string struct_FloatRamp int float float int float float int float int float float int int string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float float int int float float int int float float int float int float int int float float vector int float float float float int string string struct_FloatRamp int float float int float float int float int float float int int string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float float int int float float int int float float int float int float int int float float vector int float float float float int string string struct_FloatRamp int float float int float float int float int float float int int string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float float int int float float int int float float int float int float int int float float vector float surface struct_ShaderLayer } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } group { name "folder2_4" label "General" groupsimple { name "folder6" label "Smoke" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "s_densityscale" label "Density Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_int" label "Smoke Brightness" type float default { "1" } range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_color" label "Smoke Color" type color size 3 default { "0.2" "0.2" "0.2" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_tintwithcd" label "Tint Smoke Color with Cd" type toggle default { "on" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "shade_phase" label "Scattering Phase" type float default { "0" } range { -1 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder2_3_4" label "Fire" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "fi_int" label "Intensity Scale" type float default { "2" } range { 0 5 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_int" label "Temperature Scale" type float default { "0.2" } range { 0 5 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_colormode" label "Temp>Color Mapping" type integer default { "2" } menu { "constant" "Constant" "ramp" "Ramp" "physical" "Physical (Black-Body)" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_constantcolor" label "Constant Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_rampmin" label "Input Range Min" type float joinnext default { "0" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_rampmax" label "Max" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_colorramp" label "Ramp" type ramp_rgb default { "2" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 1 }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "fc_colorramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampcolordefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1c ( 0 0 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2c ( 1 1 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampcolortype" "rgb" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "fc_colorramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "fc_colorramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_bbtemp" label "Color Temp in Kelvin" type float default { "5000" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 2 }" range { 0 15000 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_bbadapt" label "Adaptation" type float default { "0.15" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 2 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_bbburn" label "Burn" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ fc_colormode != 2 }" range { -2 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder8" label "Shadows" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "s_shadowint" label "Shadow Density" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ shade_doshadows == 0 }" range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_shadowclr" label "Shadow Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ shade_doshadows == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder15" label "Filtering" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "ftype" label "Filter" type string joinnext default { "point" } menu { "point" "Point" "box" "Box" "gauss" "Gaussian" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fscale" label "Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ ftype == point }" range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } } group { name "folder2_4_1" label "Smoke Field" parm { name "s_volumename" label "Density Volume" type string default { "density" } } group { name "folder16" label "Shape" parm { name "s_fitenable" label "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_fitsrcmin" label "Source Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ s_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_fitsrcmax" label "Source Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ s_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_fitdestmin" label "Target Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ s_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_fitdestmax" label "Target Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ s_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_rampenable" label "Use Lookup Ramp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_rampextl" label "Ramp Boundaries" type string joinnext default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ s_rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_rampextr" label "Right" type string nolabel default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ s_rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_ramp" label "Ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } hidewhen "{ s_rampenable == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "s_ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "s_ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "s_ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_contourenable" label "Contour" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_contourwidth" label "Contour Width" type float joinnext default { "0.02" } hidewhen "{ 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"shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_lowlimit" label "Clamp To Min" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ s_lowlimitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_highlimitenable" label "Clamp at Upper Limit" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_highlimit" label "Clamp To Max" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ s_highlimitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_amp" label "Final Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } group { name "folder16_1" label "Noise" parm { name "s_noiseenable" label "Enable" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisemode" label "Mode" 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"Lacunarity" type float default { "2.01234" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisefractal == none }" range { 0 4 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noiserough" label "Roughness" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisefractal == none }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder18" label "Warping" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "s_noisedolwarp" label "Enable Lattice Warp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noiseaccuml" label "Accumulate Lattice Warp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisefractal == none } { s_noisedolwarp == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisedisp" label "Lattice Warp" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisedolwarp == 0 }" range { -0.5 0.5 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisedispfreq" label "Freq" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisedolwarp == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisedogwarp" label "Enable Gradient Warp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noiseaccumg" label "Accumulate Gradient Warp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisefractal == none } { s_noisedogwarp == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisegflow" label "Gradient Warp" type float default { "0" } 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"s_noisecc_rnghi" label "Maximum" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ s_noisecc_dorng == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "s_noisecc_amp" label "Final Amplitude" type float size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ s_noiseenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } } } group { name "folder2_4_2" label "Fire Intensity Field" parm { name "fi_volumename" label "Fire Intensity Volume" type string default { "heat" } } group { name "folder19" label "Shape" parm { name "fi_fitenable" label "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_fitsrcmin" label "Source Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fi_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_fitsrcmax" label "Max" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fi_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_fitdestmin" label "Target Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fi_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_fitdestmax" label "Max" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fi_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_rampenable" label "Use Lookup Ramp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_rampextl" label "Ramp Boundaries" type string joinnext default { "hold" } hidewhen 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"shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_contourenable" label "Contour" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_contourwidth" label "Contour Width" type float joinnext default { "0.02" } hidewhen "{ fi_contourenable == 0 }" range { 0 0.1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_contoursharp" label "Sharpness" type float default { "4" } hidewhen "{ fi_contourenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_sclipenable" label "Soft Clip" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_sclipstart" label "Soft Clip Start" type float joinnext default { "0.8" } hidewhen "{ fi_sclipenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name 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"1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noiseaccumg" label "Accumulate Gradient Warp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fi_noisedogwarp == 0 } { fi_noisefractal == none }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisegflow" label "Gradient Warp" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fi_noisedogwarp == 0 }" range { -0.5 0.5 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noiseflowrot" label "Flow Rotation" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fi_noisebasis != flow fi_noisebasis != pflow }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } groupsimple { name "folder22" label "Output Correction" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "fi_noisecc_dobias" label "Bias" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 } { docc == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisecc_bias" label "Bias" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fi_noisecc_dobias == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisecc_dogain" label "Gain" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisecc_gain" label "Gain" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fi_noisecc_dogain == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisecc_inv" label "Complement" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fi_noisecc_dorng" label "Output Range 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"temperature" } } group { name "folder7_3" label "Shape" parm { name "fc_fitenable" label "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_fitsrcmin" label "Source Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } hidewhen "{ fc_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_fitsrcmax" label "Source Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } hidewhen "{ fc_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_fitdestmin" label "Target Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } hidewhen "{ fc_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_fitdestmax" label "Target Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } hidewhen "{ fc_fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_rampenable" label "Use Lookup Ramp" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_rampextl" label "Ramp Boundaries" type string joinnext default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ fc_rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_rampextr" label "Right" type string nolabel default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ fc_rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_ramp" label "Ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } hidewhen "{ fc_rampenable == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "rampbasis_var" "fc_ramp_the_basis_strings" } parmtag { "rampbasisdefault" "linear" } parmtag { "rampfloatdefault" "1pos ( 0 ) 1value ( 0 ) 1interp ( linear ) 2pos ( 1 ) 2value ( 1 ) 2interp ( linear )" } parmtag { "rampkeys_var" "fc_ramp_the_key_positions" } parmtag { "rampshowcontrolsdefault" "1" } parmtag { "rampvalues_var" "fc_ramp_the_key_values" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_contourenable" label "Contour" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_contourwidth" label "Contour Width" type float joinnext default { "0.02" } hidewhen "{ fc_contourenable == 0 }" range { 0 0.1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_contoursharp" label "Sharpness" type float default { "4" } hidewhen "{ fc_contourenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_sclipenable" label "Soft Clip" type toggle default { "off" } 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parm { name "fc_highlimit" label "Clamp To Max" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ fc_highlimitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_amp" label "Final Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 2 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } group { name "folder7_3_1" label "Noise" parm { name "fc_noiseenable" label "Enable" type toggle default { "off" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisemode" label "Mode" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ fi_noiseenable == 0 }" menu { "add" "Offset (Field + Noise)" "multiply" "Scale (Field * Noise)" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisebasis" label "Type" type string default { "simplex" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" menu { "sine" "Sinusoid" "perlin" "Perlin" "pperlin" "Periodic Perlin" "simplex" "Simplex (Improved Perlin)" "sparse" "Sparse Convolution" "flow" "Flow" "pflow" "Periodic Flow" "worleyFA" "Worley (cellular) F1" "worleyFB" "Worley (cellular) F2-F1" "alligator" "Alligator" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisefreq" label "Frequency" type float size 4 default { "5" "5" "5" "1" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noiseoffset" label "Offset" type float size 4 default { "5" "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noiseperiod" label "Period" type float size 4 default { "1" "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fc_noisebasis != pperlin fc_noisebasis != pflow }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } groupsimple { name "folder23" label "Fractal" grouptag { "group_type" "simple" } parm { name "fc_noisefractal" label "Fractal Type" type string default { "none" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" menu { "none" "None" "fBm" "Standard (fBm)" "mfT" "Terrain" "hmfT" "Hybrid Terrain" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noiseoct" label "Max Octaves" type float default { "8" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fc_noisefractal == none } { fc_noisefractal == none }" range { 0 16 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noiselac" label "Lacunarity" type float default { "2.01234" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fc_noisefractal == none }" range { 0 4 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noiserough" label "Roughness" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ 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"1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisecc_inv" label "Complement" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisecc_dorng" label "Output Range (Clamped)" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisecc_rnglo" label "Output Minimum" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fc_noisecc_dorng == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisecc_rnghi" label "Maximum" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" hidewhen "{ fc_noisecc_dorng == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "fc_noisecc_amp" label "Final Amplitude" type float size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ fc_noiseenable == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } } } group { name "folder2_4_4" label "Exports" parm { name "smokemask_export_name" label "Smoke Mask Name" type string default { "smoke_mask" } } parm { name "firemask_export_name" label "Fire Mask Name" type string default { "fire_mask" } } } parm { name "direct" label "direct" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "indirect" label "indirect" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "Ce" label "Ce" type float invisible size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "direct_emission" label "direct_emission" type float invisible size 3 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"0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } parm { name "layer" label "Layer" type label invisible default { "" } parmtag { "parmvop" "1" } parmtag { "shaderparmcontexts" "surface" } } } INDX DialogScript" } code { "$Of = 0;" "$F = bsdf();" "$Ce = 0;" "" "#if defined(VOP_SHADING) && defined(__vex)" "" "vector $den = $density;" "#if !strcmp($signature,\"vsd\") || !strcmp($signature,\"vall\")" " $den = colortoopacity($den);" "#endif" "" "if(!isshadowray()) {" " // bsdf" " bsdf $Fhg;" " if($phase!=0) $Fhg = henyeygreenstein(clamp($phase,-0.999,0.999));" " else $Fhg = isotropic();" " " " $F = $Fhg * $smokecolor * $ksmoke;" "}" "else" "{" " vector $sopac = colortoopacity($kshadow*$shadowcolor);" " $den *= $sopac;" " $den = max($den,0);" "}" "" "// opacity" "$Of = VONE - exp(-dPdz*$den);" "" "// emission" "$Ce = max(0,$emit) * dPdz * $kemit * $emitcolor;" "" "$layer.F = $F;" "$layer.Of = $Of;" "$layer.Ce = $Ce;" "" "// extra exports" "float $emitluma = luma($Ce);" "float $emask = pyro_fieldmask($emitluma, 0.01);" "$firemask = $emask*dPdz;" "$smokemask = luma($Of * (1.0 - $emask));" "" "#endif" } input float phase "Scattering Phase" input float density "Smoke Density" input float ksmoke "Smoke Brightness" input vector smokecolor "Smoke Color" input float emit "Emit Density" input float kemit "Emit Brightness" input vector emitcolor "Emit Color" input float kshadow "Shadow Density" input vector shadowcolor "Shadow Color" output struct_ShaderLayer layer Layer output bsdf F BSDF output vector Of "Final Opacity" output vector Ce "Emitted Color" output float smokemask "Smoke Mask" output float firemask "Fire Mask" inputflags phase 0 inputflags density 0 inputflags ksmoke 0 inputflags smokecolor 0 inputflags emit 0 inputflags kemit 0 inputflags emitcolor 0 inputflags kshadow 0 inputflags shadowcolor 0 signature "Float Density" default { float float float vector float float vector float vector struct_ShaderLayer bsdf vector vector float float } signature "Vector Density" vsd { float vector float vector float float vector float vector struct_ShaderLayer bsdf vector vector float float } signature "Vector All Densities" vall { float vector float vector vector float vector float vector struct_ShaderLayer bsdf vector vector float float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides vsd { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides vall { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "phase" label "Scattering Phase" type float default { "0" } range { -1! 1! } } parm { name "ksmoke" label "Smoke Brightness" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } } parm { name "smokecolor" label "Smoke Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "kemit" label "Emit Brightness" type float default { "1" } range { 0 2 } } parm { name "emitcolor" label "Emit Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "kshadow" label "Shadow Density" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ doshadows == 0 }" range { 0 2 } } parm { name "shadowcolor" label "Shadow Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ doshadows == 0 }" range { 0 2 } } } INDX DialogScript4ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "qrotate" script "qrotate" label "qrotate" code { "$result = qrotate($quaternion, $vec);" } input vector4 quaternion "Quaternion" input vector vec "Vector" output vector result "Result" } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "quaternion" script "quaternion" label "quaternion" code { "$quat = quaternion($angle, $axis);" } input float angle "Angle" input vector axis "Normalized Rotation Axis" output vector4 quat "Quaternion" parm { name angle label "Angle" type float size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name axis label "Axis" type float size 3 default { 1 0 0 } } } INDX DialogScript&U]# Dialog script for rampfilter::2.0 automatically generated 05/21/15 11:51:49 { name rampfilter::2.0 script rampfilter label "Ramp Filter" outercode { "#include " } code { "// Constants derived from the signature" "#if !strcmp($signature,\"default\")" " #define PTYPE float" " #define PWIDTH 1" " #define RWIDTH 1" " #define RTYPE float" "#elif !strcmp($signature,\"vf\")" " #define PTYPE vector" " #define PWIDTH 3" " #define RWIDTH 1" " #define RTYPE float" "#elif !strcmp($signature,\"pf\")" " #define PTYPE vector4" " #define PWIDTH 4" " #define RWIDTH 1" " #define RTYPE float" "#elif !strcmp($signature,\"fv\")" " #define PTYPE float" " #define PWIDTH 1" " #define RWIDTH 3" " #define RTYPE vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature,\"vv\")" " #define PTYPE vector" " #define PWIDTH 3" " #define RWIDTH 3" " #define RTYPE vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature,\"pv\")" " #define PTYPE vector4" " #define PWIDTH 4" " #define RWIDTH 3" " #define RTYPE vector" "#endif" "" "$value = $pos;" "$outramp.basis_strings = $ramp.basis_strings;" "$outramp.key_positions = $ramp.key_positions;" "$outramp.key_values = $ramp.key_values;" "" "if($isconnected_ramp)" "{" " // Trivial case 1: Single key (constant value)" " if(len($ramp.key_positions)<2) {" " $value = $ramp.key_values[0];" " }" " // Multiple keys" " else" " {" " // Transform the ramp range into the [0,1] interval" " PTYPE $p = efit($pos,$rangemin,$rangemax,0,1);" "" " // Ensure the ramp has keys at 0 and 1. This reduces the amount of" " // branching during analysis, which leads to faster compiles." " ramp_condition($ramp.basis_strings, $ramp.key_positions, $ramp.key_values," " $outramp.basis_strings, $outramp.key_positions, $outramp.key_values);" "" " // Number of keys" " int $n = len($outramp.key_positions);" "" " // Determine the filter size" " float $fwidth;" " float $fsize = 0;" " if($ftype != \"point\")" " {" " if($isconnected_fw)" " $fwidth = $fw;" " else" " $fwidth = VOPFW($p);" " $fsize = abs($fwidth*$fscale);" " }" "" " // Last addressable array index" " int $nl = $n-1;" "" " // the slope at each boundary" " RTYPE $lm=0,$rm=0;" " if($extl == \"slope\" || $extr == \"slope\")" " ramp_slopes($nl,$outramp.basis_strings,$outramp.key_positions,$outramp.key_values, $lm,$rm);" "" " // boundary values and boundary value delta" " RTYPE $lv = $outramp.key_values[0];" " RTYPE $rv = $outramp.key_values[$nl];" " RTYPE $dv = $rv-$lv;" "" " // temporarily convert output to array so we can loop over" " // the lookup components in case this is >1" " RTYPE $rarr[]; resize($rarr,PWIDTH);" " #if PWIDTH>1" " float $parr[] = (float[])$p;" " #else" " float $parr[] = array($p);" " #endif" "" " //and now do one ramp lookup per positional component" " float $pp;" " int $i;" " for($i=0;$i { name "reflect" script "reflect" label "reflect" code { "$rdir = reflect($dir, $nml);" } input vector dir "Incident Direction" input normal nml "Normalized Normal" output vector rdir "Reflected Direction" VOP_VEC_PARM(dir, "Direction", 1, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(nml, "Normal Vector", 0, 0, 1) signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector unormal uvector } } INDX DialogScript|ZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include #define RENDER_SETTINGS \ "renderer:version" "Renderer: Version" \ "renderer:shadingfactor" "Renderer: Shading Factor" \ "renderer:rayshadingfactor" "Renderer: Ray Shading Factor" \ "renderer:raybias" "Renderer: Ray Bias" \ "renderer:verbose" "Renderer: Verbose" \ "renderer:threadcount" "Renderer: Thread Count" \ "renderer:renderengine" "Renderer: Render Engine" \ "renderer:hidden" "Renderer: Hidden" \ "renderer:colorspace" "Renderer: Colorspace" \ "renderer:raylimiteval" "Renderer: Ray Limit Eval" \ "renderer:raylimitcomponents" "Renderer: Ray Limit Components" \ "renderer:raylimitlightmask" "Renderer: Ray Limit Light Mask" \ "renderer:rayderivbias" "Renderer: Ray Deriv Bias" \ "image:filename" "Image: Filename" \ "image:device" "Image: Device" \ "image:resolution" "Image: Resolution" \ "image:pixelaspect" "Image: Pixel Aspect" \ "image:crop" "Image: Crop" \ "image:window" "Image: Window" \ "image:samples" "Image: Samples" \ "image:jitter" "Image: Jitter" \ "image:subpixel" "Image: Sub-pixel" \ "image:opacitythresh" "Image: Opacity Threshold" \ "image:opacitylimit" "Image: Opacity Limit" \ "image:colorlimit" "Image: Color Limit" \ "image:background" "Image: Background" \ "image:bgscale" "Image: Background Scale" \ "image:saveoptions" "Image: Save Options" \ "camera:shutter" "Camera: Shutter Times" \ "photon:photongfile" "Photon: Global File" \ "photon:photoncfile" "Photon: Caustic File" \ "photon:photoncount" "Photon: Count" \ "shader:name" "Shader: Name" #define OBJECT_SETTINGS \ "object:name" "Object: Name" \ "object:id" "Object: Id" \ "object:shadingquality" "Object: Shading Quality" \ "object:rayshadingquality" "Object: Ray Shading Quality" \ "object:displacebound" "Object: Displace Bound" \ "object:reflectlimit" "Object: Reflect Limit" \ "object:refractlimit" "Object: Refract Limit" \ "object:diffuselimit" "Object: Diffuse Limit" \ "object:volumelimit" "Object: Volume Limit" \ "object:rayweight" "Object: Ray Weight" \ "object:pbrdiffusemask" "Object: PBR Diffuse Mask" \ "object:pbrglossymask" "Object: PBR Glossy Mask" \ "object:pbrspecularmask" "Object: PBR Specular Mask" \ "object:motionfactor" "Object: Motion Factor" \ "object:flatness" "Object: Flatness" \ "object:reflectmask" "Object: Reflection Mask" \ "object:reflectcategories" "Object: Reflection Categories" \ "object:refractmask" "Object: Refraction Mask" \ "object:refractcategories" "Object: Refraction Categories" \ "object:lightmask" "Object: Light Mask" \ "object:lightcategories" "Object: Light Categories" \ "object:photonmodifier" "Object: Photon Modifier" \ "object:filter" "Object: Volume Filter" \ "object:filterwidth" "Object: Volume Filter Width" \ "object:dorayvariance" "Object: Do Ray Variance" \ "object:variance" "Object: Ray Variance" \ "object:globalquality" "Object: Global Quality" \ "object:diffusequality" "Object: Diffuse Quality" \ "object:refractionquality" "Object: Refraction Quality" \ "object:reflectionquality" "Object: Reflection Quality" \ "object:minraysamples" "Object: Min Ray Samples" \ "object:maxraysamples" "Object: Max Ray Samples" \ "object:samplingquality" "Object: Sampling Quality" \ "object:velocityscale" "Object: Velocity Scale" \ "object:gifile" "Object: Irradiance Cache File" \ "object:gisample" "Object: Irradiance Samples" \ "object:gierror" "Object: Irradiance Error" \ "object:smoothcolor" "Object: Smooth Grid Colors" \ "object:phantom" "Object: Phantom" \ "object:truedisplace" "Object: True Displacements" \ "object:rayshade" "Object: Ray-Traced Shading" \ "object:volumeuniform" "Object: Uniform Volume" \ "object:volumeiso" "Object: Volume Isosurface" \ "object:volumesteprate" "Object: Volume Step Rate" \ "object:volumeshadowsteprate" "Object: Volume Shadow Step Rate" \ "object:volumedensity" "Object: Volume Density" \ "object:volumesamples" "Object: Volume Samples" \ "object:biasnormal" "Object: Bias Along Normal" \ "object:area" "Object: Surface Area" #define LIGHT_SETTINGS \ "light:areamap" "Light: Area Map" \ "light:areashape" "Light: Area Shape" \ "light:areasize" "Light: Area Size" \ "light:arealight" "Light: Is Area Light" \ "light:distantlight" "Light: Is Distant Light" \ "light:activeradius" "Light: Active Radius" \ "light:projection" "Light: Projection" \ "light:minraysamples" "Light: Min Ray Samples" \ "light:maxraysamples" "Light: Max Ray Samples" \ "light:zoom" "Light: Zoom" \ "light:orthowidth" "Light: Orthowidth" \ "light:shadowmask" "Light: Shadow Mask" \ "light:shadowcategories" "Light: Shadow Categories" \ "light:areafullsphere" "Light: Full Sphere Environment" \ "light:photontarget" "Light: Photon Target" \ "light:photonweight" "Light: Photon Weight" \ "light:envangle" "Light: Sun Angle" \ #define FOG_SETTINGS \ "fog:name" "Fog: Name" \ "fog:lightmask" "Fog: Light Mask" \ "fog:lightcategories" "Fog: Light Categories" { name "renderstate" script "renderstate" label "renderstate" code { "$found = renderstate($var, $val);" "if (!$found) $val = $default;" } output string val "Variable Value" output int found "1 if imported, Else 0" parm { name var label "Value Name" type string menureplace { RENDER_SETTINGS \ OBJECT_SETTINGS \ LIGHT_SETTINGS } default { "object:name" } } input string var "Value Name" VOP_STR_INPUT(default, "Default String", "") VOP_FLT_PARM(default_f, "Default Value", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(default_i, "Default Integer", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(default_v, "Default Vector", 0, 0, 0) signature "String Values" default { } signature "Float Values" f { string float float int } signature "Integer Values" i { string int int int } signature "Vector Values" v { string vector vector int } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWX=Y0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for reshapevalue automatically generated { name reshapevalue script pyroField label "Reshape Value" input float invalue "In Value" input int fitenable "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" input float fitsrcmin "Source Range" input float fitsrcmax "Source Max" input float fitdestmin "Target Range" input float fitdestmax "Target Max" input int rampenable "Use Lookup Ramp" input string rampspace "Ramp Space" input string rampextl "Ramp Boundaries" input string rampextr Right input struct_FloatRamp ramp Ramp input int contourenable Contour input float contourwidth "Contour Width" input float contoursharp Sharpness input int sclipenable "Soft Clip" input float sclipstart "Soft Clip Start" input float sclipsuppress " Suppress" input int lowlimitenable "Clamp at Lower Limit" input float lowlimit "Clamp To Min" input int highlimitenable "Clamp at Upper Limit" input float highlimit "Clamp To Max" input float amp "Final Amplitude" input string ftype Filter input float fw "Override Filter Width" input float fscale Scale output float out out inputflags invalue 0 inputflags fitenable 0 inputflags fitsrcmin 0 inputflags fitsrcmax 0 inputflags fitdestmin 0 inputflags fitdestmax 0 inputflags rampenable 0 inputflags rampspace 0 inputflags rampextl 0 inputflags rampextr 0 inputflags ramp 0 inputflags contourenable 0 inputflags contourwidth 0 inputflags contoursharp 0 inputflags sclipenable 0 inputflags sclipstart 0 inputflags sclipsuppress 0 inputflags lowlimitenable 0 inputflags lowlimit 0 inputflags highlimitenable 0 inputflags highlimit 0 inputflags amp 0 inputflags ftype 0 inputflags fw 0 inputflags fscale 0 signature "Float to Float" default { float int float float float float int string string string struct_FloatRamp int float float int float float int float int float float string float float float } signature "Float to Color" color { float int float float float float int string string string struct_ColorRamp int float float int float float int float int float float string float float vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) } outputoverrides color { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "fitenable" label "Fit to Range (Unclamped)" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "fitsrcmin" label "Source Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "fitsrcmax" label "Source Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "fitdestmin" label "Target Range" type float joinnext default { "0" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "fitdestmax" label "Target Max" type float nolabel default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ fitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "rampenable" label "Use Lookup Ramp" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } parmtag { "script_callback_language" "python" } } parm { name "rampspace" label "Color Space" type string joinnext default { "rgb" } disablewhen "{ ramptype == flt }" hidewhen "{ rampenable == 0 }" menu { "rgb" "RGB" "hsv" "HSV" "lab" "LAB" "hsl" "HSL" "xyz" "XYZ" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "rampextl" label "Ramp Boundaries" type string joinnext default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "rampextr" label "Right" type string nolabel default { "hold" } hidewhen "{ rampenable == 0 }" menu { "hold" "Hold" "cycle" "Cycle" "accum" "Cycle-Accumulate" "mirror" "Mirror" "slope" "Slope" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "ramp" label "Ramp" type ramp_flt default { "2" } hidewhen "{ rampenable == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } } parm { name "ramp_color" label "Ramp" type ramp_rgb default { "2" } hidewhen "{ rampenable == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } } parm { name "contourenable" label "Contour" type toggle default { "off" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "contourwidth" label "Contour Width" type float joinnext default { "0.02" } hidewhen "{ contourenable == 0 }" range { 0! 0.1 } } parm { name "contoursharp" label "Sharpness" type float default { "4" } hidewhen "{ contourenable == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "sclipenable" label "Soft Clip" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "sclipstart" label "Soft Clip Start" type float joinnext default { "0.8" } hidewhen "{ sclipenable == 0 }" range { 0! 1 } } parm { name "sclipsuppress" label " Suppress" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ sclipenable == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } } parm { name "lowlimitenable" label "Clamp at Lower Limit" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "lowlimit" label "Clamp To Min" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ lowlimitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "highlimitenable" label "Clamp at Upper Limit" type toggle default { "off" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "highlimit" label "Clamp To Max" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ highlimitenable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "amp" label "Final Amplitude" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ name == \"\" }" range { 0 2 } } parm { name "ftype" label "Filter" type string joinnext default { "point" } menu { "point" "Point" "box" "Box" "gauss" "Gaussian" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "fscale" label "Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ ftype == point }" range { 0 2 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptW}XB0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for restpos automatically generated { name restpos script restpos label "Rest Position" input point P Position input string space Space output vector restP "Rest Position" inputflags P 0 inputflags space 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { point string vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "space" label "Space" type string default { "texture" } menu { "texture" "Texture" "object" "Object" "ndc" "Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC)" "world" "World" } range { 0 1 } } } INDX DialogScriptZG /* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "shadingnormal" script "shadingnormal" label "shadingnormal" code { "vector $myP = $isconnected_P ? $P : P;" "vector $myN = $isconnected_N ? $N : N;" "vector $myNg = $isconnected_Ng ? $Ng : Ng;" "$newN = computenormal($myP, $myN, $myNg, \"extrapolate\", $extrapol," " \"smooth\", $smooth);" } input vector P "Position" input vector N "Surface Normal" input vector Ng "Geometric Normal" input int smooth "Smooth Derivatives" input int extrapol "Extrapolate Derivatives" output vector newN "Shading Normal" parm { name smooth label "Smooth Derivatives" type toggle size 1 default { 1 } } parm { name extrapol label "Extrapolate Derivatives" type toggle size 1 default { 0 } } } INDX DialogScriptU[# Dialog script for softclip::2.0 automatically generated 05/19/15 11:51:06 { name softclip::2.0 script contour label "Soft Clip" outercode { "#include " } code { "$sclip = softclip($val,$start,$sup);" } input float val "Value to Modify" input float start "Start of Suppression" input float sup "Suppression Amount" output float sclip "Modified Value" inputflags val 0 inputflags start 0 inputflags sup 0 signature "1D Value" default { float float float float } signature "3D Value" v { vector float float vector } signature "4D Value" v4 { vector4 float float vector4 } outputoverrides default { ___begin val (0) } outputoverrides v { ___begin val (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v4 { ___begin val (0,0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "start" label "Start" type float default { "0.8" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0! 1 } export none } parm { name "sup" label "Suppress" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ active == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } export none } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWUQ0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for surfacecolor automatically generated 07/20/15 15:52:58 { name surfacecolor script surfacecolor label "Surface Color" input int useBaseColor "Use Base Color" input vector baseColor "Base Color" input int usePointColor "Use Point Color" input int usePackedColor "Use Packed Color" input int useColorMap "Use Color Map" input string baseColorMap "Base Color Map" input string colorMapSourceColorSpace "Source Color Space" input string colorMapWrap "Color Map Wrap" input string colorMapfilter "color Map Filter Type" input float colorMapWidth "Color Map Filter Width" input vector4 colorMapBorder "Color Map Border Color" input float scoord "S Coordinate" input float tcoord "T Coordinate" input int usePointAlpha "Use Point Alpha" input float colorMapIntensity "Color Map Intensity" output vector color "Combined Value" output float alpha "Combined Value" inputflags useBaseColor 0 inputflags baseColor 0 inputflags usePointColor 0 inputflags usePackedColor 0 inputflags useColorMap 0 inputflags baseColorMap 0 inputflags colorMapSourceColorSpace 0 inputflags colorMapWrap 0 inputflags colorMapfilter 0 inputflags colorMapWidth 0 inputflags colorMapBorder 0 inputflags scoord 0 inputflags tcoord 0 inputflags usePointAlpha 0 inputflags colorMapIntensity 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { int vector int int int string string string string float vector4 float float int float vector float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "useBaseColor" label "Use Base Color" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "baseColor" label "Base Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ useBaseColor == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "usePointColor" label "Use Point Color" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "usePackedColor" label "Use Packed Color" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "useColorMap" label "Use Color Map" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "baseColorMap" label "Base Color Map" type image default { "" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "colorMapSourceColorSpace" label "Source Color Space" type string default { "repeat" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" menu { "auto" "Automatic" "linear" "Linear" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "colorMapWrap" label "Color Map Wrap" type string default { "repeat" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" menu { "repeat" "Repeat" "streak" "Streak" "decal" "Decal" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "colorMapfilter" label "Color Map Filter Type" type string default { "catrom" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" menu { "box" "Box" "gauss" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett/Triangular" "sinc" "Sinc Sharpening" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "mitchell" "Mitchell" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "colorMapWidth" label "Color Map Filter Width" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" range { 0 5 } export none } parm { name "colorMapBorder" label "Color Map Border Color" type color4 size 4 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } parm { name "usePointAlpha" label "Use Point Alpha" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "colorMapIntensity" label "Color Map Intensity" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ useColorMap == 0 }" range { 0 2 } export none } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWuNS۞0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for surfacemodel automatically generated 08/01/14 10:02:44 { name surfacemodel script surfacemodel label "Surface Model" input vector P Position input vector N "Surface Normal" input vector I "Direction from Eye to Surface" input vector uv "UV Coordinate" input vector utan "U Tangent" input vector vtan "V Tangent" input float fresnel Fresnel input int facefwd "Ensure Faces Point Forward" input int conserveenergy "Conserve Energy" input int fres_enable "Fresnel Blending" input string fres_style "Fresnel Style" input float ior_in "Inside IOR" input float ior_out "Outside IOR" input string tan_style "Tangent Style" input int maxdist_enable maxdist_enable input float maxdist "Max Ray Distance" input int diff_enable "Enable Diffuse" input float diff_int "Diffuse Intensity" input float diff_min "Diffuse Minimum" input color diff_clr "Diffuse Color" input float diff_rough "Oren-Nayar Roughness" input string diff_label "Diffuse Component" input int sss_enable "Enable Subsurface Scattering" input float sss_int "Subsurface Intensity" input vector sss_clr "Subsurface Color" input float sss_min "Subsurface Minimum" input float sss_atten "Attenuation Density" input color sss_attenclr "Attenuation Color" input float sss_phase "Scattering Phase" input int sss_spectral "Enable RGB Spectral Scattering" input int sss_1enable "Enable Single Scattering" input float sss_1intensity "Single Intensity" input int sss_1quality "Single Quality" input int sss_2enable "Enable Multiple Scattering" input string sss_2model "Multi Model" input int sss_pcmode "Point Cloud Mode" input string sss_pcname "Point Cloud" input float sss_2intensity "Multi Intensity" input float sss_2quality "Multi Quality" input int refl_enable "Enable Reflection Layer 1" input int refl_lights "Reflect Lights" input string spec_model "Specular Model" input float spec_int "Specular Intensity" input float spec_min "Specular Minimum" input vector spec_clr "Specular Color" input float spec_angle "Specular Angle" input float spec_rough "Specular Roughness" input float spec_aniso "Specular Anisotropy" input float spec_anisoangle "Specular Anisotropy Angle" input int refl_objs "Reflect Objects" input int refl_sep "Separate Object Reflection Parameters" input float refl_int "Reflection Intensity" input vector refl_clr "Reflection Color" input float refl_angle "Reflection Angle" input float refl_rough "Reflection Roughness" input string refl_label "Reflection Component" input int refl_enable2 "Enable Reflection Layer 2" input int refl_lights2 "Reflect Lights" input string spec_model2 "Specular Model" input float spec_int2 "Specular Intensity" input float spec_min2 "Specular Minimum" input vector spec_clr2 "Specular Color" input float spec_angle2 "Specular Angle" input float spec_rough2 "Specular Roughness" input float spec_aniso2 "Specular Anisotropy" input float spec_anisoangle2 "Specular Anisotropy Angle" input int refl_objs2 "Reflect Objects" input int refl_sep2 "Separate Object Reflection Parameters" input float refl_int2 "Reflection Intensity" input vector refl_clr2 "Reflection Color" input float refl_angle2 "Reflection Angle" input float refl_rough2 "Reflection Roughness" input string refl_label2 "Reflection Component" input int refr_enable "Enable Refractions" input int refr_lights "Refract Lights" input string refr_model "Refraction Model" input float refr_int "Refraction Intensity" input float refr_min "Refraction Minimum" input vector refr_clr "Refraction Color" input float refr_angle "Refraction Angle" input float refr_aniso "Refraction Anisotropy" input float refr_anisoangle "Refraction Anisotropy Angle" input int refr_objs "Refract Objects" input int atten_enable "Enable Attenuation" input float atten_den "Attenuation Density" input vector atten_clr "Attenuation Color" input string refr_label "Refraction Component" input int emit_enable "Enable Emission" input float emit_int "Emission Intensity" input vector emit_clr "Emission Color" input float opac_int "Opacity Scale" input vector opac_clr Opacity input int fake_enable "Enable Fake Caustics" input float fake_min "Min Shadow Intensity" input float fake_max "Max Shadow Intensity" input int opac_falloff "Enable Opacity Falloff" input float opac_para "Parallel Opacity" input float opac_perp "Perp Opacity" input float opac_rolloff "Opacity Rolloff" input int emit_illum "Emission Illuminates Objects" input int refr_thin "Thin Film Refraction" output vector Cf Cf output vector Of Of output bsdf F F inputflags P 0 inputflags N 0 inputflags I 0 inputflags uv 0 inputflags utan 0 inputflags vtan 0 inputflags fresnel 0 inputflags facefwd 1 inputflags conserveenergy 1 inputflags fres_enable 1 inputflags fres_style 1 inputflags ior_in 1 inputflags ior_out 1 inputflags tan_style 1 inputflags maxdist_enable 1 inputflags maxdist 1 inputflags diff_enable 1 inputflags diff_int 0 inputflags diff_min 1 inputflags diff_clr 0 inputflags diff_rough 1 inputflags diff_label 0 inputflags sss_enable 1 inputflags sss_int 0 inputflags sss_clr 0 inputflags sss_min 1 inputflags sss_atten 1 inputflags sss_attenclr 1 inputflags sss_phase 1 inputflags sss_spectral 1 inputflags sss_1enable 1 inputflags sss_1intensity 1 inputflags sss_1quality 1 inputflags sss_2enable 1 inputflags sss_2model 1 inputflags sss_pcmode 1 inputflags sss_pcname 1 inputflags sss_2intensity 1 inputflags sss_2quality 1 inputflags refl_enable 0 inputflags refl_lights 1 inputflags spec_model 1 inputflags spec_int 0 inputflags spec_min 1 inputflags spec_clr 0 inputflags spec_angle 1 inputflags spec_rough 0 inputflags spec_aniso 1 inputflags spec_anisoangle 1 inputflags refl_objs 1 inputflags refl_sep 1 inputflags refl_int 1 inputflags refl_clr 1 inputflags refl_angle 0 inputflags refl_rough 0 inputflags refl_label 0 inputflags refl_enable2 0 inputflags refl_lights2 0 inputflags spec_model2 0 inputflags spec_int2 0 inputflags spec_min2 0 inputflags spec_clr2 0 inputflags spec_angle2 0 inputflags spec_rough2 0 inputflags spec_aniso2 0 inputflags spec_anisoangle2 0 inputflags refl_objs2 0 inputflags refl_sep2 0 inputflags refl_int2 0 inputflags refl_clr2 1 inputflags refl_angle2 1 inputflags refl_rough2 0 inputflags refl_label2 0 inputflags refr_enable 1 inputflags refr_lights 0 inputflags refr_model 1 inputflags refr_int 1 inputflags refr_min 1 inputflags refr_clr 1 inputflags refr_angle 1 inputflags refr_aniso 1 inputflags refr_anisoangle 1 inputflags refr_objs 0 inputflags atten_enable 1 inputflags atten_den 0 inputflags atten_clr 0 inputflags refr_label 0 inputflags emit_enable 0 inputflags emit_int 1 inputflags emit_clr 1 inputflags opac_int 1 inputflags opac_clr 1 inputflags fake_enable 1 inputflags fake_min 1 inputflags fake_max 1 inputflags opac_falloff 1 inputflags opac_para 1 inputflags opac_perp 0 inputflags opac_rolloff 0 inputflags emit_illum 0 inputflags refr_thin 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector vector vector vector vector float int int int string float float string int float int float float color float string int float vector float float color float int int float int int string int string float float int int string float float vector float float float float int int float vector float float string int int string float float vector float float float float int int float vector float float string int int string float float vector float float float int int float vector string int float vector float vector int float float int float float float int int vector vector bsdf } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } parm { name "facefwd" label "Ensure Faces Point Forward" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "conserveenergy" label "Conserve Energy" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fres_enable" label "Fresnel Blending" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fres_style" label "Fresnel Style" type string default { "physical" } disablewhen "{ fres_enable == 0 }" menu { "physical" "Physically Based" "input" "Use Connected 'fresnel'" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "ior_in" label "Inside IOR" type float default { "1.33" } range { 1 3 } export none } parm { name "ior_out" label "Outside IOR" type float default { "1" } range { 1 3 } export none } parm { name "tan_style" label "Tangent Style" type string default { "geo" } menu { "geo" "Use Geometric Tangents" "world" "Intrinsic World Space" "object" "Intrinsic Object Space" "uv" "Compute From UV" "inputs" "Use Connected 'utan', 'vtan'" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "maxdist_enable" label "maxdist_enable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "maxdist" label "Max Ray Distance" type float default { "10" } disablewhen "{ maxdist_enable == 0 }" range { 0 100 } export none } group { name "diffuse_folder" label "Diffuse" parm { name "diff_enable" label "Enable Diffuse" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "diff_int" label "Diffuse Intensity" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "diff_min" label "Diffuse Minimum" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 } { fres_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "diff_clr" label "Diffuse Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "diff_rough" label "Oren-Nayar Roughness" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ diff_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "diff_label" label "Diffuse Component" type string default { "diffuse" } range { 0 1 } export none } } group { name "diffuse_folder_1" label "Subsurface" parm { name "sss_enable" label "Enable Subsurface Scattering" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_int" label "Subsurface Albedo" type float default { "0.8" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_clr" label "Subsurface Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_min" label "Subsurface Minimum" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { fres_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_atten" label "Attenuation Density" type float default { "10" } help "This parameter controls how fast light is attenuated. Higher densities correspond to faster attenuation." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0! 20 } export none } parm { name "sss_attenclr" label "Attenuation Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } help "This parameter specifies the color that the light will tend towards as it is attenuated. This color will typically dominate areas of the surface that are in shadow." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_phase" label "Scattering Phase" type float default { "0" } help "This parameter controls the nature of the scattering (forward, backward, isotropic, etc.). The phase must lie in the range [-1, 1], with -1 indicating full backward scattering, 0 indicating isotropic scattering, and 1 indicating full forward scattering." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { -1! 1! } export none } parm { name "sss_spectral" label "Enable RGB Spectral Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_1enable" label "Enable Single Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_1intensity" label "Single Intensity" type float default { "1" } help "This parameter controls the intensity of single scattering." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_1enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_1quality" label "Single Quality" type integer default { "1" } help "This parameter controls the quality of single scattering. Higher values will increase quality and render times." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_1enable == 0 }" range { 1! 10 } export none } parm { name "sss_2enable" label "Enable Multiple Scattering" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_2model" label "Multi Model" type string default { "raytraced" } disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_2enable == 0 }" menu { "raytraced" "Ray Traced" "fullraytraced" "Full Ray Traced" "local" "Local BRDF" "global" "Global Point Cloud" "hybrid" "Local And Global" "pathtraced" "Path Traced" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_pcmode" label "Point Cloud Mode" type ordinal default { "0" } help "This option controls how the shader generates a point cloud. The simplest option is to select \"Generate At Render Time\". This will create a new point cloud for every render. To reduce computation time, you can first use \"Write To File\" mode and then re-use the point cloud using \"Read From File\" mode on subsequent renders. This is also the recommended approach when rendering animations because the shader will smoothly interpolate the point cloud across frames. The exception to this is when the model's topology changes (two joined polygons are separated, for example). In this case, a new point cloud must be generated. Note that in \"Write To File\" mode, the file will be overwritten if it already exists. Cancelling a render before it completes in \"Write To File\" mode may result in an unusable point cloud file." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_2enable == 0 } { sss_2model == raytraced } { sss_2model == pathtraced } { sss_2model == fullraytraced }" menu { "0" "Generate At Render Time" "1" "Read From File" "2" "Write To File" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_pcname" label "Point Cloud" type file default { "default.pc" } help "This parameter holds the path to the point cloud file that will be written to in \"Write To File\" mode or read from in \"Read From File\" mode." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_2enable == 0 } { sss_2model == raytraced } { sss_2model == pathtraced } { sss_2model == fullraytraced }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_2intensity" label "Multi Intensity" type float default { "1" } help "This parameter controls the intensity of multiple scattering." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_2enable == 0 } { sss_2model == raytraced } { sss_2model == pathtraced } { sss_2model == fullraytraced }" range { 0! 1 } export none } parm { name "sss_2quality" label "Multi Quality" type float default { "1" } help "This parameter controls the quality of multiple scattering. Higher values will increase quality and render times." disablewhen "{ sss_enable == 0 } { sss_2enable == 0 } { sss_2model == raytraced } { sss_2model == pathtraced } { sss_2model == fullraytraced }" range { 0.01 10 } export none } } group { name "diffuse_folder_2" label "Reflect" group { name "folder0" label "Layer 1" parm { name "refl_enable" label "Enable Reflection Layer 1" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_lights" label "Reflect Lights" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_model" label "Specular Model" type string default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" menu { "phong" "Phong" "blinn" "Blinn" "cone" "Cone" "ggx" "GGX" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_int" label "Specular Intensity" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_min" label "Specular Minimum" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 } { fres_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_clr" label "Specular Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_angle" label "Specular Angle" type float default { "10" } disablewhen "{ spec_model == ggx } { refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "spec_rough" label "Specular Roughness" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ spec_model != ggx } { refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "spec_aniso" label "Specular Anisotropy" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 } { spec_angle == 0 }" range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_anisoangle" label "Specular Anisotropy Angle" type angle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_lights == 0 refl_objs == 0 } { spec_angle == 0 }" range { 0 360 } export none } parm { name "refl_objs" label "Reflect Objects" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_sep" label "Separate Object Reflection Parameters" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_int" label "Reflection Intensity" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_objs == 0 } { refl_sep == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_clr" label "Reflection Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 } { refl_objs == 0 } { refl_sep == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_angle" label "Reflection Angle" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ spec_model == ggx } { refl_enable == 0 } { refl_objs == 0 } { refl_sep == 0 }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "refl_rough" label "Reflection Roughness" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ spec_model != ggx } { refl_enable == 0 } { refl_objs == 0 } { refl_sep == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_label" label "Reflection Component" type string default { "reflect" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Layer 2" parm { name "refl_enable2" label "Enable Reflection Layer 2" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_lights2" label "Reflect Lights" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_model2" label "Specular Model" type string default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 }" menu { "phong" "Phong" "blinn" "Blinn" "cone" "Cone" "ggx" "GGX" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_int2" label "Specular Intensity" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_min2" label "Specular Minimum" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 } { fres_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_clr2" label "Specular Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_angle2" label "Specular Angle" type float default { "10" } disablewhen "{ spec_model2 == ggx } { refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "spec_rough2" label "Specular Roughness" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ spec_model2 != ggx } { refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "script_callback" "" } } parm { name "spec_aniso2" label "Specular Anisotropy" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 } { spec_angle2 == 0 }" range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "spec_anisoangle2" label "Specular Anisotropy Angle" type angle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_lights2 == 0 refl_objs2 == 0 } { spec_angle2 == 0 }" range { 0 360 } export none } parm { name "refl_objs2" label "Reflect Objects" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_sep2" label "Separate Object Reflection Parameters" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_objs2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_int2" label "Reflection Intensity" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_objs2 == 0 } { refl_sep2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_clr2" label "Reflection Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_objs2 == 0 } { refl_sep2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_angle2" label "Reflection Angle" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ spec_model2 == ggx } { refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_objs2 == 0 } { refl_sep2 == 0 }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "refl_rough2" label "Reflection Roughness" type float default { "0.1" } disablewhen "{ spec_model2 != ggx } { refl_enable2 == 0 } { refl_objs2 == 0 } { refl_sep2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refl_label2" label "Reflection Component" type string default { "coat" } disablewhen "{ refl_enable2 == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } } group { name "diffuse_folder_3" label "Refract" parm { name "refr_enable" label "Enable Refractions" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_lights" label "Refract Lights" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_model" label "Refraction Model" type string default { "phong" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 }" menu { "phong" "Phong" "cone" "Cone" "diffuse" "Translucency" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_int" label "Refraction Intensity" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_min" label "Refraction Minimum" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 } { fres_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_clr" label "Refraction Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_angle" label "Refraction Angle" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 } { refr_model == diffuse }" range { 0 90 } export none } parm { name "refr_aniso" label "Refraction Anisotropy" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 } { refr_model == diffuse } { refr_angle == 0 }" range { -1 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_anisoangle" label "Refraction Anisotropy Angle" type angle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_lights == 0 refr_objs == 0 } { refr_angle == 0 }" range { 0 360 } export none } parm { name "refr_objs" label "Refract Objects" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "atten_enable" label "Enable Attenuation" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_objs == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "atten_den" label "Attenuation Density" type float default { "0.5" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_objs == 0 } { atten_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "atten_clr" label "Attenuation Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 } { refr_objs == 0 } { atten_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_thin" label "Thin Film Refraction" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "refr_label" label "Refraction Component" type string default { "refract" } disablewhen "{ refr_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } group { name "diffuse_folder_4" label "Emission" parm { name "emit_enable" label "Enable Emission" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "emit_int" label "Emission Intensity" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ emit_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "emit_clr" label "Emission Color" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } disablewhen "{ emit_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "emit_illum" label "Emission Illuminates Objects" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ emit_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } } group { name "diffuse_folder_5" label "Opacity" parm { name "opac_int" label "Opacity Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "opac_clr" label "Opacity" type color size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fake_enable" label "Enable Fake Caustics" type toggle default { "1" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fake_min" label "Min Shadow Intensity" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ fake_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "fake_max" label "Max Shadow Intensity" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ fake_enable == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "opac_falloff" label "Enable Opacity Falloff" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "opac_para" label "Parallel Opacity" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ opac_falloff == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "opac_perp" label "Perp Opacity" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ opac_falloff == 0 }" range { 0 1 } export none } parm { name "opac_rolloff" label "Opacity Rolloff" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ opac_falloff == 0 }" range { 0 10 } export none } } } INDX DialogScriptZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "switchlightingbsdf" script "switchlightingbsdf" label "Switch Lighting BSDF" code { "$f = switch($direct, $indirect);" } output bsdf f "Switch BSDF" input bsdf direct "Direct Lighting BSDF" input bsdf indirect "Indirect Lighting BSDF" } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptW!Zy0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for tangentnormals automatically generated { name tangentnormals script bakenormals label "Tangent Normals" input vector P "Surface Position" input vector N "Surface Normal" input int source Source input int space Space input int range Range output vector export_normals "Export Normals" inputflags P 0 inputflags N 0 inputflags source 0 inputflags space 0 inputflags range 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector int int int vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "source" label "Source" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "0" "Geometry Difference" "1" "Shader Normals" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "space" label "Space" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "0" "Tangent" "1" "World" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "range" label "Range" type ordinal default { "1" } menu { "0" "-1 to 1" "1" "0 to 1" } range { 0 1 } } group { name "Compiler" label "Compiler" invisibletab parm { name "vop_force_code_context" label "Force Code in Context" type string invisible default { "surface" } help "A string property on a VOP digital asset node that specifies shading contexts in which the node should force generation of code. In a multi-context network such as vopmaterial, not all nodes should generate code for a given context. For example, some nodes are applicable only to surface shader while other to displacement shader. Only a few nodes initiate (force) generation of code, such as Collect VOP, Output VOP, or exporting Parameter VOP. Then, only nodes that feed into them will also generate code. If an HDA does not have output connectors or wants to generate code even if not (indirectly) connected to the Output VOP, it can use this property parameter to specify the shading context in which to initiate generation of code." range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Compiler" } } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWZ]0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for testgeometry_rubbertoy automatically generated { name testgeometry_rubbertoy script testgeometry_rubbertoy label "Test Geometry: Rubber Toy" help { "" } inputlabel 1 "Sub-Network Input #1" inputlabel 2 "Sub-Network Input #2" inputlabel 3 "Sub-Network Input #3" inputlabel 4 "Sub-Network Input #4" outputlabel 1 "Sub-Network Output #1" parm { name "t" label "Translate" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } range { -1 1 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } } parm { name "uniformscale" label "Uniform Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "autoscope" "0000000000000000" } parmtag { "units" "m1" } } parm { name "difficulty" label "Difficulty" type ordinal default { "0" } menu { "hard" "Hard" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "addshader" label "Add Shader" type toggle default { "1" } export all } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 */ #include { name "texture" script "texture" label "texture" code { "if ($map != \"\") {" "#if defined(VOP_SHADING)" " float myS = $isconnected_s ? $s : s;" " float myT = $isconnected_t ? $t : t;" " int fptex = $isconnected_ptexface ? $ptexface : getptextureid();" "#else" " float myS = $s;" " float myT = $t;" " int fptex = $ptexface;" "#endif" " string wrapmode = $wrap;" " if ($orient & 0x01) { myS = 1 - myS; }" " if ($orient & 0x02) { myT = 1 - myT; }" " if ($orient & 0x04) { float x = myS; myS = myT; myT = x; }" " string map_udim = $map;" " if ($udim) { map_udim = expand_udim(myS, myT, $map); }" " if (map_udim == '') { $clr = set($defclr); }" " else {" " if (map_udim != $map) {" " myS %= 1.0; myT %= 1.0;" " wrapmode = 'streak';" " }" " if ($isconnected_ds != 0 && $isconnected_dt != 0) {" " float tds = $ds*0.5, tdt = $dt*0.5;" " if ($orient & 0x04) { float x = tds; tds = tdt; tdt = x; }" " $clr = texture(map_udim," " myS - tds, myT - tdt," " myS + tds, myT - tdt," " myS + tds, myT + tdt," " myS - tds, myT + tdt," " \"wrap\", wrapmode, \"filter\", $filter," " \"width\", $width, \"border\", $border," " \"extrapolate\", $extrapol, \"lerp\", $interp," " \"channel\", $channel, \"face\", fptex," " \"blur\", $blur, \"pixelblur\", $pixelblur," " \"srccolorspace\", $srccolorspace);" " } else {" " $clr = texture(map_udim, myS, myT, \"wrap\", wrapmode," " \"filter\", $filter, \"width\", $width," " \"border\", $border, \"extrapolate\", $extrapol," " \"channel\", $channel, \"face\", fptex," " \"lerp\", $interp," " \"blur\", $blur, \"pixelblur\", $pixelblur," " \"srccolorspace\", $srccolorspace);" " }" " }" "} else {" " $clr = set($defclr);" "}" } input string map "Texture Map" input int udim "UDIM Filename Expansion" input float s "S Coordinate" input float t "T Coordinate" input float ds "S Derivative" input float dt "T Derivative" input string srccolorspace "Source Color Space" input string wrap "Wrap" // The parameters for map and wrap need to occur before the filter // macros are invoked (so that the parameters match the input // order) parm { name map label "Texture Map" type image default { "Mandril.pic" } } parm { name udim label "UDIM Filename Expansion" type toggle size 1 default { 0 } } parm { name srccolorspace label "Source Color Space" type string menu { "auto" "Automatic" "linear" "Linear" } default { "auto" } } parm { name wrap label "Wrap" type string menu { "repeat" "Repeat" "streak" "Streak" "decal" "Decal" } default { "repeat" } } VOP_FULL_FILTER_INPUT(filter, "Filter Type") VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( width, "Filter Width", 1, 1, 10) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( blur, "Texture Blur", 0, 0, 1) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( pixelblur, "Pixel Blur", 0, 0, 10) input vector4 border "Border Color" input int extrapol "Extrapolate Derivatives" input int interp "Interpolate MIP Levels" input vector4 defclr "Default Color" output vector clr "Texture Map Color" parm { name border label "Border Color" type color4 size 4 default { 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 } } parm { name extrapol label "Extrapolate Derivatives" type toggle size 1 default { 1 } } parm { name interp label "Interpolate MIP Levels" type toggle size 1 default { 0 } } VOP_CLR4_PARM("defclr", "Default Color", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_STR_INPUT(channel, "Texture Channel", "") VOP_INT_INPUT(ptexface, "PTexture Face", 0) input int orient "UV Orientation" parm { name orient label "UV Orientation" type int default { 0 } menu { "0" "Default" "1" "Flip S" "2" "Flip T" "3" "Flip S and T" "4" "Swap S/T" "5" "Swap S/T, Flip S" "6" "Swap S/T, Flip T" "7" "Swap S/T, Flip S and T" } } signature "RGB Values" default { } signature "RGBA Values" v4 { string int float float float float string string string float float float vector4 int int vector4 string int int vector4 } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWX=0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for thinfilmfresnel automatically generated { name thinfilmfresnel script thinfilmfresnel label "Thin Film Fresnel" input vector nI Direction input vector nN Normal input float eta Eta output float kr kr output float kt kt output vector R R output vector T T inputflags nI 0 inputflags nN 0 inputflags eta 0 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector vector float float float vector vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "eta" label "Index Of Refraction" type float default { "0.8" } range { 0.1 1 } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "transform" script "transform" label "transform" code { "$to = $function($fromspace, $tospace, $from);" } input vector from "3D Entity Value" input string fromspace "From Space" input string tospace "To Space" output vector to "Transformed 3D Entity" parm { name from label "3D Entity Value" type float size 3 default { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } } parm { name function label "Interpretation" type string menu { "ptransform" "Position" "vtransform" "Direction Vector" "ntransform" "Normal" } default { "ptransform" } unquoted } parm { name fromspace label "From Space" type oppath parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ!!" } parmtag { "oppathkeywords" "space:" } default { "space:current" } menureplace { "space:world" "World Space" "space:camera" "Camera Space" "space:object" "Object Space" "space:ndc" "NDC Space" "space:current" "Current Space" "space:light" "Light Source Space" "space:lightndc" "Light Source NDC Space" "/obj/geo1" "Object Name" } } parm { name tospace label "To Space" type oppath parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ!!" } parmtag { "oppathkeywords" "space:" } default { "space:object" } menureplace { "space:world" "World Space" "space:camera" "Camera Space" "space:object" "Object Space" "space:ndc" "NDC Space" "space:current" "Current Space" "space:light" "Light Source Space" "space:lightndc" "Light Source NDC Space" "/obj/geo1" "Object Name" } } } INDX DialogScript #ZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "turbnoise" script "turbnoise" label "turbnoise" outercode { "#include " } code { "if ($type == \"onoise\")" "{" " $noise = onoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"snoise\")" "{" " $noise = snoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"anoise\")" "{" " $noise = anoise($pos*$freq - $offset, $turb, $rough, $atten);" " $noise *= $amp;" "}" "else if ($type == \"correctnoise\")" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_correctperlinNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_correctperlinNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" "else if ($type == \"xnoise\")" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_simplexNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_simplexNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" "else" "{" "#if !strcmp($signature, \"default\")" " $noise = vop_perlinNoiseVF($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#else" " $noise = vop_perlinNoiseVV($pos * $freq - $offset, $turb, $amp, $rough, $atten);" "#endif" "}" } input string type "Noise Type" parm { name type label "Noise Type" type string menu { "pnoise" "Perlin Noise" "onoise" "Original Perlin Noise" "snoise" "Sparse Convolution Noise" "anoise" "Alligator Noise" "xnoise" "Simplex Noise" "correctnoise" "Zero Centered Perlin Noise" } default { "anoise" } } VOP_VEC_INPUT ( pos, "Position", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_INPUT ( freq, "Frequency", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC_INPUT ( offset, "Offset", 0, 0, 0) VOP_FLT_INPUT_R( amp, "Amplitude", 1, -1, 1) VOP_FLT_INPUT ( rough, "Roughness", .5) VOP_FLT_INPUT ( atten, "Attenuation", 1) VOP_INT_INPUT_R( turb, "Turbulence", 5, 0, 10) output float noise "Noise" signature "1D Noise" default { } signature "3D Noise" v { string vector vector vector float float float int vector } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "twoway" script "twoway" label "twoway" code { "#ifndef __vex" " $result = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? $input2 : $input1)" " : ($condition != 0 ? $input1 : $input2));" "#else" " #if !strcmp($signature, \"b\")" " float $scale = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? 1 : 0)" " : ($condition != 0 ? 0 : 1));" " $result = (1-$scale)*$input1 + $scale*$input2;" " #else" " $result = ($condtype != 0 ? ($condition != 0 ? $input2 : $input1)" " : ($condition != 0 ? $input1 : $input2));" " #endif" "#endif" } input int condition "Condition Value (int)" input float input1 "Input 1" input float input2 "Input 2" output float result "Output Value" signature "Float" default { } signature "Integer" i { int int int int } signature "String" s { int string string string } signature "2D Vector" u { int vector2 vector2 vector2 } signature "3D Vector" v { int vector vector vector } signature "3D Point" p { int point point point } signature "3D Normal" n { int normal normal normal } signature "RGB Color" c { int color color color } signature "BSDF" b { int bsdf bsdf bsdf } signature "4D Vector" v4 { int vector4 vector4 vector4 } signature "2x2 Matrix" m2 { int matrix2 matrix2 matrix2 } signature "3x3 Matrix" m3 { int matrix3 matrix3 matrix3 } signature "4x4 Matrix" m { int matrix matrix matrix } signature "Uniform Float" uf { ufloat ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { ufloat uvector uvector uvector } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { ufloat upoint upoint upoint } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { ufloat unormal unormal unormal } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ufloat ucolor ucolor ucolor } signature "Uniform 4x4 Matrix" um { ufloat umatrix umatrix umatrix } parm { name condtype label Condition type int menu { "true" "Use Input 1 If Condition True" "false" "Use Input 1 If Condition False" } default { 0 } } VOP_FLT_PARM(input2, "Input 2", 0) VOP_INT_PARM(input2_i, "Input 2", 0) VOP_STR_PARM(input2_s, "Input 2", "") VOP_VEC2_PARM(input2_u, "Input 2", 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_v, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_p, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_n, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(input2_c, "Input 2", 1, 1, 1) VOP_VEC4_PARM(input2_v4, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0, 0) parm { name input2_m2 label "Input 2" type float size 4 default { 1 0 0 1 } } parm { name input2_m3 label "Input 2" type float size 9 default { 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 } } parm { name input2_m label "Input 2" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } VOP_FLT_PARM(input2_uf, "Input 2", 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uv, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_up, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_un, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(input2_uc, "Input 2", 0, 0, 0) parm { name input2_um label "Input 2" type float size 16 default { 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 } } group { name "g0" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g1" obsolete 12.0 } group { name "g2" obsolete 12.0 } } INDX DialogScriptF0Y¼# Dialog script for unifiednoise::2.0 automatically generated { name unifiednoise::2.0 script pyro_noise label "Unified Noise" outercode { "#include " "#include " "" } code { "$noise = 0;" "$x_avg = 0;" "$x_oct = 0;" "$x_off = 0;" "" "#if !strcmp($signature, f1)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype float" "#elif !strcmp($signature, f2)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype vector2" "#elif !strcmp($signature, default)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature, f4)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype vector4" "#elif !strcmp($signature, fd)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature, fd4)" "#define rtype float" "#define ptype vector4" "#elif !strcmp($signature, v1)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype float" "#elif !strcmp($signature, v2)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype vector2" "#elif !strcmp($signature, v3)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature, v4)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype vector4" "#elif !strcmp($signature, vd)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype vector" "#elif !strcmp($signature, vd4)" "#define rtype vector" "#define ptype vector4" "#endif" "" "" "if($isconnected_pos)" "{" " float $dfreq = $dispfreq;" " if($basis == \"pperlin\" || $basis == \"pflow\")" " $dfreq = (int)$dispfreq;" " " " #if !strcmp($signature, \"fd\") || !strcmp($signature, \"vd\")" " int $dual = 1;" " ptype $p1 = (ptype)($pos.rest * $freq - $offset);" " ptype $p2 = (ptype)($pos.rest2 * $freq - $offset);" " float $kp1 = $pos.rest_ratio;" " float $kp2 = $pos.rest2_ratio;" " #elif !strcmp($signature, \"fd4\") || !strcmp($signature, \"vd4\")" " int $dual = 1;" " ptype $p1 = (ptype)$pos.rest;" " ptype $p2 = (ptype)$pos.rest2;" " $p1.w = $pos.time;" " $p2.w = $pos.time;" " $p1 = $p1 * $freq - $offset;" " $p2 = $p2 * $freq - $offset;" " float $kp1 = $pos.rest_ratio;" " float $kp2 = $pos.rest2_ratio;" " #else" " int $dual = 0;" " ptype $p1 = (ptype)($pos * $freq - $offset);" " ptype $p2 = (ptype)$p1; " " float $kp1 = 1;" " float $kp2 = 0;" " #endif" "" " ptype $tperiod = (ptype) $period;" "" " if($dual) {" " }" "" " #if $isconnected_fw" " float $fwidth1 = $fw1;" " float $fwidth2 = $fw1;" " #else" " float $fwidth1 = VOPFW($p1);" " float $fwidth2 = $dual ? VOPFW($p2) : $fwidth1;" " #endif" " " " // unified_noise parms which we don't expose, since they're sort" " // of covered by the output correction" " int $inv = 0;" " float $expon = 1.0;" " " " float $fmax = max($freq);" " float $lw = $disp*$fmax;" " float $fs1 = $fwidth1 * $fscale;" " float $fs2 = $fwidth2 * $fscale;" " float $e = max(0,$expon);" "" " rtype $n1=0, $n2=0;" " " " if($fractal == \"none\")" " {" " if($kp1>0) $n1 = unified_noise($basis, $p1,$inv,$cc_fold,$accuml,$accumg, $fs1,$e,$tperiod," " $dolwarp,$dogwarp, $lw,$dfreq,$gflow,$flowrot," " $x_avg,$x_off);" " if($kp2!=0) $n2 = unified_noise($basis, $p2,$inv,$cc_fold,$accuml,$accumg, $fs2,$e,$tperiod," " $dolwarp,$dogwarp, $lw,$dfreq,$gflow,$flowrot," " $x_avg,$x_off);" " }" " else" " {" " //printf(\"%s\\n\", $basis);" " if($kp1>0) $n1 = unified_fractal_noise($fractal, $basis, $p1,$inv,$cc_fold,$accuml,$accumg, $fs1,$e,$tperiod," " $dolwarp,$dogwarp, $lw,$dfreq,$gflow,$flowrot," " $x_avg,$x_off, //export args" " $oct,$lac,$rough, // fractal args" " $x_oct); // fractal export args" " if($kp2!=0) $n2 = unified_fractal_noise($fractal, $basis, $p2,$inv,$cc_fold,$accuml,$accumg, $fs2,$e,$tperiod," " $dolwarp,$dogwarp, $lw,$dfreq,$gflow,$flowrot," " $x_avg,$x_off, // export args" " $oct,$lac,$rough, // fractal args" " $x_oct); // fractal export args" " }" "" " $noise = $n1*$kp1 + $n2*$kp2;" "" " $noise = noise_cc($noise, $cc_inv, " " $cc_dobias,$cc_bias, " " $cc_dogain,$cc_gain, " " $cc_dorng,$cc_rnglo,$cc_rnghi, $cc_amp);" "}" "" "#undef rtype" "#undef ptype" } input vector pos "Sample Location" input string basis "Noise Type" input vector4 freq Frequency input vector4 offset Offset input vector4 period Period input string fractal Fractal input float oct "Max Octaves" input float lac Lacunarity input int dolwarp "Enable Lattice Warp" input int accuml "Accumulate Lattice Warp" input float disp "Lattice Warp" input float dispfreq Freq input int dogwarp "Enable Gradient Warp" input int accumg "Accumulate Gradient Warp" input float gflow "Gradient Warp" input float flowrot "Flow Rotation" input float rough Roughness input int docc "Output Correction" input int cc_fold Fold input int cc_dobias "Do Bias" input vector cc_bias Bias input int cc_dogain "Do Gain" input vector cc_gain Gain input int cc_inv Complement input int cc_dorng "Output Range (Clamped)" input vector cc_rnglo "New Minimum" input vector cc_rnghi "New Maximum" input vector cc_amp "Final Amplitude" input float fw "Filter Width Override" input float fscale "Filter Scale" output float noise Noise output float x_avg "Median For Current Parameterization" output float x_oct "Actual Number Of Octaves" output vector x_off "Offset Due To Warps (Current Space)" inputflags pos 0 inputflags basis 0 inputflags freq 0 inputflags offset 0 inputflags period 0 inputflags fractal 0 inputflags oct 0 inputflags lac 0 inputflags dolwarp 0 inputflags accuml 0 inputflags disp 0 inputflags dispfreq 0 inputflags dogwarp 0 inputflags accumg 0 inputflags gflow 0 inputflags flowrot 0 inputflags rough 0 inputflags docc 0 inputflags cc_fold 0 inputflags cc_dobias 0 inputflags cc_bias 0 inputflags cc_dogain 0 inputflags cc_gain 0 inputflags cc_inv 0 inputflags cc_dorng 0 inputflags cc_rnglo 0 inputflags cc_rnghi 0 inputflags cc_amp 0 inputflags fw 0 inputflags fscale 0 signature "3D Input, 1D Noise" default { vector string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "1D Input, 1D Noise" f1 { float string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "2D Input, 1D Noise" f2 { vector string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "4D Input, 1D Noise" f4 { vector4 string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "3D Dual Rest Input, 1D Noise" fd { struct_DualRest string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "4D Dual Rest Input, 1D Noise" fd4 { struct_DualRest4 string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float float float float vector } signature "1D Input, 3D Noise" v1 { float string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } signature "2D Input, 3D Noise" v2 { vector string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } signature "3D Input, 3D Noise" v3 { vector string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } signature "4D Input, 3D Noise" v4 { vector4 string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } signature "3D Dual Rest Input, 3D Noise" vd { struct_DualRest string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } signature "4D Dual Rest Input, 3D Noise" vd4 { struct_DualRest4 string vector4 vector4 vector4 string float float int int float float int int float float float int int int vector int vector int int vector vector vector float float vector float float vector } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides f1 { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides f2 { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides f4 { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides fd { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides fd4 { ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v1 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v2 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v3 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides v4 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides vd { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } outputoverrides vd4 { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) } help { "" } parm { name "signature" baseparm label "Signature" export none } parm { name "basis" label "Noise Type" type string default { "simplex" } menu { "sine" "Sinusoid" "perlin" "Perlin" "pperlin" "Periodic Perlin" "simplex" "Simplex (Improved Perlin)" "sparse" "Sparse Convolution" "flow" "Flow" "pflow" "Periodic Flow" "worleyFA" "Worley (cellular) F1" "worleyFB" "Worley (cellular) F2-F1" "mworleyFA" "Manhattan Worley (cellular) F1" "mworleyFB" "Manhattan Worley (cellular) F2-F1" "cworleyFA" "Chebyshev Worley (cellular) F1" "cworleyFB" "Chebyshev Worley (cellular) F2-F1" "alligator" "Alligator" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "freq" label "Frequency" type vector4 size 4 default { "1" "1" "1" "1" } range { -1 1 } } parm { name "offset" label "Offset" type vector4 size 4 default { "0" "0" "0" "0" } range { -1 1 } } parm { name "period" label "Period" type vector4 size 4 default { "1" "1" "1" "1" } hidewhen "{ basis != pperlin basis != pflow }" range { 0! 1 } } groupsimple { name "folder1" label "Fractal" parm { name "fractal" label "Fractal Type" type string default { "none" } menu { "none" "None" "fBm" "Standard (fBm)" "mfT" "Terrain" "hmfT" "Hybrid Terrain" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "oct" label "Max Octaves" type float default { "8" } hidewhen "{ fractal == none } { fractal == none }" range { 0! 16 } } parm { name "lac" label "Lacunarity" type float default { "2.01234" } hidewhen "{ fractal == none }" range { 0 4 } } parm { name "rough" label "Roughness" type float default { "0.5" } hidewhen "{ fractal == none }" range { 0! 1 } } } groupsimple { name "folder2" label "Warping" parm { name "dolwarp" label "Enable Lattice Warp" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "accuml" label "Accumulate Lattice Warp" type toggle default { "0" } hidewhen "{ dolwarp == 0 } { fractal == none }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "disp" label "Lattice Warp" type float joinnext default { "0" } hidewhen "{ dolwarp == 0 }" range { -0.5 0.5 } } parm { name "dispfreq" label "Freq" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ dolwarp == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "dogwarp" label "Enable Gradient Warp" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "accumg" label "Accumulate Gradient Warp" type toggle default { "0" } hidewhen "{ dogwarp == 0 } { fractal == none }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "gflow" label "Gradient Warp" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ dogwarp == 0 }" range { -0.5 0.5 } } parm { name "flowrot" label "Flow Rotation" type float default { "0" } hidewhen "{ basis != flow basis != pflow }" range { 0 1 } } } groupsimple { name "folder0_1" label "Output Correction" parm { name "cc_fold" label "Fold" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cc_dobias" label "Bias" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ docc == 0 }" range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cc_bias" label "Bias" type vector size 3 default { "0.5" "0.5" "0.5" } hidewhen "{ cc_dobias == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "cc_dogain" label "Gain" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cc_gain" label "Gain" type vector size 3 default { "0.5" "0.5" "0.5" } hidewhen "{ cc_dogain == 0 }" range { 0! 1! } } parm { name "cc_inv" label "Complement" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cc_dorng" label "Output Range (Clamped)" type toggle default { "0" } range { 0 1 } } parm { name "cc_rnglo" label "New Minimum" type vector size 3 default { "0" "0" "0" } hidewhen "{ cc_dorng == 0 }" range { -1 1 } } parm { name "cc_rnghi" label "New Maximum" type vector size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } hidewhen "{ cc_dorng == 0 }" range { 0 2 } } parm { name "cc_amp" label "Final Amplitude" type vector size 3 default { "1" "1" "1" } range { 0 2 } } } parm { name "fscale" label "Filter Scale" type float default { "1" } range { 0! 2 } } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWU80707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424300001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for uvcoords automatically generated 03/23/15 14:38:00 { name uvcoords script uvcoords label "UV Coords" output vector uv "Output Value" output float s "Component 1" output float t "Component 2" signature "Default Inputs" default { vector float float } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) } help { "" } } INDX DialogScriptRZG/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ { name "uvspacechg" script "uvspacechg" label "uvspacechg" code { "vector $myP = $isconnected_P ? $P : P;" "" "if ($space == \"world\")" " $xformP = ptransform(\"space:current\", \"space:world\", $myP);" "else if ($space == \"object\")" " $xformP = wo_space($myP);" "else if ($space == \"ndc\")" " $xformP = toNDC($myP);" "else" " $xformP = $myP;" } input vector P "UVW Position" input string space "Space" output vector xformP "Transformed UVW Position" parm { name space label "Space" type string menu { "object" "Object" "ndc" "Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC)" "world" "World" "current" "Current (Unchanged)" } default { "object" } } } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "vecgetcompon" script "vecgetcompon" label "vecgetcompon" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "$fval = vop_getcomp($vec, $part);" } input vector vec "Input Vector" output float fval "Output Component" signature "3D Vector" default { } signature "3D Point" p { point float } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float } signature "RGB Color" c { color float } signature "4D Vector" v4 { vector4 float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector float } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint float } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal float } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor float } parm { name part label "Vector Component" type int menu { 0 "Component 1" 1 "Component 2" 2 "Component 3" } default { 0 } } VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_n, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_c, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC4_PARM(vec_v4, "Input", 0, 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Input", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uc, "Input", 0, 0, 0) } INDX DialogScriptZF/* * PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. This software is proprietary to * Side Effects Software Inc., and is not to be reproduced, * transmitted, or disclosed in any way without written permission. * * Produced by: * Side Effects Software Inc * 477 Richmond Street West * Toronto, Ontario * Canada M5V 3E7 * 416-504-9876 * */ #include { name "vectofloat" script "vectofloat" label "vectofloat" outercode { INCLUDE_VOPLIB } code { "vop_vectofloat($vec, $fval1, $fval2, $fval3);" } input vector vec "Input Vector" output float fval1 "Component 1" output float fval2 "Component 2" output float fval3 "Component 3" VOP_VEC_PARM(vec, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_p, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_n, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec_c, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_uv, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_up, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_VEC_PARM(vec_un, "Value", 0, 0, 0) VOP_CLR_PARM(vec_uc, "Value", 0, 0, 0) signature "3D Vector" default { vector float float float } signature "3D Point" p { point float float float } signature "3D Normal" n { normal float float float } signature "RGB Color" c { color float float float } signature "Uniform 3D Vector" uv { uvector ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Point" up { upoint ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform 3D Normal" un { unormal ufloat ufloat ufloat } signature "Uniform RGB Color" uc { ucolor ufloat ufloat ufloat } } INDXContentsWZV( DialogScriptWQGO0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542424200001300000000000TRAILER!!!# Dialog script for volumevopglobal automatically generated 03/18/13 13:32:00 { name volumevopglobal script volumevexglobal label "Volume VOP Global Parameters" output vector P P output float density density output int ix ix output int iy iy output int iz iz output int resx resx output int resy resy output int resz resz output vector center center output vector orig orig output vector size size output vector dPdx dPdx output vector dPdy dPdy output vector dPdz dPdz output vector BB BB output float Time Time output float Timeinc Timeinc output float Frame Frame output string OpInput1 OpInput1 output string OpInput2 OpInput2 output string OpInput3 OpInput3 output string OpInput4 OpInput4 signature "Default Inputs" default { vector float int int int int int int vector vector vector vector vector vector vector float float float string string string string } outputoverrides default { ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0,0,0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto (0) ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") ___begin auto ("") } help { "" } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002000000012734expression.func# 5583 bytes ##nkGeomOutPath string nkGeomOutPath(string NKJOBROOT, string TYPEDIR, string ELEM, string ITEM, string SUFFIX, string HEAD, float VER, string dotake, float TAKE, string trange, float frame, float inc, string format, string style) { if (strmatch(format,"abc")) trange = "off"; string SEPARATOR = '_'; float PAD = 3; if (strmatch(style, "legacy")){ string SEPARATOR = '.'; PAD = 1; } if (strlen(NKJOBROOT) > 0 && strlen(TYPEDIR) > 0 && strlen(ELEM) > 0 && strlen(ITEM) > 0){ string JOBROOT = NKJOBROOT + "/" + TYPEDIR+"/"+ELEM+"/"+ITEM; # string ITEM_SUFFIX = ELEM + SEPARATOR + ITEM; string ITEM_SUFFIX = HEAD + ITEM; if(strlen(SUFFIX) > 0){ ITEM_SUFFIX = ITEM_SUFFIX + SEPARATOR + SUFFIX; JOBROOT = JOBROOT + "/" + SUFFIX; } string VER_TAKE = "v"+padzero(3,VER); if (strmatch(dotake,'on')){ if (strmatch(style, "legacy")){ VER_TAKE = VER_TAKE +"_t"+padzero(2,TAKE); } else { VER_TAKE = VER_TAKE +"t"+padzero(2,TAKE); } } if (strmatch(trange,'off')){ return JOBROOT+"/"+VER_TAKE+"/"+ITEM_SUFFIX+SEPARATOR+VER_TAKE+"." + format; }else{ return JOBROOT+"/"+VER_TAKE+"/"+ITEM_SUFFIX+SEPARATOR+VER_TAKE +"."+nkpadzero(4,2,frame,inc)+"." + format; return "############NA###########"; } }else{ return "############NA###########"; } } #nkfileoutPic -- defined in nkmantrta string nkfileoutPic(string NKJOBROOT, string TYPEDIR, string ITEM, string SECONDARY, float VER, float TAKE, string trange, float frame, float inc, string vm_device) { string format = "exr"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'Houdini'))format = "pic"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'TIFF'))format = "tif"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'OpenEXR'))format = "exr"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'PNG'))format = "png"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'JPEG'))format = "jpg"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'RAT'))format = "rat"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'IFD'))format = "ifd"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'IFD.SC'))format = "ifd.sc"; if (strlen(NKJOBROOT) > 0 && strlen(NKJOBROOT) > 0 && strlen(ITEM) > 0){ string JOBROOT = NKJOBROOT +"/"+TYPEDIR; string IMAGEHEAD = ${NK_SHOT}+"_"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE); if(strlen(SECONDARY)>0){ IMAGEHEAD = ${NK_SHOT}+"_"+ITEM+"AOV"+SECONDARY+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE); } if (strmatch(trange,'off')){ return JOBROOT+"/"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE)+"/"+IMAGEHEAD+"." + format; }else{ return JOBROOT+"/"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE)+"/"+IMAGEHEAD+"."+nkpadzero(4,2,frame,inc)+"." + format; } }else{ return "############NA###########"; } } #nkfileoutPic -- defined in nkmantrta string nkfileoutPicHash(string NKJOBROOT, string TYPEDIR, string ITEM, string SECONDARY, float VER, float TAKE, string trange, float frame, float inc, string vm_device) { string format = "exr"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'Houdini'))format = "pic"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'TIFF'))format = "tif"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'OpenEXR'))format = "exr"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'PNG'))format = "png"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'JPEG'))format = "jpg"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'RAT'))format = "rat"; if(strmatch(vm_device,'IFD'))format = "ifd"; if (strlen(NKJOBROOT) > 0 && strlen(NKJOBROOT) > 0 && strlen(ITEM) > 0){ string JOBROOT = NKJOBROOT +"/"+TYPEDIR; string IMAGEHEAD = ${NK_SHOT}+"_"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE); if(strlen(SECONDARY)>0){ IMAGEHEAD = ${NK_SHOT}+"_"+ITEM+"AOV"+SECONDARY+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE); } if (strmatch(trange,'off')){ return JOBROOT+"/"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE)+"/"+IMAGEHEAD+"." + format; }else{ return JOBROOT+"/"+ITEM+"_v"+padzero(3,VER)+"t"+padzero(2,TAKE)+"/"+IMAGEHEAD+".#." + format; } }else{ return "############NA###########"; } } #nkjobroot defined in nkgeomout4.6 string nkjobroot(string DEST) { string JOBROOT = ""; if (strmatch(DEST,'work') && strlen($NK_JOB_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_JOB_PATH; } else if (strmatch(DEST,'user_data') && strlen($NK_JOB_USER_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_JOB_USER_PATH; } else if (strmatch(DEST,'cache') && strlen($NK_JOB_CACHE_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_JOB_CACHE_PATH; } return JOBROOT; } #nkjobrootshot defined in nkgeomout4.0 string nkjobrootshot(string DEST, string SHOT) { string JOBROOT = ""; if (strmatch(DEST,'work') && strlen($NK_SHOW_WORK_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_SHOW_WORK_PATH + '/' + SHOT + '/CG/houdini'; } else if (strmatch(DEST,'user_data') && strlen($NK_SHOW_USER_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_SHOW_USER_PATH + '/' + SHOT + '/CG/houdini'; } else if (strmatch(DEST,'cache') && strlen($NK_SHOW_CACHE_PATH) > 0) { JOBROOT = $NK_SHOW_CACHE_PATH + '/' + SHOT + '/CG/houdini'; } return JOBROOT; } #nkpadzero string nkpadzero(float pad, float padsub, float frame, float inc) { if (inc==int(inc)){ return padzero(pad, frame); }else{ float floorF = floor(frame); return padzero(pad, floorF)+"_"+padzero(padsub,floor((frame - floorF)/inc)); } } #opin string opin(float input) { return opinputpath(".",input); } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000643obj.defcomment "" position 5 2 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139579 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000020obj.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000041obj.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002500000000032obj/VolumeStamp.inittype = geo matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000001030obj/VolumeStamp.defobjflags objflags = origin off pretransform UT_DMatrix4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 comment "" position -1.99435 3.10813 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on selectable on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515141619 modify 1515595974 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003500000052031obj/VolumeStamp.spareparmdef group { name "stdswitcher4" label "Transform" parm { name "xOrd" baseparm label "Transform Order" joinnext export none } parm { name "rOrd" baseparm label "Rotate Order" nolabel export none } parm { name "t" baseparm label "Translate" export all } parm { name "r" baseparm label "Rotate" export all } parm { name "s" baseparm label "Scale" export none } parm { name "p" baseparm label "Pivot Translate" export none } parm { name "pr" baseparm label "Pivot Rotate" export none } parm { name "scale" baseparm label "Uniform Scale" export none } parm { name "pre_xform" baseparm label "Modify Pre-Transform" export none } parm { name "keeppos" baseparm label "Keep Position When Parenting" export none } parm { name "childcomp" baseparm label "Child Compensation" export none } parm { name "constraints_on" baseparm label "Enable Constraints" export none } parm { name "constraints_path" baseparm label "Constraints" export none } parm { name "lookatpath" baseparm label "Look At" invisible export none } parm { name "lookupobjpath" baseparm label "Look Up Object" invisible export none } parm { name "lookup" baseparm label "Look At Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "pathobjpath" baseparm label "Path Object" invisible export none } parm { name "roll" baseparm label "Roll" invisible export none } parm { name "pos" baseparm label "Position" invisible export none } parm { name "uparmtype" baseparm label "Parameterization" invisible export none } parm { name "pathorient" baseparm label "Orient Along Path" invisible export none } parm { name "up" baseparm label "Orient Up Vector" invisible export none } parm { name "bank" baseparm label "Auto-Bank factor" invisible export none } } group { name "stdswitcher4_1" label "Render" parm { name "shop_materialpath" baseparm label "Material" export none } parm { name "shop_materialopts" baseparm label "Options" invisible export none } parm { name "tdisplay" baseparm label "Display" joinnext export none } parm { name "display" baseparm label "Display" export none } parm { name "viewportlod" label "Display As" type ordinal default { "full" } help "Choose how the object's geometry should be rendered in the viewport" menu { "full" "Full Geometry" "points" "Point Cloud" "box" "Bounding Box" "centroid" "Centroid" "hidden" "Hidden" "subd" "Subdivision Surface / Curves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendervisibility" label "Render Visibility" type string default { "*" } menureplace { "*" "Visible to all" "primary" "Visible only to primary rays" "primary|shadow" "Visible only to primary and shadow rays" "-primary" "Invisible to primary rays (Phantom)" "-diffuse" "Invisible to diffuse rays" "-diffuse&-reflect&-refract" "Invisible to secondary rays" "" "Invisible (Unrenderable)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendervisibility" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubd" label "Render Polygons As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubd" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdstyle" label "Subdivision Style" type string default { "mantra_catclark" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" menu { "mantra_catclark" "Mantra Catmull-Clark" "osd_catclark" "OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdstyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_subdgroup" label "Subdivision Group" type string default { "" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subdgroup" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_quality" label "Open Subdiv Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_vtxinterp" label "OSD Vtx Interp" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "No vertex interpolation" "1" "Edges only" "2" "Edges and Corners" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_vtxinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_osd_fvarinterp" label "OSD FVar Interp" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_rendersubd == 0 vm_subdstyle != osd_catclark }" menu { "0" "Smooth everywhere" "1" "Sharpen corners only" "2" "Sharpen edges and corners" "3" "Sharpen edges and propagated corners" "4" "Sharpen all boundaries" "5" "Bilinear interpolation" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "osd_fvarinterp" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } group { name "folder0" label "Shading" parm { name "categories" label "Categories" type string default { "" } help "A list of tags which can be used to select the object" parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "reflectmask" label "Reflection Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be reflected on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "refractmask" label "Refraction Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Objects that will be refracted on this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightmask" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } help "Lights that illuminate this object." parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/obj" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "lightcategories" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilter" label "Volume Filter" type string default { "box" } menu { "box" "Box Filter" "gaussian" "Gaussian" "bartlett" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning" "Hanning" "blackman" "Blackman" "sinc" "Sinc (sharpening)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumefilterwidth" label "Volume Filter Width" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filterwidth" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_matte" label "Matte shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matte" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_rayshade" label "Raytrace Shading" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rayshade" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "folder0_1" label "Sampling" parm { name "geo_velocityblur" label "Geometry Velocity Blur" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "folder0_2" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingquality" label "Shading Quality" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_flatness" label "Dicing Flatness" type float default { "0.05" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "flatness" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_raypredice" label "Ray Predicing" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Disable Predicing" "1" "Full Predicing" "2" "Precompute Bounds" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raypredice" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_curvesurface" label "Shade Curves As Surfaces" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "curvesurface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "folder0_3" label "Geometry" parm { name "vm_rmbackface" label "Backface Removal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rmbackface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "shop_geometrypath" label "Procedural Shader" type oppath default { "" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!SHOP/GEOMETRY!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "." } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_forcegeometry" label "Force Procedural Geometry Output" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_rendersubdcurves" label "Render Polygon Curves As Subdivision (Mantra)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "rendersubdcurves" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpoints" label "Render As Points (Mantra)" type integer default { "2" } menu { "0" "No Point Rendering" "1" "Render Only Points" "2" "Render Unconnected Points" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_renderpointsas" label "Render Points As (Mantra)" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" menu { "0" "Spheres" "1" "Circles" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderpointsas" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_usenforpoints" label "Use N For Point Rendering" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usenforpoints" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pointscale" label "Point Scale" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderpoints == 0 }" range { 0! 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pointscale" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_pscalediameter" label "Treat Point Scale as Diameter Instead of Radius" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pscalediameter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_metavolume" label "Metaballs as Volume" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "metavolume" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_coving" label "Coving" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Disable Coving" "1" "Coving for displacement/sub-d" "2" "Coving for all primitives" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "coving" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_materialoverride" label "Material Override" type string default { "compact" } menu { "none" "Disabled" "full" "Evaluate for Each Primitve/Point" "compact" "Evaluate Once" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_overridedetail" label "Ignore Geometry Attribute Shaders" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "overridedetail" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } parm { name "vm_procuseroottransform" label "Proc Use Root Transform" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "procuseroottransform" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Geometry" } } } } group { name "stdswitcher4_2" label "Misc" parm { name "use_dcolor" baseparm label "Set Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "dcolor" baseparm label "Wireframe Color" export none } parm { name "picking" baseparm label "Viewport Selecting Enabled" export none } parm { name "pickscript" baseparm label "Select Script" export none } parm { name "caching" baseparm label "Cache Object Transform" export none } parm { name "vport_shadeopen" baseparm label "Shade Open Curves In Viewport" export none } parm { name "vport_displayassubdiv" baseparm label "Display as Subdivision in Viewport" invisible export none } parm { name "vport_onionskin" baseparm label "Onion Skinning" export none } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002500000005071obj/VolumeStamp.parm{ version 0.8 stdswitcher [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) xOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "srt" ) rOrd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "xyz" ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) r [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) s [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) p [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) pr [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) pre_xform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) keeppos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) childcomp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_on [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) constraints_path [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookatpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookupobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lookup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( on ) pathobjpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) roll [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) pos [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) uparmtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "arc" ) pathorient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) up [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) bank [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) shop_materialpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /mat/basicsmoke ) shop_materialopts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) tdisplay [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) display [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) use_dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) picking [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) pickscript [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) caching [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vport_shadeopen [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_displayassubdiv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vport_onionskin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) stdswitcher4 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) viewportlod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "full" ) vm_rendervisibility [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_rendersubd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_subdstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra_catclark ) vm_subdgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_osd_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_osd_vtxinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_osd_fvarinterp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) categories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) reflectmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) refractmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) lightcategories [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_volumefilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( box ) vm_volumefilterwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_matte [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rayshade [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) geo_velocityblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_shadingquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_flatness [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) vm_raypredice [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_curvesurface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_rmbackface [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) shop_geometrypath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_forcegeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_rendersubdcurves [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_renderpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_renderpointsas [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_usenforpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pointscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_pscalediameter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_metavolume [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_coving [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_materialoverride [ 0 locks=0 ] ( compact ) vm_overridedetail [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_procuseroottransform [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003100000000041obj/VolumeStamp.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004000000000044obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003700000001017obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.291118 0.446773 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 pointsfromvolume1 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 pointsfromvolume1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141709 modify 1515595974 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004000000001442obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "point" ) vex_numcount [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vex_threadjobsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1024 ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "f@pscale = rand(@ptnum)+0.5; vector tempN = set(rand(@ptnum),rand(@ptnum+223),rand(@ptnum+456)); v@N = fit01(tempN, -1, 1); i@id = @ptnum;" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_matchattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( id ) vex_inplace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_selectiongroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004400000000031obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes.userdata ___Version___0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004700000000047obj/VolumeStamp/pointsfromvolume1.inittype = pointsfromvolume matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000766obj/VolumeStamp/pointsfromvolume1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.294118 1.48667 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 grid1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 grid1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141719 modify 1515149925 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004700000001566obj/VolumeStamp/pointsfromvolume1.parm{ version 0.8 source [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "auto" ) pointmethod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "sparse" ) invert [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) inittype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "tetrahedral" ) particlesep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2.5 ) iso [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) dominiso [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) miniso [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) jitterseed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) jitterscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) converttofog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) offset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) addscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) radiusscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) dodither [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) dithernormal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 0 ) ditherangle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 45 ) doscatter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) scatter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) relaxpoints [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) relaxiterations [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) dooversampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) oversampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) oversamplingbandwidth [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) newg [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) outputgroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500005300000000126obj/VolumeStamp/pointsfromvolume1.userdata ___Version___2___toolcount___1 ___toolid___dynamics_flipbox0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000000044obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes1.inittype = attribwrangle matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004000000001017obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -9.62406 0.446773 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 pointsfromvolume2 1 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 pointsfromvolume2 0 1 } stat { create 1515141709 modify 1515595974 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000001442obj/VolumeStamp/Attributes1.parm{ version 0.8 folder0 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) grouptype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "guess" ) class [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "point" ) vex_numcount [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vex_threadjobsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1024 ) snippet [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "f@pscale = rand(@ptnum)+0.5; vector tempN = set(rand(@ptnum),rand(@ptnum+223),rand(@ptnum+456)); v@N = fit01(tempN, -1, 1); i@id = @ptnum;" ) exportlist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_strict [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) autobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) bindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) groupautobind [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) groupbindings [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vex_cwdpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( . ) vex_outputmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vex_updatenmls [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_matchattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( id ) vex_inplace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vex_selectiongroup [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 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0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000020vex.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000041vex.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000647mat.defcomment "" position 5 1.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139579 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000020mat.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000041mat.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000000041mat/basicsmoke.inittype = pyroshader matchesdef = 1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002300000015743mat/basicsmoke.defcomment "Created from Gallery Entry: Basic Smoke Smoke volumetric material" position 0 0 connectornextid 167 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on lowdetail off mediumdetail off highdetail on material on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 "" "" 1 "next" 1 "" "" 1 "rest" 2 "" "" 1 "rest_ratio" 3 "" "" 1 "rest2" 4 "" "" 1 "rest2_ratio" 5 "" "" 1 "Cd" 6 "" "" 1 "s_densityscale" 7 "" "" 1 "s_int" 8 "" "" 1 "s_color" 9 "" "" 1 "s_tintwithcd" 10 "" "" 1 "shade_phase" 11 "" "" 1 "fi_int" 12 "" "" 1 "fc_int" 13 "" "" 1 "fc_colormode" 14 "" "" 1 "fc_constantcolor" 15 "" "" 1 "fc_rampmin" 16 "" "" 1 "fc_rampmax" 17 "" "" 1 "fc_colorramp" 18 "" "" 1 "fc_bbtemp" 19 "" "" 1 "fc_bbadapt" 20 "" "" 1 "fc_bbburn" 21 "" "" 1 "s_shadowint" 22 "" "" 1 "s_shadowclr" 23 "" "" 1 "ftype" 24 "" "" 1 "fscale" 25 "" "" 1 "s_fitenable" 26 "" "" 1 "s_fitsrcmin" 27 "" "" 1 "s_fitsrcmax" 28 "" "" 1 "s_fitdestmin" 29 "" "" 1 "s_fitdestmax" 30 "" "" 1 "s_rampenable" 31 "" "" 1 "s_rampextl" 32 "" "" 1 "s_rampextr" 33 "" "" 1 "s_ramp" 34 "" "" 1 "s_contourenable" 35 "" "" 1 "s_contourwidth" 36 "" "" 1 "s_contoursharp" 37 "" "" 1 "s_sclipenable" 38 "" "" 1 "s_sclipstart" 39 "" "" 1 "s_sclipsuppress" 40 "" "" 1 "s_lowlimitenable" 41 "" "" 1 "s_lowlimit" 42 "" "" 1 "s_highlimitenable" 43 "" "" 1 "s_highlimit" 44 "" "" 1 "s_amp" 45 "" "" 1 "s_noiseenable" 46 "" "" 1 "s_noisemode" 47 "" "" 1 "s_noisebasis" 48 "" "" 1 "s_noisefreq" 49 "" "" 1 "s_noiseoffset" 50 "" "" 1 "s_noiseperiod" 51 "" "" 1 "s_noisefractal" 52 "" "" 1 "s_noiseoct" 53 "" "" 1 "s_noiselac" 54 "" "" 1 "s_noiserough" 55 "" "" 1 "s_noisedolwarp" 56 "" "" 1 "s_noiseaccuml" 57 "" "" 1 "s_noisedisp" 58 "" "" 1 "s_noisedispfreq" 59 "" "" 1 "s_noisedogwarp" 60 "" "" 1 "s_noiseaccumg" 61 "" "" 1 "s_noisegflow" 62 "" "" 1 "s_noiseflowrot" 63 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_dobias" 64 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_bias" 65 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_dogain" 66 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_gain" 67 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_inv" 68 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_dorng" 69 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_rnglo" 70 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_rnghi" 71 "" "" 1 "s_noisecc_amp" 72 "" "" 1 "fi_fitenable" 73 "" "" 1 "fi_fitsrcmin" 74 "" "" 1 "fi_fitsrcmax" 75 "" "" 1 "fi_fitdestmin" 76 "" "" 1 "fi_fitdestmax" 77 "" "" 1 "fi_rampenable" 78 "" "" 1 "fi_rampextl" 79 "" "" 1 "fi_rampextr" 80 "" "" 1 "fi_ramp" 81 "" "" 1 "fi_contourenable" 82 "" "" 1 "fi_contourwidth" 83 "" "" 1 "fi_contoursharp" 84 "" "" 1 "fi_sclipenable" 85 "" "" 1 "fi_sclipstart" 86 "" "" 1 "fi_sclipsuppress" 87 "" "" 1 "fi_lowlimitenable" 88 "" "" 1 "fi_lowlimit" 89 "" "" 1 "fi_highlimitenable" 90 "" "" 1 "fi_highlimit" 91 "" "" 1 "fi_amp" 92 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseenable" 93 "" "" 1 "fi_noisemode" 94 "" "" 1 "fi_noisebasis" 95 "" "" 1 "fi_noisefreq" 96 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseoffset" 97 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseperiod" 98 "" "" 1 "fi_noisefractal" 99 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseoct" 100 "" "" 1 "fi_noiselac" 101 "" "" 1 "fi_noiserough" 102 "" "" 1 "fi_noisedolwarp" 103 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseaccuml" 104 "" "" 1 "fi_noisedisp" 105 "" "" 1 "fi_noisedispfreq" 106 "" "" 1 "fi_noisedogwarp" 107 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseaccumg" 108 "" "" 1 "fi_noisegflow" 109 "" "" 1 "fi_noiseflowrot" 110 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_dobias" 111 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_bias" 112 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_dogain" 113 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_gain" 114 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_inv" 115 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_dorng" 116 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_rnglo" 117 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_rnghi" 118 "" "" 1 "fi_noisecc_amp" 119 "" "" 1 "fc_fitenable" 120 "" "" 1 "fc_fitsrcmin" 121 "" "" 1 "fc_fitsrcmax" 122 "" "" 1 "fc_fitdestmin" 123 "" "" 1 "fc_fitdestmax" 124 "" "" 1 "fc_rampenable" 125 "" "" 1 "fc_rampextl" 126 "" "" 1 "fc_rampextr" 127 "" "" 1 "fc_ramp" 128 "" "" 1 "fc_contourenable" 129 "" "" 1 "fc_contourwidth" 130 "" "" 1 "fc_contoursharp" 131 "" "" 1 "fc_sclipenable" 132 "" "" 1 "fc_sclipstart" 133 "" "" 1 "fc_sclipsuppress" 134 "" "" 1 "fc_lowlimitenable" 135 "" "" 1 "fc_lowlimit" 136 "" "" 1 "fc_highlimitenable" 137 "" "" 1 "fc_highlimit" 138 "" "" 1 "fc_amp" 139 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseenable" 140 "" "" 1 "fc_noisemode" 141 "" "" 1 "fc_noisebasis" 142 "" "" 1 "fc_noisefreq" 143 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseoffset" 144 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseperiod" 145 "" "" 1 "fc_noisefractal" 146 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseoct" 147 "" "" 1 "fc_noiselac" 148 "" "" 1 "fc_noiserough" 149 "" "" 1 "fc_noisedolwarp" 150 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseaccuml" 151 "" "" 1 "fc_noisedisp" 152 "" "" 1 "fc_noisedispfreq" 153 "" "" 1 "fc_noisedogwarp" 154 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseaccumg" 155 "" "" 1 "fc_noisegflow" 156 "" "" 1 "fc_noiseflowrot" 157 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_dobias" 158 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_bias" 159 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_dogain" 160 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_gain" 161 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_inv" 162 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_dorng" 163 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_rnglo" 164 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_rnghi" 165 "" "" 1 "fc_noisecc_amp" 166 "" "" 1 "density" } inputs { 0 "" 0 1 1 "" 0 1 2 "" 0 1 3 "" 0 1 4 "" 0 1 5 "" 0 1 6 "" 0 1 7 "" 0 1 8 "" 0 1 9 "" 0 1 10 "" 0 1 11 "" 0 1 12 "" 0 1 13 "" 0 1 14 "" 0 1 15 "" 0 1 16 "" 0 1 17 "" 0 1 18 "" 0 1 19 "" 0 1 20 "" 0 1 21 "" 0 1 22 "" 0 1 23 "" 0 1 24 "" 0 1 25 "" 0 1 26 "" 0 1 27 "" 0 1 28 "" 0 1 29 "" 0 1 30 "" 0 1 31 "" 0 1 32 "" 0 1 33 "" 0 1 34 "" 0 1 35 "" 0 1 36 "" 0 1 37 "" 0 1 38 "" 0 1 39 "" 0 1 40 "" 0 1 41 "" 0 1 42 "" 0 1 43 "" 0 1 44 "" 0 1 45 "" 0 1 46 "" 0 1 47 "" 0 1 48 "" 0 1 49 "" 0 1 50 "" 0 1 51 "" 0 1 52 "" 0 1 53 "" 0 1 54 "" 0 1 55 "" 0 1 56 "" 0 1 57 "" 0 1 58 "" 0 1 59 "" 0 1 60 "" 0 1 61 "" 0 1 62 "" 0 1 63 "" 0 1 64 "" 0 1 65 "" 0 1 66 "" 0 1 67 "" 0 1 68 "" 0 1 69 "" 0 1 70 "" 0 1 71 "" 0 1 72 "" 0 1 73 "" 0 1 74 "" 0 1 75 "" 0 1 76 "" 0 1 77 "" 0 1 78 "" 0 1 79 "" 0 1 80 "" 0 1 81 "" 0 1 82 "" 0 1 83 "" 0 1 84 "" 0 1 85 "" 0 1 86 "" 0 1 87 "" 0 1 88 "" 0 1 89 "" 0 1 90 "" 0 1 91 "" 0 1 92 "" 0 1 93 "" 0 1 94 "" 0 1 95 "" 0 1 96 "" 0 1 97 "" 0 1 98 "" 0 1 99 "" 0 1 100 "" 0 1 101 "" 0 1 102 "" 0 1 103 "" 0 1 104 "" 0 1 105 "" 0 1 106 "" 0 1 107 "" 0 1 108 "" 0 1 109 "" 0 1 110 "" 0 1 111 "" 0 1 112 "" 0 1 113 "" 0 1 114 "" 0 1 115 "" 0 1 116 "" 0 1 117 "" 0 1 118 "" 0 1 119 "" 0 1 120 "" 0 1 121 "" 0 1 122 "" 0 1 123 "" 0 1 124 "" 0 1 125 "" 0 1 126 "" 0 1 127 "" 0 1 128 "" 0 1 129 "" 0 1 130 "" 0 1 131 "" 0 1 132 "" 0 1 133 "" 0 1 134 "" 0 1 135 "" 0 1 136 "" 0 1 137 "" 0 1 138 "" 0 1 139 "" 0 1 140 "" 0 1 141 "" 0 1 142 "" 0 1 143 "" 0 1 144 "" 0 1 145 "" 0 1 146 "" 0 1 147 "" 0 1 148 "" 0 1 149 "" 0 1 150 "" 0 1 151 "" 0 1 152 "" 0 1 153 "" 0 1 154 "" 0 1 155 "" 0 1 156 "" 0 1 157 "" 0 1 158 "" 0 1 159 "" 0 1 160 "" 0 1 161 "" 0 1 162 "" 0 1 163 "" 0 1 164 "" 0 1 165 "" 0 1 166 "" 0 1 } stat { create 1515156725 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 creator gallery::basicsmoke explicit 1 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000026004mat/basicsmoke.parm{ version 0.8 folder2_4 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) folder6 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_densityscale [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 50 ) s_int [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_color [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) s_tintwithcd [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "on" ) shade_phase [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) folder2_3_4 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_int [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) fc_int [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.20000000000000001 ) fc_colormode [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) fc_constantcolor [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) fc_rampmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_rampmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_colorramp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) fc_bbtemp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5000 ) fc_bbadapt [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.14999999999999999 ) fc_bbburn [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) folder8 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_shadowint [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_shadowclr [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) folder15 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) ftype [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( point ) fscale [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_volumename [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( density ) folder16 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 ) s_fitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_fitsrcmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_fitsrcmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_fitdestmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_fitdestmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_rampenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_rampextl [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) s_rampextr [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) s_ramp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) s_contourenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_contourwidth [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.02 ) s_contoursharp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 4 ) s_sclipenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_sclipstart [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.80000000000000004 ) s_sclipsuppress [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_lowlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_lowlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_highlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_highlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_noiseenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisemode [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisebasis [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( simplex ) s_noisefreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5 5 5 1 ) s_noiseoffset [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 ) s_noiseperiod [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 ) folder17 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisefractal [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( none ) s_noiseoct [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 8 ) s_noiselac [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2.01234 ) s_noiserough [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) folder18 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisedolwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noiseaccuml [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisedisp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisedispfreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_noisedogwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noiseaccumg [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisegflow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noiseflowrot [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) folder5_1_2 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisecc_dobias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisecc_bias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) s_noisecc_dogain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisecc_gain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) s_noisecc_inv [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisecc_dorng [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) s_noisecc_rnglo [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_noisecc_rnghi [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_noisecc_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) fi_volumename [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( heat ) folder19 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 ) fi_fitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_fitsrcmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_fitsrcmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_fitdestmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_fitdestmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_rampenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_rampextl [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) fi_rampextr [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) fi_ramp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) fi_contourenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_contourwidth [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.02 ) fi_contoursharp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 4 ) fi_sclipenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_sclipstart [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.80000000000000004 ) fi_sclipsuppress [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_lowlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_lowlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_highlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_highlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_noiseenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisemode [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisebasis [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( simplex ) fi_noisefreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5 5 5 1 ) fi_noiseoffset [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5 0 0 0 ) fi_noiseperiod [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 ) folder20 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisefractal [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( none ) fi_noiseoct [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 8 ) fi_noiselac [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2.01234 ) fi_noiserough [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) folder21 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisedolwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noiseaccuml [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisedisp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisedispfreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_noisedogwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noiseaccumg [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisegflow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noiseflowrot [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) folder22 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisecc_dobias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisecc_bias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) fi_noisecc_dogain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisecc_gain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) fi_noisecc_inv [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisecc_dorng [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fi_noisecc_rnglo [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_noisecc_rnghi [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_noisecc_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) fc_volumename [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( temperature ) folder7_3 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 ) fc_fitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_fitsrcmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_fitsrcmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_fitdestmin [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_fitdestmax [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_rampenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_rampextl [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) fc_rampextr [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( hold ) fc_ramp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2 ) fc_contourenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_contourwidth [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.02 ) fc_contoursharp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 4 ) fc_sclipenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_sclipstart [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.80000000000000004 ) fc_sclipsuppress [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_lowlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_lowlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_highlimitenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_highlimit [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_noiseenable [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisemode [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisebasis [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( simplex ) fc_noisefreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5 5 5 1 ) fc_noiseoffset [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 5 0 0 0 ) fc_noiseperiod [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 1 ) folder23 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisefractal [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( none ) fc_noiseoct [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 8 ) fc_noiselac [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 2.01234 ) fc_noiserough [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) folder24 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisedolwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noiseaccuml [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisedisp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisedispfreq [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_noisedogwarp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noiseaccumg [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisegflow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noiseflowrot [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) folder25 [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisecc_dobias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisecc_bias [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) fc_noisecc_dogain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisecc_gain [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0.5 ) fc_noisecc_inv [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisecc_dorng [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "off" ) fc_noisecc_rnglo [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_noisecc_rnghi [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_noisecc_amp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) smokemask_export_name [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( smoke_mask ) firemask_export_name [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( fire_mask ) direct [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) indirect [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) Ce [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) direct_emission [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) all_emission [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) all [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) indirect_emission [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) direct_comp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) indirect_comp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) all_comp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) direct_noshadow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) direct_shadow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) indirect_noshadow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) indirect_shadow [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) level [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) diffuselevel [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) specularlevel [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) volumelevel [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) direct_samples [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) indirect_samples [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) nlights [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) direct_noshadow_comp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) indirect_noshadow_comp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) nddispersion [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) ndpriority [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) ndior [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) absorption [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) layer [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "" ) fc_colorramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_colorramp1c [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) fc_colorramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) fc_colorramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_colorramp2c [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) fc_colorramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) s_ramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_ramp1value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) s_ramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) s_ramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_ramp2value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) s_ramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) fi_ramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_ramp1value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fi_ramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) fi_ramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_ramp2value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fi_ramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) fc_ramp1pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_ramp1value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 0 ) fc_ramp1interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) fc_ramp2pos [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_ramp2value [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( 1 ) fc_ramp2interp [ 0 locks=0 autoscope=0 ] ( "linear" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003000000000362mat/basicsmoke.userdata ___Version_____inputgroup_Exports collapsed!__inputgroup_Fire Intensity Field collapsed#__inputgroup_Fire Temperature Field collapsed__inputgroup_General collapsed__inputgroup_Smoke Field collapsed0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004200000000042obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp1.inittype = volumestamp matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000001112obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.294118 -0.826017 connectornextid 4 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 3 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 vdb1 0 1 "input1" 1 Attributes 1 1 "input2" 2 switch1 2 1 "input3" } inputs { 0 vdb1 0 1 1 Attributes 0 1 2 switch1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141627 modify 1515150356 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004200000000534obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp1.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) stamppts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) mergemethod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "add" ) samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) dopremult [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) dounpremult [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) numstamps [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) enable1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) attrib1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( id ) stamp1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ID ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000041obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000032obj/VolumeStamp/vdb1.inittype = vdb matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003100000000716obj/VolumeStamp/vdb1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -1.86297 0.413523 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515141630 modify 1515149819 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 1 1 1 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000002033obj/VolumeStamp/vdb1.parm{ version 0.8 ngrids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) source [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) voxelsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) center [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) taper [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) zmin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) zmax [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) usecamwindow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) winx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) winy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) uniformsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "maxaxis" ) samplediv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) divsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000000000001 ) zscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) stdswitcher1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) enable1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) name1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) class1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "fog volume" ) type1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "float" ) precision1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "single" ) vectype1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "invariant" ) bgfloat1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgint1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgbool1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgvec3s1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) bgvec3i1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) vdbvis1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "fromtype" ) vdbvisiso1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vdbvisdensity1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003600000000041obj/VolumeStamp/vdb1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000033obj/VolumeStamp/grid1.inittype = grid matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000723obj/VolumeStamp/grid1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.294118 2.48667 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515141636 modify 1515149925 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000516obj/VolumeStamp/grid1.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) orient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "zx" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 10 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) rows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) cols [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) orderu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) orderv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) interpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) interpv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003700000000041obj/VolumeStamp/grid1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000046obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons1.inittype = vdbfrompolygons matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004500000000763obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 2.73115 1.13361 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 box1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 box1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141670 modify 1515150430 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000001016obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons1.parm{ version 0.8 voxelsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) builddistance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) distancename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( surface ) buildfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) fogname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useworldspaceunits [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) exteriorbandvoxels [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) interiorbandvoxels [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) exteriorband [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) interiorband [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) fillinterior [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) unsigneddist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) numattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500005200000000041obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000046obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons2.inittype = vdbfrompolygons matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004500000000771obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 4.93271 1.13361 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 sphere1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 sphere1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141670 modify 1515150436 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 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0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003400000001103obj/VolumeStamp/switch1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 4.07825 0.115451 connectornextid 3 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 2 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 vdbfrompolygons1 1 1 "input1" 1 vdbfrompolygons2 1 1 "input2" } inputs { 0 vdbfrompolygons1 0 1 1 vdbfrompolygons2 0 1 } stat { create 1515150344 modify 1515596008 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 1 0.7 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003400000000257obj/VolumeStamp/switch1.chn{ channel input { lefttype = extend righttype = extend flags = 0 segment { length = 0 expr = "stamp(\"../volumestamp1\", \"ID\", 0)%2" } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003500000000065obj/VolumeStamp/switch1.parm{ version 0.8 input [ 8 locks=0 ] ( [ input 0 ] ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000000041obj/VolumeStamp/switch1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000032obj/VolumeStamp/box1.inittype = box matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003100000000721obj/VolumeStamp/box1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 2.7324 2.17096 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515150428 modify 1515150499 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000657obj/VolumeStamp/box1.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) consolidatepts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) divrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) orderrate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 4 4 ) dodivs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 3 3 ) rebar [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) orientedbbox [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vertexnormals [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003600000000041obj/VolumeStamp/box1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003500000000035obj/VolumeStamp/sphere1.inittype = sphere matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003400000000722obj/VolumeStamp/sphere1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 4.93396 2.17096 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515150435 modify 1515150499 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003500000000707obj/VolumeStamp/sphere1.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) rad [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) scale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) orient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "y" ) freq [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) rows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 13 ) cols [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 24 ) orderu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) orderv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) imperfect [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) upole [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) accurate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) triangularpoles [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000000041obj/VolumeStamp/sphere1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004200000000042obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp2.inittype = volumestamp matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004100000001136obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -9.73142 -0.826017 connectornextid 4 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 3 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 vdb2 0 1 "input1" 1 Attributes1 1 1 "input2" 2 vdbfrompolygons3 1 1 "input3" } inputs { 0 vdb2 0 1 1 Attributes1 0 1 2 vdbfrompolygons3 0 1 } stat { create 1515141627 modify 1515595953 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004200000000534obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp2.parm{ version 0.8 group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) stamppts [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) mergemethod [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "add" ) samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) seed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) dopremult [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) dounpremult [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) numstamps [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) enable1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) attrib1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) stamp1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000041obj/VolumeStamp/volumestamp2.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000032obj/VolumeStamp/vdb2.inittype = vdb matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003100000000716obj/VolumeStamp/vdb2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -11.6139 0.413523 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515141630 modify 1515152970 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 1 1 1 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000002032obj/VolumeStamp/vdb2.parm{ version 0.8 ngrids [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) source [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) voxelsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.20000000000000001 ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) center [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) taper [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) zmin [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) zmax [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) usecamwindow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) winx [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) winy [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 1 ) uniformsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "maxaxis" ) samplediv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) divs [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 1 1 ) divsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.10000000000000001 ) zscale [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) stdswitcher1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 ) enable1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) name1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) class1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "fog volume" ) type1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "float" ) precision1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "single" ) vectype1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "invariant" ) bgfloat1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgint1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgbool1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) bgvec3s1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) bgvec3i1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) vdbvis1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "fromtype" ) vdbvisiso1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vdbvisdensity1 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003600000000041obj/VolumeStamp/vdb2.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000033obj/VolumeStamp/grid2.inittype = grid matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000723obj/VolumeStamp/grid2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -9.62106 2.48667 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 0 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515141636 modify 1515150628 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000516obj/VolumeStamp/grid2.parm{ version 0.8 type [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "poly" ) surftype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "quads" ) orient [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "zx" ) size [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 10 ) t [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 ) rows [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) cols [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) orderu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) orderv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) interpu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) interpv [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003700000000041obj/VolumeStamp/grid2.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000000046obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons3.inittype = vdbfrompolygons matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004500000001033obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons3.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -7.09743 0.449323 connectornextid 2 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { 1 "output1" } inputsNamed3 { 0 testgeometry_rubbertoy1 0 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 testgeometry_rubbertoy1 0 1 } stat { create 1515141670 modify 1515153490 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500004600000001016obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons3.parm{ version 0.8 voxelsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.050000000000000003 ) group [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) builddistance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) distancename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( surface ) buildfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) fogname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( density ) useworldspaceunits [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) exteriorbandvoxels [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) interiorbandvoxels [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 ) exteriorband [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) interiorband [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) fillinterior [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) unsigneddist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) numattrib [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500005200000000041obj/VolumeStamp/vdbfrompolygons3.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000033obj/VolumeStamp/null1.inittype = null matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000772obj/VolumeStamp/null1.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position -9.73142 -2.70233 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 volumestamp2 3 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 volumestamp2 0 1 } stat { create 1515156620 modify 1515596007 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.6 0.7 0.77 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000124obj/VolumeStamp/null1.parm{ version 0.8 copyinput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cacheinput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003700000000041obj/VolumeStamp/null1.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000033obj/VolumeStamp/null2.inittype = null matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003200000000770obj/VolumeStamp/null2.defsopflags sopflags = comment "" position 0.294118 -2.70233 connectornextid 1 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { 0 volumestamp1 3 1 "input1" } inputs { 0 volumestamp1 0 1 } stat { create 1515156620 modify 1515596007 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.6 0.7 0.77 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003300000000124obj/VolumeStamp/null2.parm{ version 0.8 copyinput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) cacheinput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003700000000041obj/VolumeStamp/null2.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002600000000332obj/VolumeStamp.order19 volumestamp1 vdb1 grid1 vdbfrompolygons1 Attributes pointsfromvolume1 vdbfrompolygons2 switch1 box1 sphere1 Attributes1 pointsfromvolume2 volumestamp2 vdb2 grid2 vdbfrompolygons3 testgeometry_rubbertoy1 null1 null2 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000000002obj/VolumeStamp.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000002obj.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000647out.defcomment "" position 5 0.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139579 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000020out.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000041out.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000000032out/mantra_ipr.inittype = ifd matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002300000000645out/mantra_ipr.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515156625 modify 1515158313 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003400000222653out/mantra_ipr.spareparmdef parm { name "execute" baseparm label "Render to Disk" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderpreview" baseparm label "Render to MPlay" joinnext export none } parm { name "executebackground" baseparm label "Render to Disk in Background" joinnext export none } parm { name "renderdialog" baseparm label "Controls..." nolabel export none } parm { name "trange" baseparm label "Valid Frame Range" export none } parm { name "f" baseparm label "Start/End/Inc" export none } parm { name "take" baseparm label "Render With Take" export none } parm { name "camera" baseparm label "Camera" export none } parm { name "override_camerares" baseparm label "Override Camera Resolution" export none } parm { name "res_fraction" baseparm label "Resolution Scale" export none } parm { name "res_override" baseparm label "Resolution" joinnext export none } parm { name "res_overrideMenu" baseparm label "Choose Resolution" nolabel export none } parm { name "aspect_override" baseparm label "Pixel Aspect Ratio" export none } group { name "images6" label "Images" parm { name "soho_program" baseparm label "soho Program" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_shopstyle" baseparm label "soho SHOP Style" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_ipr_support" baseparm label "IPR Supported" invisible export none } parm { name "soho_previewsupport" baseparm label "Preview Supported" invisible export none } parm { name "vm_picture" baseparm label "Output Picture" export none } parm { name "vm_device" baseparm label "Output Device" export none } parm { name "soho_mkpath" baseparm label "Create Intermediate Directories" export none } parm { name "soho_skip_frame" baseparm label "Skip Rendered Frames" export none } group { name "output6" label "Output" parm { name "vm_pfilter" label "Pixel Filter" type string default { "gaussian -w 2" } menureplace { "box -w 1" "Unit Box Filter" "gaussian -w 2" "Gaussian 2x2" "gaussian -w 3" "Gaussian 3x3 (softer)" "gaussian -w 2 -r 1" "Gaussian 2x2 with noisy sample refiltering" "combine -t 20.0" "Ray Histogram Fusion" "bartlett -w 2" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom -w 3" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning -w 2" "Hanning" "blackman -w 2" "Blackman" "sinc -w 3" "Sinc (sharpening)" "edgedetect" "Edge Detection Filter" "minmax min" "Closest Sample Filter" "minmax max" "Farthest Sample Filter" "minmax median" "Median Sample Filter" "minmax edge" "Disable Edge Antialiasing" "minmax ocover" "Object With Most Pixel Coverage (average)" "minmax idcover" "Object With Most Coverage (no filtering)" "minmax omin" "Object With Most Coverage (minimum z-value)" "minmax omax" "Object With Most Coverage (maximum z-value)" "minmax omedian" "Object With Most Coverage (median z-value)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "plane" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pfilter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_sfilter" label "Sample Filter" type string default { "alpha" } menu { "alpha" "Opacity Filtering" "closest" "Closest Surface" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "plane" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "sfilter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_quantize" label "Quantization" type string default { "half" } menu { "8" "8 bit integer" "16" "16 bit integer" "half" "16 bit float" "float" "32 bit float" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "plane" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "quantize" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_gamma" label "Gamma" type float default { "1" } range { 0.001 3 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "plane" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "gamma" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_subpixel" label "Sub-Pixel Output" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "subpixel" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_tile_render" label "Tiled Render" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_tile_count_x" label "Horizontal Tiles" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_tile_render == 0 }" range { 1! 8 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_tile_count_y" label "Vertical Tiles" type integer default { "4" } hidewhen "{ vm_tile_render == 0 }" range { 1! 8 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_tile_index" label "Tile Index" type integer default { "0" } hidewhen "{ vm_tile_render == 0 }" range { 0 63 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_writecheckpoint" label "Output Checkpoint Files" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "writecheckpoint" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "vm_readcheckpoint" label "Resume from Checkpoint Files" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "readcheckpoint" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "render_viewcamera" label "Create Image From Viewing Camera" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "render_any_shadowmap" label "Auto-Generate Shadow Maps" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "render_any_envmap" label "Auto-Generate Environment Maps" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "render_any_photonmap" label "Auto-Generate Photon Maps" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } parm { name "render_any_pointcloud" label "Auto-Generate Light Point Clouds" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Output" } } } group { name "output6_1" label "Extra Image Planes" parm { name "vm_exportcomponents" label "Export Components" type string default { "diffuse reflect coat refract volume sss" } menureplace { "diffuse reflect sss" "Basic Components" "diffuse reflect coat refract volume sss" "Common Components" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "exportcomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_P" label "Shading Position (P)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_Pz" label "Shading Depth (Pz)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_N" label "Shading Normal (N)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_all_comp" label "Combined Lighting (per-component)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_direct_comp" label "Direct Lighting (per-component)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_indirect_comp" label "Indirect Lighting (per-component)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_all_emission" label "Combined Emission" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_direct_noshadow" label "Direct Unshadowed" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_direct_samples" label "Direct Ray Samples" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_indirect_samples" label "Indirect Ray Samples" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_sss" label "SSS Single/Multi" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_basecolor" label "Surface Unlit Base Color (basecolor)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_diffcolor" label "Surface Unlit Diffuse Color (diffcolor)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_speccolor" label "Surface Unlit Specular Color (speccolor)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_emitcolor" label "Surface Emission Color (emitcolor)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_ssscolor" label "Surface SSS Color (ssscolor)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_metallic" label "Surface Metallic (metallic)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quickplane_specrough" label "Surface Specular Roughness (specrough)" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_showextraplaneparms" label "Show extra image plane parameters" type toggle invisible default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } multiparm { name "vm_numaux" label "Extra Image Planes" parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } parm { name "vm_disable_plane#" label "Disable Plane #" type toggle joinnext default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_excludedcm_plane#" label "Exclude from DCM" type toggle default { "0" } hidewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != camera }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_variable_plane#" label "VEX Variable" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 }" menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('MantraPlanes')\")`" ] } parmtag { "script_callback" "`pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').updatePlaneType($script_multiparm_index, '$script_value')\")`" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_vextype_plane#" label "VEX Type" type string default { "vector" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 }" menu { "float" "Float Type" "vector" "Vector Type" "vector4" "Vector4 Type" "unitvector" "Unit Vector Type" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_channel_plane#" label "Channel Name" type string default { "" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_usefile_plane#" label "Different File" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } hidewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" } { vm_picture == ip }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_filename_plane#" label "Different File" type file default { "" } disablewhen "{ vm_usefile_plane# == 0 }" hidewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" } { vm_picture == ip }" menureplace { [ "echo `pythonexprs(\"__import__('toolutils').parseDialogScriptMenu('FBrender')\")`" ] } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_quantize_plane#" label "Quantize" type string default { "half" } help "image:quantize" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" menu { "8" "8 bit integer" "16" "16 bit integer" "half" "16 bit float" "float" "32 bit float" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_sfilter_plane#" label "Sample Filter" type string default { "alpha" } help "image:sfilter" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" menu { "alpha" "Opacity Filtering" "fullopacity" "Full Opacity Filtering" "closest" "Closest Surface" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_pfilter_plane#" label "Pixel Filter" type string default { "" } help "image:pfilter" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" menureplace { "" "Inherit from main plane" "box -w 1" "Unit Box Filter" "gaussian -w 2" "Gaussian 2x2" "gaussian -w 3" "Gaussian 3x3 (softer)" "gaussian -w 2 -r 1" "Gaussian 2x2 with noisy sample refiltering" "combine -t 20.0" "Ray Histogram Fusion" "bartlett -w 2" "Bartlett (triangle)" "catrom -w 3" "Catmull-Rom" "hanning -w 2" "Hanning" "blackman -w 2" "Blackman" "sinc -w 3" "Sinc (sharpening)" "edgedetect" "Edge Detection Filter" "minmax min" "Closest Sample Filter" "minmax max" "Farthest Sample Filter" "minmax median" "Median Sample Filter" "minmax edge" "Disable Edge Antialiasing" "minmax ocover" "Object With Most Pixel Coverage (average)" "minmax idcover" "Object With Most Coverage (no filtering)" "minmax omin" "Object With Most Coverage (minimum z-value)" "minmax omax" "Object With Most Coverage (maximum z-value)" "minmax omedian" "Object With Most Coverage (median z-value)" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_gamma_plane#" label "Gamma" type float default { "1" } help "image:gamma" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ vm_showextraplaneparms == 0 }" range { 0.001 3 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_gain_plane#" label "Gain" type float default { "1" } help "image:gain" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ vm_showextraplaneparms == 0 }" range { 0.001 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_dither_plane#" label "Dither" type float default { "0.5" } help "image:dither" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ vm_showextraplaneparms == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_whitepoint_plane#" label "White Point" type float default { "1" } help "image:whitepoint" disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ vm_showextraplaneparms == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_componentexport#" label "Export variable for each component" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Extra Image Planes" } } parm { name "vm_lightexport#" label "Light Exports" type integer default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" menu { "0" "No light exports" "1" "Export variable for each light" "2" "Merge all lights into single channel" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "" } } parm { name "vm_lightexport_scope#" label "Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } disablewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" }" hidewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" } { vm_lightexport# == 0 }" parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } } parm { name "vm_lightexport_select#" label "Light Selection" type string default { "*" } hidewhen "{ vm_disable_plane# == 1 } { vm_variable_plane# == \"\" } { vm_lightexport# == 0 }" } } } group { name "output6_2" label "Deep Output" parm { name "vm_deepresolver" label "Deep Resolver" type string default { "null" } menu { "null" "No Deep Resolver" "shadow" "Deep Shadow Map" "camera" "Deep Camera Map" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } parm { name "vm_dcmfilename" label "DCM Filename" type file default { "$HIP/dcm.rat" } disablewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != camera }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read_and_write" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "dcm" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filename" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } parm { name "vm_matchdeeppixelfilter" label "Force DCM Pixel Fiter on Image Planes" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != camera }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "matchdeeppixelfilter" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } parm { name "vm_dcmcompositing" label "DCM Pre-Composite Samples" type toggle default { "0" } disablewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != camera }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "dcm" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "compositing" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } parm { name "vm_dcmdepthplanes" label "DCM Special Planes" type string default { "zfront,zback" } disablewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != camera }" menureplace { "zfront,zback" "Z-Front And Z-Back" "zfront" "Z-Front" "zfront,zback,deepcover,deepflags" "Z-Front/Back, Coverage and Flags" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "dcm" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "depth_planes" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } parm { name "vm_dsmfilename" label "DSM Filename" type file default { "$HIP/dsm.rat" } disablewhen "{ vm_deepresolver != shadow }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read_and_write" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "dsm" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "filename" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Deep Output" } } } group { name "output6_3" label "Cryptomatte" multiparm { name "vm_cryptolayers" label "Cryptomatte Layers" default 0 parmtag { "spare_category" "Cryptomatte" } parm { name "vm_cryptolayerenable" label "vm_cryptolayerenable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "1" } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayerprop" label "Property" type string default { "materialname" } menureplace { "materialname" "Material Name" "name" "Object Name" } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayername" label "Channel Name" type string default { "CryptoMaterial" } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayerrank" label "Overlap Limit" type integer default { "6" } range { 1 10 } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayeroutput" label "Output Picture" type file default { "$HIP/CryptoMaterial.exr" } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayersidecarenable" label "vm_cryptolayersidecarenable" type toggle nolabel joinnext default { "0" } } parm { name "vm_cryptolayersidecar" label "Manifest File" type string default { "CryptoMaterial.json" } disablewhen "{ vm_cryptolayersidecarenable# != 1 }" } } } group { name "output6_4" label "Meta Data" parm { name "vm_image_artist" label "Artist" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "artist" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_comment" label "Comment" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "comment" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_hostname" label "Hostname" type string default { "" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "hostname" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_mplay_direction" label "MPlay Tile Order" type string default { "middle" } menu { "middle" "Interactive (starting in middle)" "top" "Top down" "bottom" "Bottom up" "hilbert" "Hilbert Curve" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "IPlay.direction" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_mplay_framemode" label "MPlay Frame Mode" type string default { "append" } menu { "append" "Append Frames To Sequence" "match" "Match Houdini Frame Numbers (overwrite frame)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "IPlay.framemode" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_mplay_label" label "MPlay Session Label" type string default { "" } menureplace { "`pythonexprs(\"__import__('os').getpid()\")`" "One per Houdini Process" "$HIPNAME" "One per Houdini File Name (.hip)" "$OS" "One per Output Driver Name (ROP)" "" "One MPlay session only" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "IPlay.label" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_jpeg_quality" label "JPEG Quality" type integer default { "100" } range { 20 100 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "JPEG.quality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_tiff_compression" label "TIFF Compression" type string default { "LZW" } menu { "None" "No compression" "LZW" "LZW Compression" "AdobeDeflate" "Adobe Deflate" "PackBits" "PackBits" "JPEG" "JPEG" "PixarLog" "Pixar Log" "SGILog" "LogLuv" "SGILog24" "LogLuv (24 bit)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "TIFF.compression" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_exr_compression" label "EXR Compression" type string default { "zips" } menu { "none" "No compression" "dwab" "DWA-B, Lossy and Fast (256-scanline block)" "dwaa" "DWA-A, Lossy and Fast (32-scanline block)," "piz" "PIZ Wavelet" "rle" "Runlength Encoding" "zips" "ZIP (Single scanline)" "zip" "ZIP (Multi-scanline blocks)" "piz" "PXR24 (32 bit float compression, lossy)" "b44" "B44 (4x4 block compression, lossy)" "b44a" "B44A (4x4 block extra compression, lossy)" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "OpenEXR.compression" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } parm { name "vm_image_exr_dwa_level" label "DWA Compression Level" type float default { "85" } hidewhen "{ vm_image_exr_compression != dwab }" range { 1 200 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "imageoption" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "OpenEXR.dwa_compression" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Meta Data" } } } } group { name "images6_1" label "Rendering" parm { name "vm_renderengine" label "Rendering Engine" type string default { "raytrace" } menu { "micropoly" "Micropolygon Rendering" "raytrace" "Ray Tracing" "pbrmicropoly" "Micropolygon Physically Based Rendering" "pbrraytrace" "Physically Based Rendering" "photon" "Photon Map Generation" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "renderengine" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "vm_dof" label "Enable Depth Of Field" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "allowmotionblur" label "Allow Motion Blur" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "xform_motionsamples" label "Xform Time Samples" type integer default { "2" } hidewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "geo_motionsamples" label "Geo Time Samples" type integer default { "1" } hidewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" range { 1 10 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "shutteroffset" label "Shutter Offset" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" range { -1 1 } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } parm { name "vm_traceblur" label "Raytrace Motion Blur" type toggle default { "0" } hidewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 } { vm_renderengine != micropoly vm_renderengine != pbrmicropoly }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "traceblur" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Rendering" } } group { name "sampling7" label "Sampling" parm { name "vm_samples" label "Pixel Samples" type intvector2 size 2 default { "3" "3" } range { 1 32 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "samples" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_dorayvariance" label "Ray Variance Antialiasing" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "dorayvariance" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_colorspace" label "Variance Color Space" type string default { "gamma" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" menu { "linear" "Linear" "gamma" "Gamma 2.2" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "colorspace" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_maxnumberofindirectsamples" label "Maximum Number of Indirect Samples" type label nolabel default { "Maximum number of indirect samples: `floor(ch(vm_maxraysamples) * (ch(vm_globalquality) * (ch(vm_diffusequality) + ch(vm_sssquality) + ch(vm_reflectionquality) + ch(vm_refractionquality) ) + 1) )`" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_minraysamples" label "Min Ray Samples" type integer default { "1" } range { 1 64 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "minraysamples" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_maxraysamples" label "Max Ray Samples" type integer default { "9" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 1 64 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "maxraysamples" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_variance" label "Noise Level" type log default { "0.01" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 0.1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "variance" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_globalquality" label "Global Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "globalquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_diffusequality" label "Diffuse Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "diffusequality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_sssquality" label "SSS Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "sssquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_reflectionquality" label "Reflection Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "reflectionquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_refractionquality" label "Refraction Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "refractionquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_volumequality" label "Volume Quality" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_dorayvariance == 0 }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "volumequality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_volumesteprate" label "Volume Step Rate" type log default { "0.25" } range { 0.1 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "volumesteprate" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_volumeshadowsteprate" label "Volume Shadow Step Rate" type log default { "1" } range { 0.1 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "volumeshadowsteprate" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_transparent" label "Stochastic Transparency" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_renderengine == micropoly } { vm_renderengine == pbrmicropoly } { vm_renderengine == photon }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "transparent" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_transparentsamples" label "Stochastic Samples" type integer default { "4" } disablewhen "{ vm_transparent == 0 } { vm_renderengine == micropoly } { vm_renderengine == pbrmicropoly } { vm_renderengine == photon }" range { 1 16 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "transparentsamples" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_samplelock" label "Sample Lock" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "samplelock" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_randomseed" label "Random Seed" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "randomseed" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } parm { name "vm_imageblur" label "Allow Image Motion Blur" type toggle default { "1" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "imageblur" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Sampling" } } } group { name "sampling7_1" label "Limits" parm { name "vm_reflectlimit" label "Reflect Limit" type integer default { "10" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "reflectlimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_refractlimit" label "Refract Limit" type integer default { "10" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "refractlimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_diffuselimit" label "Diffuse Limit" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "diffuselimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_ssslimit" label "SSS Limit" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "ssslimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_volumelimit" label "Volume Limit" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "volumelimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_opacitylimit" label "Opacity Limit" type float default { "0.995" } range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "opacitylimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_colorlimit" label "Color Limit" type float default { "10" } range { 0 20 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "colorlimit" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_raylimiteval" label "At Ray Limit" type string default { "none" } menu { "none" "Use Black Background" "direct" "Use Direct Lighting as Background Color" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raylimiteval" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_raylimitcomponents" label "Ray Limit Components" type string default { "all" } hidewhen "{ vm_raylimiteval != direct }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raylimitcomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } parm { name "vm_raylimitlightmask" label "Ray Limit Light Mask" type oplist default { "*" } hidewhen "{ vm_raylimiteval != direct }" parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raylimitlightmask" } parmtag { "opexpand" "1" } parmtag { "opfilter" "!!OBJ/LIGHT!!" } parmtag { "oprelative" "/" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Limits" } } } group { name "sampling7_2" label "Shading" parm { name "vm_raybias" label "Raytracing Bias" type float default { "0.001" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "raybias" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_biasnormal" label "Bias Along Normal" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "biasnormal" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_nesteddielectric" label "Enable Absorption and Nested Dielectrics" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "nesteddielectric" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_pbrpathtype" label "Allowable Paths" type string default { "diffuse" } menu { "diffuse" "Specular, Diffuse Paths" "all" "All Paths" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "pbrpathtype" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_constrainmaxrough" label "Constrain by Maximum Roughness" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "constrainmaxrough" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_refractcomponents" label "Refract Components" type string default { "refract" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "refractcomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_diffusecomponents" label "Diffuse Components" type string default { "diffuse" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "diffusecomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_volumecomponents" label "Volume Components" type string default { "volume" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "volumecomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } parm { name "vm_ssscomponents" label "SSS Components" type string default { "sss" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "ssscomponents" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Shading" } } } group { name "sampling7_3" label "Render" parm { name "vm_bucketsize" label "Tile Size" type integer default { "16" } range { 1 64 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "image" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "bucket" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_usemaxthreads" label "Use Max Processors" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "User Specified Thread Count" "1" "Use All Processors" "2" "Use All Processors Except One" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usemaxthreads" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_threadcount" label "Thread Count" type integer default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_usemaxthreads > 0 }" range { 1 16 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "threadcount" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_usecacheratio" label "Cache Limit" type integer default { "1" } menu { "0" "Fixed Size" "1" "Proportion of Physical Memory" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "usecacheratio" } parmtag { "mantra_type" "bool" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_cacheratio" label "Cache Memory Ratio" type float default { "0.25" } hidewhen "{ vm_usecacheratio != 1 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "cacheratio" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_cachesize" label "Cache Size (MB)" type intlog default { "1000" } hidewhen "{ vm_usecacheratio == 1 }" range { 100 100000 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "cachesize" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_octreestyle" label "Ray Tracing Accelerator" type string default { "bboxtree" } menu { "kdtree" "KD-Tree" "bboxtree" "Bounding Volume Hierarchy" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "octreestyle" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_kdmemfactor" label "KD-Tree Memory Factor" type float default { "1" } hidewhen "{ vm_octreestyle != kdtree }" range { 0.001 2 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "kdmemfactor" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_hidden" label "Enable Hiding" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "hidden" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_otlfullpath" label "Output OTLs with full paths" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "vm_embedvex" label "Force VEX Shader Embedding" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "declare_stylesheets" label "Declare Style Sheets" type string default { "*" } menutoggle { [ "result = ['*', 'All\\t(*)']" ] [ "styles = hou.styles.styles()" ] [ "for style in styles:" ] [ " desc = hou.styles.description(style)" ] [ " desc = desc if len(desc) > 0 else 'No description'" ] [ " result.append(style)" ] [ " result.append(style + '\\t (' + desc + ')')" ] [ "" ] [ "return result" ] language python } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "apply_stylesheets" label "Apply Style Sheets" type file default { "`pythonexprs(\"' '.join(hou.styles.styles())\")`" } menutoggle { [ "result = []" ] [ "styles = hou.styles.styles()" ] [ "for style in styles:" ] [ " desc = hou.styles.description(style)" ] [ " desc = desc if len(desc) > 0 else 'No description'" ] [ " result.append(style)" ] [ " result.append(style + '\\t (' + desc + ')')" ] [ "" ] [ "return result" ] language python } parmtag { "filechooser_pattern" "*.json" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } parm { name "declare_all_shops" label "Declare Materials" type ordinal default { "off" } menu { "off" "Save Only Referenced Materials and Shaders" "on" "Save All Materials" "all" "Save All Materials and Shaders" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Render" } } } group { name "sampling7_4" label "Dicing" parm { name "vm_shadingfactor" label "Shading Quality Multiplier" type float default { "1" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "shadingfactor" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_motionfactor" label "Motion Factor" type float default { "0" } disablewhen "{ allowmotionblur == 0 vm_dof == 0 }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "object" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "motionfactor" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_measure" label "Geometry Measuring" type string default { "nonraster" } menu { "nonraster" "Non-Raster Measuring" "raster" "Raster Space Measuring" "uniform" "Uniform Measuring" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_measurezimportance" label "Z-Importance" type float default { "1" } disablewhen "{ vm_measure != nonraster }" range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "measure" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "zimportance" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } parm { name "vm_measureoffscreenquality" label "Offscreen Quality" type float default { "0.25" } disablewhen "{ vm_measure != nonraster }" range { 0 1 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "measure" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "offscreenquality" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Dicing" } } } group { name "sampling7_5" label "Statistics" parm { name "soho_spoolrenderoutput" label "Render Output" type ordinal default { "on" } help "Controls whether to capture the render output and add to the node info" menu { "off" "Don't capture render output" "on" "Capture render output for graphical apps" "force" "Capture render output for all apps" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_verbose" label "Verbose Level" type integer default { "0" } range { 0 5 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "verbose" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_vexprofile" label "VEX Profiling" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "No VEX Profiling" "1" "Execution profiling" "2" "Profiling and NAN detection" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "vexprofile" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_alfprogress" label "Alfred Style Progress" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "alfprogress" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_tilecallback" label "Python Tile Callback" type file default { "" } parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "read" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "tilecallback" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_logcolors" label "Colorize Output" type integer default { "0" } menu { "0" "Colored Shell" "1" "HTML Tags" "2" "No Coloring" } range { 0 10 } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_force_output" "1" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "logcolors" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } parm { name "vm_logtimestamps" label "Log Timestamp" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "mantra_class" "renderer" } parmtag { "mantra_name" "logtimestamps" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Statistics" } } } } group { name "images6_2" label "Objects" parm { name "vobject" baseparm label "Candidate Objects" export none } parm { name "forceobject" baseparm label "Force Objects" export none } parm { name "matte_objects" baseparm label "Forced Matte" export none } parm { name "phantom_objects" baseparm label "Forced Phantom" export none } parm { name "excludeobject" baseparm label "Exclude Objects" export none } parm { name "obj_light_sep" baseparm label "Separator" export none } parm { name "sololight" baseparm label "Solo Light" export none } parm { name "alights" baseparm label "Candidate Lights" export none } parm { name "forcelights" baseparm label "Force Lights" export none } parm { name "excludelights" baseparm label "Exclude Lights" export none } parm { name "soho_autoheadlight" baseparm label "Headlight Creation" export none } parm { name "light_fog_sep" baseparm label "Separator" export none } parm { name "vfog" baseparm label "Visible Fog" export none } } group { name "images6_3" label "Scripts" parm { name "tprerender" baseparm label "tprerender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "prerender" baseparm label "Pre-Render Script" joinnext export none } parm { name "lprerender" baseparm label "lprerender" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpreframe" baseparm label "tpreframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "preframe" baseparm label "Pre-Frame Script" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpreframe" baseparm label "lpreframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostframe" baseparm label "tpostframe" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postframe" baseparm label "Post-Frame Script" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostframe" baseparm label "lpostframe" nolabel export none } parm { name "tpostrender" baseparm label "tpostrender" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "postrender" baseparm label "Post-Render Script" joinnext export none } parm { name "lpostrender" baseparm label "lpostrender" nolabel export none } } group { name "images6_4" label "Driver" parm { name "soho_pipecmd" baseparm label "Command" export none } parm { name "soho_outputmode" baseparm label "Save IFD File To Disk" nolabel joinnext export none } parm { name "soho_diskfile" baseparm label "Disk File" export none } parm { name "soho_compression" baseparm label "File Compression" export none } parm { name "soho_foreground" baseparm label "Block Until Render Complete" export none } parm { name "soho_initsim" baseparm label "Initialize Simulation OPs" export none } parm { name "soho_viewport_menu" baseparm label "Show In Viewport Menu" export none } parm { name "vm_inlinestorage" label "Save Geometry Inline" type toggle default { "0" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Driver" } } parm { name "vm_tmpsharedstorage" label "Shared temp storage" type file default { "$HIP/ifds/storage" } disablewhen "{ vm_inlinestorage != 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Driver" } } parm { name "vm_tmplocalstorage" label "Local temp storage" type file default { "$HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR/ifds/storage" } disablewhen "{ vm_inlinestorage != 0 }" parmtag { "filechooser_mode" "write" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Driver" } } parm { name "vm_binarygeometry" label "Save Binary Geometry" type toggle default { "1" } parmtag { "spare_category" "Driver" } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002300000000516out/mantra_ipr.chn{ channel f1 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 1 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 1 1 expr = $FSTART } } channel f2 { lefttype = extend righttype = extend default = 300 flags = 0 segment { length = 0 value = 300 300 expr = $FEND } } } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500002400000017123out/mantra_ipr.parm{ version 0.8 execute [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderpreview [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) executebackground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) renderdialog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) trange [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) f [ 0 locks=0 ] ( [ f1 1 ] [ f2 300 ] 1 ) take [ 0 locks=0 ] ( _current_ ) camera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( /obj/cam1 ) override_camerares [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) res_fraction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.5 ) res_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1280 720 ) res_overrideMenu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) aspect_override [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) images [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) soho_program [ 0 locks=0 ] ( IFD.py ) soho_shopstyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( VMantra ) soho_ipr_support [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_previewsupport [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_picture [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/render/$HIPNAME.$OS.$F4.exr ) vm_device [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_mkpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) soho_skip_frame [ 0 locks=0 ] ( no ) output [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) sampling [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) vobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forceobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) matte_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) phantom_objects [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludeobject [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) obj_light_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) sololight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) alights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) forcelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) excludelights [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) soho_autoheadlight [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) light_fog_sep [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ) vfog [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) tprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) prerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lprerender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( hscript ) tpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) preframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpreframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( hscript ) tpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostframe [ 0 locks=0 ] ( hscript ) tpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) postrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) lpostrender [ 0 locks=0 ] ( hscript ) soho_pipecmd [ 0 locks=0 ] ( mantra ) soho_outputmode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_diskfile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/mantra.ifd ) soho_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( ext ) soho_foreground [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_initsim [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) soho_viewport_menu [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) images6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) output6 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) vm_pfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "gaussian -w 2" ) vm_sfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( alpha ) vm_quantize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( half ) vm_gamma [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_subpixel [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_tile_render [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_tile_count_x [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) vm_tile_count_y [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) vm_tile_index [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_writecheckpoint [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_readcheckpoint [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) render_viewcamera [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) render_any_shadowmap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) render_any_envmap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) render_any_photonmap [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) render_any_pointcloud [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_exportcomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "diffuse reflect coat refract volume sss" ) vm_quickplane_P [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_Pz [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_N [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_all_comp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_direct_comp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_indirect_comp [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_all_emission [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_direct_noshadow [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_direct_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_indirect_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_sss [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_basecolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_diffcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_speccolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_emitcolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_ssscolor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_metallic [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_quickplane_specrough [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_showextraplaneparms [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_numaux [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_deepresolver [ 0 locks=0 ] ( null ) vm_dcmfilename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/dcm.rat ) vm_matchdeeppixelfilter [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_dcmcompositing [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_dcmdepthplanes [ 0 locks=0 ] ( zfront,zback ) vm_dsmfilename [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/dsm.rat ) vm_cryptolayers [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_image_artist [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_image_comment [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_image_hostname [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_image_mplay_direction [ 0 locks=0 ] ( middle ) vm_image_mplay_framemode [ 0 locks=0 ] ( append ) vm_image_mplay_label [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_image_jpeg_quality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 100 ) vm_image_tiff_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( LZW ) vm_image_exr_compression [ 0 locks=0 ] ( zips ) vm_image_exr_dwa_level [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 85 ) vm_renderengine [ 0 locks=0 ] ( raytrace ) vm_dof [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) allowmotionblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) xform_motionsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) geo_motionsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) shutteroffset [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_traceblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) sampling7 [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) vm_samples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 3 3 ) vm_dorayvariance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_colorspace [ 0 locks=0 ] ( gamma ) vm_maxnumberofindirectsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "Maximum number of indirect samples: `floor(ch(vm_maxraysamples) * (ch(vm_globalquality) * (ch(vm_diffusequality) + ch(vm_sssquality) + ch(vm_reflectionquality) + ch(vm_refractionquality) ) + 1) )`" ) vm_minraysamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_maxraysamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 9 ) vm_variance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.01 ) vm_globalquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_diffusequality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_sssquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_reflectionquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_refractionquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_volumequality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_volumesteprate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) vm_volumeshadowsteprate [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_transparent [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_transparentsamples [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 4 ) vm_samplelock [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_randomseed [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_imageblur [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_reflectlimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vm_refractlimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vm_diffuselimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_ssslimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_volumelimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_opacitylimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.995 ) vm_colorlimit [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 10 ) vm_raylimiteval [ 0 locks=0 ] ( none ) vm_raylimitcomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( all ) vm_raylimitlightmask [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) vm_raybias [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.001 ) vm_biasnormal [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_nesteddielectric [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_pbrpathtype [ 0 locks=0 ] ( diffuse ) vm_constrainmaxrough [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_refractcomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( refract ) vm_diffusecomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( diffuse ) vm_volumecomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( volume ) vm_ssscomponents [ 0 locks=0 ] ( sss ) vm_bucketsize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 16 ) vm_usemaxthreads [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 2 ) vm_threadcount [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_usecacheratio [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_cacheratio [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) vm_cachesize [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1000 ) vm_octreestyle [ 0 locks=0 ] ( bboxtree ) vm_kdmemfactor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_hidden [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_otlfullpath [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_embedvex [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) declare_stylesheets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( * ) apply_stylesheets [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "`pythonexprs(\"' '.join(hou.styles.styles())\")`" ) declare_all_shops [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_shadingfactor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_motionfactor [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_measure [ 0 locks=0 ] ( nonraster ) vm_measurezimportance [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 1 ) vm_measureoffscreenquality [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0.25 ) soho_spoolrenderoutput [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_verbose [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_vexprofile [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_alfprogress [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_tilecallback [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "" ) vm_logcolors [ 0 locks=0 ] ( 0 ) vm_logtimestamps [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) vm_inlinestorage [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "off" ) vm_tmpsharedstorage [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HIP/ifds/storage ) vm_tmplocalstorage [ 0 locks=0 ] ( $HOUDINI_TEMP_DIR/ifds/storage ) vm_binarygeometry [ 0 locks=0 ] ( "on" ) } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500003000000000032out/mantra_ipr.userdata 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} inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139579 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001200000000020shop.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001600000000041shop.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000002shop.net1 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000651img.defcomment "" position 4.5 2.5 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139579 modify 1515595976 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001100000000020img.parm{ version 0.8 } 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001500000000041img.userdata ___Version___16.5.2900707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001700000000032img/comp1.inittype = img matchesdef = 0 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001600000000645img/comp1.defcomment "" position 0 0 connectornextid 0 flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display off render off highlight off unload off savedata off compress on colordefault on exposed on outputsNamed3 { } inputsNamed3 { } inputs { } stat { create 1515139583 modify 1515147627 author kitagawa@GPU-02 access 0777 } color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8 delscript "" exprlanguage hscript end 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001700000000020img/comp1.parm{ version 0.8 } 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-i imgview2 imgdispopt -m 256 -P on -M on -A on -g 2.2 -G "* ^P ^Pz ^N ^M ^B ^V ^Af ^Nt" -B 1 -v split -V 2 2 -d h -a off -i 2 -b 0 0 0 -o "" -h on -H on -c 0.8 0.8 0.8 -C 1 1 1 -S 0.8 0.8 0.8 -R 6 -F dc -D "" -I "" -f "" -s off -r 256 256 -p on -l on -t on imgview -z 1 -p (none) 0 -c 0 -l on -s off -i imgview2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 1 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 2 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 3 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 4 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 5 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 6 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 7 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 8 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 9 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 10 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 11 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 12 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 13 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 14 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 15 imgview2d -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -m 0 -p 0 1 -b 1 1 0 -g 2.2 -d "" -c -1 -t off -i on -X on imgview2 16 imgviewtime -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -r 30 -u fr -g 0 -f on -e on -b on -d imgview2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 1 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 2 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 3 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 4 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 5 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 6 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 7 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 8 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 9 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 10 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 11 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 12 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 13 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 14 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 15 imgviewhist -V on -L on -G on -H on -P off -c -1 -h 0 -i on imgview2 16 viewerstow -b open -x open -l open -m hide -c hide -d open Build.panetab1.world vieweroption -a 2 -h 0 -m 1 -r 'View: Mantra' Build.panetab1.world viewergrouplist -g off -s 0 0 -c on -t matchselect -m '*' -e on -p off -h on Build.panetab1.world viewlayout -s 2 Build.panetab1.world viewerinspect Build.panetab1.world mode ( objects ) object_properties ( ) prim_properties ( ) enable ( 0 ) magnify ( 1 ) viewtype -t perspective Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewtype -t ortho_top Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewtype -t ortho_front Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewtype -t ortho_right Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l on -n aaaa3 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l on -n aaaa2 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l on -n aaaa1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l on -n aaaa0 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewname -l off -n persp1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",2)` viewname -l off -n top1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",1)` viewname -l off -n front1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",3)` viewname -l off -n right1 Build.panetab1.world.`vpname("Build.panetab1.world",4)` viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -B dark -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R on -S 768 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieweffect -a 2 -A 4 -b on -B 1 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H on -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 2048 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 2048 2048 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 256 256 256 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewbackground -b on -e off -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.persp1 version ( 3 ) flag ( F ) orthowidth ( 18.5419 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.472355 25714.9 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( -0.3 0.1 30.508 ) pxyz ( -0.3 0.1 0.1 ) rotation ( 0.69617 -0.4778 0.535774 0 0.746332 0.665574 -0.717877 -0.463353 0.519574 ) homedistance ( 30.408 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 18.5419 ) homeorthowidth ( 18.5419 ) homeradius ( 25.6845 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) viewcamera -c '' Build.panetab1.world.persp1 vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.persp1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -B dark -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R on -S 768 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.top1 vieweffect -a 2 -A 4 -b on -B 1 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H on -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 2048 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 2048 2048 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 256 256 256 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewbackground -b on -e off -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.top1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1.19209e-07 1 0 -1 1.19209e-07 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.top1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -B dark -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R on -S 768 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.front1 vieweffect -a 2 -A 4 -b on -B 1 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H on -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 2048 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 2048 2048 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 256 256 256 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewbackground -b on -e off -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.front1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.front1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique scene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r scene selectscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique ghostscene Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L on -G off -B none -r unique display Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P on -p off -f off -o off -F off -l on -L off -G off -B none -r unique current Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispset -m off always -n off always -c off always -u off always -x off always -N off always -C off always -b off always -M off always -v off always -V off always -U off always -h off -P off -p off -f off -o off -F on -l on -L off -G on -B none -r unique template Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -B dark -b off -d off -C 2 -e 1 -F on -f off -g on -G '*' -h off -H on -j off -J off -L on -n 0.2 -o on -O on -q on -r on -s off -t on -V 2 -z off -y off -x off -X off -U 4 -Y 4 -T on -R on -i on -D on -k off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -Q on -m on -v on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -W off 0 0 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdisplay -c on -l1 -K on -P points -p 3 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewdispopts -a on -b current -c 1 -C 60 -d on -D 1 -g on -i on -n on -N 1000000 -o off -p 10 -r off -R on -S 768 -m 0.05 -s on -u uv -w 0.1 -W 0.9 -x on -X off Build.panetab1.world.right1 vieweffect -a 2 -A 4 -b on -B 1 -d on -D on off -e 0.8 -E -30 -30 -100 -f 1 -F 0 -g 2.2 -G 0 -h 1 -H on -i on -I 1 -j on -J 20 -K 2 -k 1 -l '' -m on -M 2048 -o off -O 3 -p off -P 3 -q 1 -Q 2 -r 2048 2048 -s 1 -t 100 -T 100 -u off -U off -v 256 256 256 -w 0.05 -W off -x 0.4 0.4 0.4 -X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -y 0.4 0.4 0.4 -Y 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 -z 0.25 -Z 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewinfotext -m off Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewlight -a on -d on -e on -h off -l on -n 8 -s on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewbackground -b on -e off -q 1 -i off -m 0 0 -M 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 persp Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 cam Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 top Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 front Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 right Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 bottom Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 back Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 1 left Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewroto -S file -F '$HH/pic/uvgrid_grey.pic' -C '' -a on -o 0 0 -s 1 1 -B 0.2 uv Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewtransform Build.panetab1.world.right1 version ( 3 ) flag ( Fo ) orthowidth ( 2.22222 ) focal ( 50 ) aperture ( 41.4214 ) window ( 0 1 0 1 ) winroll ( 0 ) clear ( 1 ) nearfar ( 0.1 3467.78 ) aspect ( 1.33333 ) pixelaspect ( 1 ) txyz ( 0 0 3.68246 ) pxyz ( 0 0 0 ) rotation ( 6.12323e-17 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 6.12323e-17 ) homedistance ( 3.68246 ) homeadjboxwidth ( 2.22222 ) homeorthowidth ( 2.22222 ) homeradius ( 3.4641 ) homeaxis ( 0 ) homecustom ( 0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 0 0.866025 0.5 -0.707107 -0.353553 0.612372 ) adjustlimits ( 3 ) vieworthogrid -d on -o 0 0 0 -s 0.2 0.2 -r 5 5 -R 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewuvgrid -r on -s 0.1 0.1 -P off -S 64 64 -O 0 0 -C on -t on Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewagentopts -L on -b 0 -d 1 -l 0 -m 4 -p 1000 -w 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewonionskin -e on -a 4 -b 4 -i 6 -o 0.5 -A 1 1 1 -B 1 1 1 Build.panetab1.world.right1 viewsnapshotoption -s off -h off -a 1 -v '*' Build.panetab1.world cplane -o -2 0 -2 -n 0 1 0 -x 0 0 1 -l n -s 0.1 0.1 -c 40 40 -r 10 10 -d off Build.panetab1.world glcache -t 512 -v 2048 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab14 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab1 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab2 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab3 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab4 /img/comp1/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab13 /ch/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab11 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab5 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab6 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab12 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab7 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab8 /obj/ panepath -d Build -f -p panetab9 /obj/VolumeStamp/switch1 panepath -d Build -f -p panetab10 /obj/ desk set Build radial menu set main viewupdate -u always audiopanel -s p '' audiopanel -s r off audiopanel -s s 24 audiopanel -s f 24 audiopanel -t p stop audiopanel -t l off audiopanel -t r on audiopanel -o m off audiopanel -o t on audiopanel -o u on audiopanel -o l 1 audiopanel -o r 1 audiopanel -o d 0 audiopanel -r d 0.2 audiopanel -m 0 audiopanel -a '' audiopanel -f 1 audiopanel -O 0 colorsettings -D -A -g 2.2 -l "" -p -s -v -i -r -c -f compproject -r 1920 1080 -a 1 -d fp16 -p 0 1 -P full -f 0 -F 0 -l on texcache -a off -r 2147483647 2147483647 -m 10000 -M 16074 shopvisible +I3D +VMantra +RIB 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500000700000000060.takesHoudiniTakeFile 1.0 take name Main kids 0 e 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001000000000007.stylesNSJb{}0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500000500000000024.cwdopcf / takeset Main 0707070000010000000006660000000000000000010000001322542435500001300000000000TRAILER!!!