No More Retake



Houdini Recipe:VDB Advect Points

Houdini Tips!


Previously,I posted an aricle that advecting particles by using smoke.
this is another Method of that.
The previous article, I use “POP Advect by Volume” Node, in order to move the particles by the smoke.
You can do the same thing using VDB.
Using VDB Advect Points(SOP) Node, you can advect point by using VDB.

VdbAdvectPoint01The Network part to advect point  is below picture.


Converting the field to VDB, Vel field has become to three scalar VDB(xyz), so I use VDB Vector Merge(SOP) to create one vector VDB.

Features of this meshod is processing of advection is SOP, and precess is light.

Picture below is the capture of the Preview.
The number of point is 1,000,000.

That’s all for today.

SampleFile ->VdbAdvect_Sample.hiplc

(Houdini 15)

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  1. hmy 2016.04.05 2:43am

    thanks for your sharing~
    but i dont know are they point or volume to render?

    • 0
    • 0
    • kitagawa 2016.04.05 11:46am


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